
  1. 那是因为跟新闻一样,每天你都被轧过。

    Cuz like the news everyday you get pressed .

  2. 通过板形测、控系统的使用,使被轧带材板形质量有了较大程度的提高。

    It is found that the shape of the rolled strip is much improved with this on-line measuring system .

  3. 他小心地把它放在门和门框中间,使劲地把门关一下,果子便被轧碎了。

    He laid it carefully between the door and the door-post , and then shut the door so that the nut cracked directly .

  4. 随着时间步的增加,各曲线端点间距离逐渐减小。这是因为板带被轧薄,上下表面间距离逐渐变短。

    As the increase of time step , the distance between two ends of each curve decreased gradually , since the distance between the top and bottom surfaces became shorter . 2 .

  5. 与铸轧板坯相比,组织中部分第二相被轧碎,粗大针片状第二相明显减小、减少,但部分被轧碎的第二相形态棱角分明。

    Compared with the casting slab , some second phases were crushed , coarse flake needle phases significantly reduced , however , some second phase were angular forms , reducing the mechanical properties of cold-rolled sheet .

  6. 他被火车轧了。

    He was run over by a train .

  7. Ambo岛(Tarawa岛的一部分)上也可以打高尔夫,球场上的绿地实际上是被碾轧过的沙地。

    Golf can also be played on Ambo Island ( part of Tarawa ) where the green of the golf course is actually rolled sand .

  8. 小男孩差一点儿被汽车轧了。

    The boy was nearly run over by a car .

  9. 那只被车轧了的狗已经死了。

    The dog that was run over was as dead as mutton .

  10. 天,艾比,你就象被卡车轧过一样。

    Jesus , ebby , you look like a truck ran over you .

  11. 昨天我横过马路时差点儿被车轧了。

    Yesterday while I was crossing the street a car almost run me over .

  12. 街上的雪已不那么白了,马路上的被车轮轧下去,露出点冰的颜色来。

    The snow on the streets was no longer so white . Tamped down on the tarmac by the wheels of cars it looked more like ice .

  13. 今天,我亲眼看着我的狗被车轧了。我坐在路边,抱着它哭了。

    Today , after I watched my dog get run over by a car , I sat on the side of the road holding him and crying .

  14. 偶然碰见我朋友的时候,我太过兴奋,过马路的时候忘记看周围。差点被车轧倒。

    I was so excited when I ran into my friend that I forgot to look both ways when crossing the street and a car almost ran me over !

  15. 特别是在一清早,被大车轧起的土棱上镶着几条霜边,小风尖溜溜的把早霞吹散,露出极高极蓝极爽快的天;

    Especially in the early hours , when the ruts made by carts were inlaid with frost , and piercing gusts of winds scattered the morning mist to reveal the exhilarating blue , blue sky high above .

  16. 你被卡车给轧了我很难过

    I am so sorry you got run over by a truck .

  17. 基利在她屋外被一辆汽车轧了。

    Keeley was run over by a car outside her house .

  18. 风车被用来把谷粒轧成面粉。

    A windmill is used to crush grain into flour .

  19. 我们的猫被一辆卡车轧了。

    Our cat was run over by a truck .