
  • The Forgotten;out
  1. E.M.佛斯特是一个自由主义者,而非社会主义者,他还记得1944年,卡本特一百周年纪念,他歌颂这个被遗忘的人。

    In 1944 it was E.M. Forster , a liberal rather than a socialist , who remembered Carpenter 's centenary , and his cautious eulogy33 was that of a man forgotten .

  2. 这让更多人成为“被遗忘的人”。

    That adds up to an awful lot of men forgotten .

  3. 世人好比圆滑周到的女主人,最关注那些最先会被遗忘的人。

    The world , likes an accomplished hostess , pays most attention to those whom it will soon forget .

  4. 然而,早睡的人几乎好像在现实社会中变成被遗忘的人,没有考虑到今日的社会不流行旧日的清教徒生活方式。

    However , going to bed early may indicate being almost socially dead in modern society which of course is not as puritan as it used to be .

  5. 失落的城市公共空间&被遗忘了的人行步道

    Lost Public Space of the City & Sideway which be Left

  6. 你是在你的家庭中被遗忘的那个人。

    You 've been completely oblivious to what your family 's been going through .

  7. 他说,除了几个著名的自由斗士,大多数肖像展现的是被社会遗忘的人。

    A few celebrity freedom fighters aside , most of the portraits showcase figures forgotten by society , he said .

  8. 几乎没交什么朋友,有时感觉就像个被众人遗忘的人。

    De facto , we are good friends and you don 't need to be so courteous all the time .

  9. 我们是旧世界的幸存者,被世界所遗忘的人。

    We are the survivors of the old world , and the lost people of the World .

  10. 他说,除了几个著名的自由斗士,大多数肖像展现的是“被社会遗忘”的人。

    A few celebrity freedom fighters aside , most of the portraits showcase figures " forgotten by society , " he said .

  11. 一个几乎被周围世界遗忘的人、一个20年前不幸遭遇车祸,脑部受到严重损伤的美国妇女,20年后终于又可以开口讲话。

    For20 years , Sarah Scantlin has been mostly oblivious to the world around her & the victim of a drunken driver who struck her down as she walked to her car .