
  1. 基于孔隙分形几何的生物质型煤固硫性能研究

    Research on sulfur retention of bio-briquette based on pore fractal geometry

  2. 气化高硫型煤固硫的研究

    Research on fixed - sulphur of gasification high - sulphur briquette

  3. 贝壳作为型煤固硫剂的特性研究

    The characteristics of shell used as sulfur sorbent for briquette coal

  4. 型煤固硫剂固硫特性的研究

    Study on the characteristics of sulfur retention sorbent for briquette coal

  5. 工业型煤固硫技术的实践应用研究

    The Fulfillment Application Study on the Sulfur-fixing Technique of Industrial Coal Briquette

  6. 生物质型煤固硫添加剂的固硫增强作用

    The Role of Additives in Bio-Mass Coal Briquette on Sulfur Retention Enhancement

  7. 型煤固硫效果影响因素的研究

    Study on the Influence Factors of Briquette Capturing Sulfur

  8. 复合添加剂对锅炉用型煤固硫特性的研究

    Study on the Fixing Sulfur Property of Composite Agent Used in Shaped Coal

  9. 型煤固硫添加剂对固硫剂固硫效率的影响

    Study on the sulfur-fixation efficiency against additive in fixation agent for coal briquette

  10. 生物质复合型煤固硫特性研究

    A Study of the Sulfur Retention Characteristics of Biomass Compound Type of Coal

  11. 用钠碱改性氢氧化钙作型煤固硫剂的研究

    Study on Modified Calcium Hydroxide with Sodium Alkali Used as Briquette Capturing Sulfur Agent

  12. 型煤固硫机理的研究

    Study on sulfur fixing mechanism of coal briquettes

  13. 生物质型煤固硫性能研究及经济性分析

    Study and economic analysis on bio-briquette sulfur retention

  14. 影响型煤固硫率的主要因素

    Influence factor on sulfur retention of briquette

  15. 生物型煤固硫技术

    Technology of keeping sulphur of biological briquettes

  16. 添加剂对型煤固硫促进作用的研究

    Additives on briquette sulphur capture efficiency

  17. 在纠错译码方面采用了捕错译码法,收到了较好的效果。添加剂对型煤固硫促进作用的研究

    There is better effect in capture - error decode . ADDITIVES ON BRIQUETTE SULPHUR CAPTURE EFFICIENCY

  18. 模拟工业炉温度特性下的型煤固硫特性的试验研究

    Experimental Study of Coal Briquette Desulfurization Characteristics under the Condition of the Elevated Temperatures of an Industrial Boiler

  19. 利用TG&151热天平对不同类型的型煤固硫剂进行了研究。

    Several kinds of sulfur fixation agent of briquette have been studied by TG & 151 thermal balance .

  20. 通过对生物质型煤固硫费用的分析,得出生物质型煤固硫技术是可行的。

    The sulfur retention cost of bio-briquette is also analyzed and the result is that the technology is feasible .

  21. 平煤集团型煤固硫剂添加量确定及燃烧条件的修正

    The decision about quantity of adding solid - sulphur ingredient to typical coal in Pingdingshan coal industry group and the mending about its condition of combustion

  22. 采用型煤固硫技术,可以使燃烧时放出的SO2减少70%,从而减轻对环境的污染。

    It is proved that by application of the sulphur fixation technique to the combustion of high sulphur coal slurry the sulfur dioxide emission can be reduced by 70 % .

  23. 对首都钢铁厂中水处理废弃的含钙污泥进行了综合利用分析,并作为固硫剂进行了型煤固硫研究。

    The calcium-containing waste mud wasted in intermediate water treatment of Capital Metal Factory was analyzed for comprehensive utilization and was used to study the capturing sulfur briquette as capturing sulfur material .

  24. 选择电石渣、硼泥和粉煤灰等三种工业废渣单一或组合使用,作为型煤固硫剂和粘结剂,与粉煤按一定比例混合后加工成四组蜂窝型煤。

    Calcium carbide residue , boron mud and powder coal ash , respectively or combined , were used as sulfur-fixative and adhesive to prepare four models of honeycomb briquette , mixed with powder coal in proportion .

  25. 对生物质型煤固硫机理进行了理论分析,通过实验研究了Ca/S,固硫剂种类及型煤含硫量对固硫率的影响。

    The sulfur retention theory of bio-briquette combustion is analyzed in the paper . The experimental research is carried out on the influence factors of the sulfur retention ratio , with inclusion of Ca / S ratio , sulfur retention additive types and sulfur content of bio-briquette .

  26. 本文探讨了利用电炉炼钢粉尘进行型煤燃烧固硫和烟道气脱硫的可能性,实验测定和理论计算了典型的电炉粉尘的硫容量约为5.5mmol/g;

    The possibility of utilizing EAF dust as sul-fur sorbent in coal combustion was investigated . The sulfur capacity of the typical EAF dust is about 5 . 5 mmol / g.

  27. 生物质型煤在固硫剂条件下的燃烧特性研究

    Study on Characteristics of Bio-briquette Combustion by Adding Sulfur Retention Additive

  28. 民用型煤的固硫技术研究

    Study on sulfur fixation technology of coal briquette for civilian use

  29. 洁净型煤复合固硫添加剂的应用

    Application of syntactic fixed - sulphur additive in environmental coal

  30. 型煤复合固硫剂在热天平上的研究

    Study of briquette compound sulfur fixation agent on thermal balance