
  • 网络section mill;bar and shape rolling mill
  1. 由于型材轧机主传动系统中轧机与齿轮箱、轧机与轧机间梅花接轴联接困难,焦作钢铁公司研制出一种轧机盘车装置,该装置结构简单,可使更换工装时间从6h缩短为4h

    There is difficult of joining coupling box of driving system of section mill , so a mill jigger equipment was developed by Jiaozuo Iron and Steel Co which has simple structure , and can shorten the shafts changing time from 6 hours to 4 hours

  2. 中小型材轧机张力控制系统优化

    Optimization of tension control system for small and medium section mill

  3. 薄壁型材轧机定长锯切控制系统

    Fixed Length Cutting Control System for Thin Rolled Section Mill

  4. 型材轧机动态参数测试与故障分析

    Test of Dynamical Parameter of Mould Mill and Fault Analysis

  5. 改造普通三辊型材轧机的研究与设计

    Design of Structure of the 3 - Roll Precise Mill

  6. 型材轧机轧辊用高铬铸铁

    High-chromium cast iron for roll of section mill

  7. 碳化钨轧辊在型材和线材轧机上应用的进展

    Progress in the use of tungsten carbide rolls in the rod & bar mills

  8. 阐述了攀钢西昌轧钢厂中型材分厂Φ580轧机的590人字齿轮轴断裂后的就地修复过程,尤其是加工配合与焊接。

    On-spot repair course of a 590 herringbone gear wheel axis in φ 580 rolling mill when broken is described , especially about the machining , fitting and welding processes .