
  1. 教育基本原理对教师继续教育的启示

    The Enlightenment of the Basic Principles of Education on Teachers ' Continuing Education

  2. 素质教育基本原理探析

    Exploration of the basic principles of Quality Education

  3. 以学校教育基本原理为理论依据,深入探讨良好的学校教育对预防和控制未成年人违法犯罪的积极作用,以及对社会发展和文明进程的深远影响。

    According to the basic theories of school education , this paper discusses the active function of good school education on the prevention and control of juvenile delinquency in Fujian province , and its deep affect on social development and civilization .

  4. 灌输原理”是思想政治教育的基本原理

    The basic principle of ideological and political education is instillation theory . “

  5. 研究发现,成功的网上教学是遵循了远程教育的基本原理和规律,充分发挥了网上教学的优势。

    It was found from this study that the successful online learning followed fundamental principles of distance education and fully used the advantages of information and communication technology .

  6. 第三部分:系统阐述了研究生创新教育的基本原理,其主要内容包括探讨了创新教育的概念及内涵、创新教育的观念与特点、实施创新教育的原则、创新教育内容体系。

    In Part III the present writer systematically clarifies the basic principle of post-graduate innovational education . It mainly includes its concept and connotation , the viewpoint and the characteristics , the principle and the content of innovational education .

  7. 生命教育理论的基本原理及其现实意义

    Basic Principles and Practical Significance of the Theory on Life Education

  8. 教育生态学的基本原理对课堂教学监控会产生全面而深刻的影响。

    The basic principle brings complete and deep effect of instructional supervision in class .

  9. 而贯穿于美国教育法律的基本原理和根本精神就是持续不断地追求教育平等,这集中体现在教育机会平等、受教育权利平等、教育资源平等和教育过程中的程序平等。

    However , the basic principle and fundamental spirit that run through the American educational laws are to continuously seek educational equality which concentrates the reflection on equal educational opportunity , equal educational rights , equal educational resource and equal procedure in the course of education .

  10. 现代教育管理科学的基本原理;

    The scientific basic principle of the modern education management ;

  11. 第二部分阐释了教育行动研究的基本原理。

    The second part aims to narrate the characteristics and function of educational action research .

  12. 本文把地理研究性学习作为学生人文素养培育的突破口,运用教育学、心理学、地理教育学等基本原理,理论联系实际,揭示了地理教育中培育学生人文素养的重要性;

    The paper takes the inquiry-based learning in geography as a measure for the cultivation of students ' humanities quality , it explains the importance of the cultivation of students ' humanities quality during geography education by the practices together with the theory of education , psychology and geography education ;

  13. 探讨了数学教育学科理论体系,给出了数学教育的基本原理。

    Talks about the maths education theory and its system , gives the basil theory of maths education .