
  • 网络Satellite communication network;VSAT;ISDSN
  1. 为此,从对TCP协议的改进、基于信关站的特殊策略和采用更有效的通信模式等几个方面讲解了相应的解决方案。最后介绍了多播协议在外交互式卫星通信网中的应用。

    Finally the application of Multicast protocol in external interactive satellite communication network is introduced .

  2. VSAT卫星通信网与ISDN互连的几个问题

    Some Problems About the Interconnection of VSAT Satellite Communication Network and ISDN

  3. VSAT卫星通信网的发展前景

    Development Prospects of VSAT Communication Networks

  4. 分别对应以上业务的VSAT卫星通信网也日益趋于融合成一个统一的宽带VSAT通信网。

    The separate VSAT satellite communication networks , which provide above services respectively , are converging into a consolidated broadband VSAT networks .

  5. 为提高服务能力和发挥整体效益,同时跟上世界科技发展水平,气象部门需组建以VSAT技术为基础的卫星通信网。

    To raise the efficiency of the meteorological services system and to keep the pace with scientific-technical advancement of the world , a VSAT-based satellite communication network is required .

  6. 针对铁道部对卫星通信网的要求,介绍了国外3种先进的卫星通信系统,并从通信体制、网络结构、TDMA终端性能等六方面进行了综合论述。

    The article introduces three advanced overseas satellite communication systems according to the requirements of the Ministry of Railway Satellite Communication Network ( MORSCN ), and the technical properties of the systems are discussed comprehensively in communication system , network structure , TDMA terminal characteristic , etc.

  7. 本文首先对VSAT卫星通信网的发展概况、系统组成、组网形式等进行了分析和介绍,然后重点介绍了数据VSAT网和话音VSAT网的传输体制、数据VSAT网的通信协议等内容。

    The developing survey , system composition , network organization mode of VSAT network are introduced and analysed in this paper at first , then put the emphasis on introducing the transfer schemes of data and voice VSAT network , protocol of data VSAT network .

  8. 本文简介了VSAT卫星通信网的基本特点以及其基本技术,如网络的多址和复接、分组交换和通信规程、网络监控及管理等,并指出了其发展前景及广泛的应用领域。

    A brief review on VSAT Satellite Communication Networks is given , including their features and main technology such as multiplex and multiple access , packet switching and communication protocol , monitor and management etc. In the meantime their prospective development and wide applications are indicated .

  9. 地震卫星通信网远端小站的故障诊断与处理

    Diagnostic method for remote terminal of China Seismic Satellite Communication Network

  10. 关于构建国家应急卫星通信网的思路

    Some Thoughts on Setting up a National Emergency Satellite Communications Net

  11. 卫星通信网是一个规模大、造价高的复杂通信系统,计算机仿真技术作为一种辅助手段具有非常重要的作用。

    Satellite communication network is a large-scale , expensive and complex communication system .

  12. 码分多址卫星通信网中干扰与噪声的分析计算

    The Analysis and Calculation of Interference and Noise in CDMA Satellite Communications System

  13. 民航卫星通信网可视通信图像压缩编码方法研究

    Research on Image Compress Coding Methods for Video Transmission in CAAC TES Nework

  14. 对同步卫星通信网提出新要求

    New Requirements for the Synchronous Satellite Communication Network

  15. 卫星通信网综合网管系统

    Integrated Management System of Satellite Communication Networks

  16. 交通专用卫星通信网

    Special purpose Satellite Communication Net

  17. 随着校园网络、卫星通信网等信息技术的普及,各种网络学习方兴未艾。

    With the popularity of campus networks and satellite communications networks , various of network-learning are in the ascendant .

  18. 网络管理系统作为卫星通信网的核心,其重要性不言而喻。

    Acting as the core of the satellite communications network , the importance of the Network Management System is very clearly .

  19. 中国民航航管卫星通信网TES/PES系统特点分析

    An Analysis of the Characteristics of the TES / PES System in the ATC Satellite Communications Network of China ′ s Civil Aviation

  20. 利用该体系结构实现了卫星通信网通用仿真测试平台,应用表明系统具有良好的可定制性和自适应性。

    The universal simulation testing platform of the satellite communication network was implemented with XSAS , and its adaptability and maintainability proved in application .

  21. 本文主要讨论建立卫星通信网综合网管的必要性,以及卫星通信网综合网管的功能和实现。

    This paper firstly addresses the necessity of integrated management of satellite communication networks , then the functions and implementation techniques of integrated management of satellite communication networks are presented .

  22. 介绍了广州&海南卫星通信网的应用情况,并对卫星地球站常见故障进行了分析。

    This paper introduces the application of the satellite communication network in the communication between Guangzhou and Hainan , and the common failures of the satellite earth station are analysed .

  23. 采用多功能终端构成一种小型卫星通信网,要求各个终端能够像计算机一样支持多种各样的外部设备,并能实现组网功能。

    For constituting a small satellite communication network with several small intelligent terminals , the terminals must be able , like a computer , to support various peripheral devices and to support networking .

  24. 分析与研究现代卫星通信网的路由算法以及端到端延时,为中继辅助调度进行理论验证,给出小卫星任务调度联合优化目标函数。

    For the assistant scheduling problem , put forward the auxiliary strategy of the modern satellite communication network , Research the routing algorithms of satellite communications network and analyze the end-to-end delay , verifies the theory for relay assistant scheduling .

  25. 本课题实现了可视指挥系统网管的标准化,加之新体制的卫星通信网特点,使得可视指挥系统组网更加灵活,易于维护和扩展。

    The project has realized the standardization of the conference network management system , and for the characters of the satellite network based on new mechanism , which makes the organizing of visible command network more flexible , maintainable , and more extendable .

  26. 卫星通信专用网的DAMA系统

    DAMA System for Private Satellite Communication Network

  27. 系统介绍了将VPN技术引入地震监测网络远程维护工作的技术思路,以及该技术思路在中国地震局卫星数据通信网中的实现方法。

    The design idea and implementing method about VPN ( virtual private network ) access service in remote maintenance for seismic monitoring network is introduced . It is also discussed that the realization of VPN in China Seismic VSAT Network .

  28. 混合控制式SCPC-DAMA系统特别适合于稀路由国内卫星通信区域网或专用网。

    Hybrid SCPC-DAMA system is especially suitable to thin-route domestic regional and private satellite communication networks .

  29. 采用Inmarsat卫星通信公众网,系统覆盖广(漫游全球)、投资小(不用另外投资建设和维修通讯基站)、运营费用低廉、容量大。

    Inmarsat satellite communications using the public network , the system covers wide ( global roaming ), the investment is small ( no additional investment in construction and maintenance of telecommunications base station ), low operating cost , large capacity .

  30. 海洋石油卫星专用通信网及其通信协议

    Dedicated Satellite Communication Network and Its Protocol for Offshore Oil Operation