
  • 网络Forgotten People;Olvidados,Los;Los Olvidados;The Forgotten Ones;The Young and the Damned;Les hommes oubliés
  1. 被遗忘的人们,再也不会被忘记。

    The forgotten men and women will be never forgotten again .

  2. 那些在我们国家被遗忘的人们,再也不会被忘记。

    The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer .

  3. 在任期内,他从当时傲慢的精英中拯救了被遗忘的人们。

    when he fought to defend the forgotten men and women from the arrogant elite of his day .

  4. 一个名叫赫伯特·伯奇·金斯顿的糖果公司雇员兼慈善家想将快乐带给孤儿、不能出门的病人和其他被遗忘的人们。

    Herbert Birch Kingston , a philanthropist and candy company employee wanted to bring happiness into the lives of orphans , shut-ins and others who were forgotten .

  5. 在你散步的时候,四周都是这些被人遗忘的人们的房屋,还有他们的坟墓和粗大的石柱,这些石柱,可能就标明了他们的庙宇之所在。

    On all sides of you as you walk are the houses of these forgotten folk , with their graves and the huge monoliths which are supposed to have marked their temples .

  6. 为了复制这些强大的典范,与2015欧洲梵高年有关的官员称,他们打算大力宣传这些被遗忘的角落,让人们了解到许多与梵高有关的遗迹还需要保护。

    Hoping to replicate these strong examples , officials involved in Van Gogh Europe 2015 said their aim was to promote the forgotten sites , to focus attention on the fact that many sites linked to van Gogh were still in need of preservation .