
The Poem of Situation Education Commentary by Li Jilin
In LI Ji-lin 's Situational-teaching Approach , the Chinese teaching aim is confusional .
Li Jilin 's Life with Ideal State
On Li Jilin 's Development
A Fifth Study of the Situational Teaching ExPeriment of Li Ji - lin About the Primary Chinese Teaching
Theoretical Framework and Practical System of Situated Education ; Romanticism as a Collective Memory : Exploring Romanticism from the Perspective of Literary Anthropology
Li Jilin , a famous expert of child education and Teacher of Special Grade , is the founder of the situated teaching in China .
The situation-orientation , as the core-concept of Li Ji-lin Situation-oriented Chinese-Teaching Approach , concerns on typical superior man-made situation , that is , a virtual situation .
On the Question of the Teaching Aim of the Situational Approach of Chinese Teaching in Primary School & On LI Ji-lin 's Situational Approach of Chinese Teaching
The poem of Situation Education has truthfully recorded the entire process of practice , experiment , exploration and research of situation education . It is of historical and documental value .
An Initial Talk about the Application of Sight Teaching of Physical Culture Education in Primary Schools A Sixth Study of the Comparison Between Situational Approach And Contextual Approach of Li Ji-lin About the Primary Chinese Teaching
After years of systematic research and practice from Mr Li and other people , the theory and method has achieved great success in primary Chinese teaching in our country and it has been able to solve the problem of theory and practice of primary Chinese .