
  1. 仁济医院的一名发言人说,无法联系到李铮置评。上海精子库就设立在仁济医院。

    A spokesperson at Ruijin Hospital , which houses the sperm bank , said Mr. Li was not available for comment .

  2. 上海精子库的负责人李铮对《新闻晨报》说,精子是会游动的,环境差了,精子就长难看了,甚至游不动了。《新闻晨报》属军方运营的解放日报报业集团所有。

    Sperm can grow to be ' ugly ' and ' not able to swim , ' the head of the sperm bank , Li Zheng , told the Shanghai Morning Post ( in Chinese ), a newspaper owned by the military-run Liberation Daily .

  3. 上海精子库的负责人李铮对《新闻晨报》说,精子是会游动的,环境差了,精子就长“难看”了,甚至游不动了。《新闻晨报》属军方运营的解放日报报业集团所有。

    Sperm can grow to be ' ugly ' and ' not able to swim , ' the head of the sperm bank , Li Zheng , told the Shanghai Morning Post ( in Chinese ) , a newspaper owned by the military-run Liberation Daily .