
  1. 这样你就应该被挠,除非你认为她是一个感觉灵敏的猫,她理解毛线团f意味着滚动。

    In that case you deserved to get scratched unless you really thought she was such a perceptive cat that she 'd understand woof woof meant roll over .

  2. 但是这里说你们应该被挠,不是吗?

    But this says you deserve to get scratched doesn 't it ?

  3. 每个人都会在一些时候被挠痒痒。

    Every person has experienced being tickled at some point .

  4. 这里说你们应该被挠。

    And this says you deserve to get scratched .

  5. 教授:你应该被挠。

    Prof. : you deserve to get scratched .

  6. 所以这个意味着,如果她意识到了,你就不会被挠。

    So the implication for this one is that if she had realized you wouldn 't have gotten scratched .

  7. 美联社报道,大部分被挠脚心的人是60岁以上的老太太。

    The Associated Press reported that most of the naked tickler 's victims were women over the age of 60 .

  8. 很简单不是吗?,如果她想让你去逗她,你就应该被挠。

    Its easy isn 't it ? if she did want you to ticker her you deserve to get scratched .

  9. 学生:对,教授:这就是这里的意思,如果她意识到了,你就不会被挠。

    Student : yes Prof. : that 's the implication there , if she had realized you wouldn 't have got scratched .

  10. 同时,被挠痒痒的人会大笑,这也是鼓励挠痒的人继续挠痒,并且更加频繁地做这件事。

    Meanwhile , the fact that the recipients laugh and smile when being tickled encourages the tickler to carry on the action and to do it more frequently .

  11. 如果你想她让你去逗她,你就用错误的方式,或者之类的,那么你就应该被挠。

    So if you did want you to tickle her and you went about it in the wrong way , or something like that , then you deserve to get scratched .

  12. 这不是你自己应该被挠,因为你应该被挠,如果她想让你去逗她。

    So it 's not that you deserve to get scratched on its own , because you only deserve to get scratched if she did want you to tickle her tummy .

  13. 我不习惯被人挠痒痒

    I 'm not used to being tickled

  14. 岩壁上到处都是被企鹅爪子挠过的痕迹。虽然磕磕绊绊,步履蹒跚,但它们势不可挡,不屈不挠。

    Everywhere the cliffs are scarred by penguin claws.They are irrepressible and undaunted by missteps and stumbles .

  15. 他说:“或许它们本意并非要伤害我们,只是太害怕人类了吧。反正被咬的可能性还是存在的。哪怕只跟它们打闹戏耍,最后也可能被咬伤挠破。”

    He added : ' They would most probably be too afraid of a human to actually do us any harm but the potential is definitely there . Even boisterous play from them can end up in several stitches .