
  1. 李吉林《情境教育的诗篇》述评

    The Poem of Situation Education Commentary by Li Jilin

  2. 在李吉林主持的小学语文情境教学实验中,教学目标定位较为混乱。

    In LI Ji-lin 's Situational-teaching Approach , the Chinese teaching aim is confusional .

  3. 李吉林的境界人生

    Li Jilin 's Life with Ideal State

  4. 论李吉林老师的成长

    On Li Jilin 's Development

  5. 小学语文情境教学中阅读教学实践失误&关于李吉林情境教学实验系列研究之五

    A Fifth Study of the Situational Teaching ExPeriment of Li Ji - lin About the Primary Chinese Teaching

  6. 情境教育的理论框架与操作体系读《李吉林文集》有感作为一种集体记忆的浪漫主义对浪漫主义的文学人类学解读

    Theoretical Framework and Practical System of Situated Education ; Romanticism as a Collective Memory : Exploring Romanticism from the Perspective of Literary Anthropology

  7. 李吉林,著名儿童教育家,全国特级教师,情境教学创始人。

    Li Jilin , a famous expert of child education and Teacher of Special Grade , is the founder of the situated teaching in China .

  8. 李吉林情境教学实验中的核心概念&情境概念是指一种人为优化的典型环境,是虚拟情境。

    The situation-orientation , as the core-concept of Li Ji-lin Situation-oriented Chinese-Teaching Approach , concerns on typical superior man-made situation , that is , a virtual situation .

  9. 小学语文情境教学目标定位失误问题研究&关于对李吉林小学语文情境教学实验研究之三

    On the Question of the Teaching Aim of the Situational Approach of Chinese Teaching in Primary School & On LI Ji-lin 's Situational Approach of Chinese Teaching

  10. 《情境教育的诗篇》真实地记录了26年来李吉林对情境教育实践、实验、探索、研究的全过程,具有历史文献价值;

    The poem of Situation Education has truthfully recorded the entire process of practice , experiment , exploration and research of situation education . It is of historical and documental value .

  11. 初探小学体育课情境教学的应用小学语文情境教学法和语境教学法比较谈&关于李吉林语文情境教学实验系列研究之六

    An Initial Talk about the Application of Sight Teaching of Physical Culture Education in Primary Schools A Sixth Study of the Comparison Between Situational Approach And Contextual Approach of Li Ji-lin About the Primary Chinese Teaching

  12. 而这一理论和方法在李吉林老师等人数十年的系统研究和实践下,在我国的小学语文教学中取得了巨大成功,已经能够有效地解决小学语文教学理论与实际问题。

    After years of systematic research and practice from Mr Li and other people , the theory and method has achieved great success in primary Chinese teaching in our country and it has been able to solve the problem of theory and practice of primary Chinese .