
  • 网络Dispatching Office;cocc
  1. 临汾供电分公司调度所MIS设计

    The Design of MIS in the Dispatching Department of Linfen Power Supply Company

  2. 浅议广东省电力中心调度所MIS系统

    On MIS of Guangdong Provincial Power Dispatching Center

  3. 如何在保证高优先级业务的QoS(QualityOfService)同时,减小数据业务的时延成为卫星网络资源调度所关注的问题。

    The concern problem is how to guarantee the QoS ( Quality of Service ) of the high priority traffic while to reduce the delay of data traffic .

  4. 将灰色系统理论的GM模型运用于电厂经济特性的处理,是一次新的尝试,它能满足经济调度所需要的精度与速度的要求。

    The author suggested using the gray system theory GM model to deal with the power plant economic characteristics , and thought that it may meet the needs of accuracy and speed of economic regulation .

  5. 主要介绍广州电力局调度所调度模拟屏的配置和系统结构,同时介绍在地调SCADA系统上开发出来的模拟屏接口控制软件功能和结构。

    The dispatch mimic board configuration and system station of Guangzhou Electric Power Bureau Dispatch Center are introduced . The control software function and structure of mimic board interface are also presented , which are developed on regional power dispatch SCADA system .

  6. 东莞电力工业局数字微波传输网,主要为广东省电力中心调度所、东莞电力工业局本部和所属220kV变电站的话音和远动数据的实时信息传输提供通信通道,并为电力载波通信提供汇集通道。

    The digital microwave transmission network of Dongguan Power Bureau mainly provides communication channels for real time transmission of speech and telecontrol data of Guangdong Provincial Power Dispatching Center , the bureau proper and its 220 kV substations , and offers collecting channels for power carrier communication .

  7. 地区电力调度所管理信息系统的集成

    Integration of management information system of region power dispatching station

  8. 广东省电力中心调度所调度通信系统改造

    The reconstruction of the dispatch communication system of GD electric power central dispatch

  9. 黄河中游水库群水沙联合调度所涉及的范畴

    Involved Categories in Water and Sediment Joint Regulation by Group of Reservoirs on the Middle Yellow River

  10. 黄石供电局调度所微波站消雷器3次成功消灭直击雷事故

    3-Times Extinction of Direct Lightning Stroke Accident on the Microwave Tower of Huangshi Electric Utility by Semiconductor Lightning Eliminator

  11. 根据临汾供电分公司调度所的具体情况,按照系统工程开发原则对该所的管理信息系统进行了总体规划和设计。

    The total program and the design of MIS in the dispatching department of Linfen Power Supply Company is introduced .

  12. 规则调度所面临的问题是如何快速获取有效的调度规则以建立起专家系统知识库。

    The problem of rule-scheduling is how to get effective scheduling rules rapidly to set up knowledge base for expert system .

  13. 近年来,作为企业管理的核心技术之一,生产调度所受到的关注与重视与日俱增。

    As the key technology of modern business management , production scheduling is getting more and more attention in recent years .

  14. 介绍了在嵌入式实时系统中调度所面临的限制以及克服这些限制的调度技术。

    This paper introduces the scheduling constraints faced by embedded real-time systems and present scheduling techniques that can efficiently meet these constraints .

  15. 三峡水库水位变化受水库调度所调控,水位涨落导致消落带周期性出没于水陆交替之中。

    Changes in the Three Gorges reservoir water level is regulated by the scheduling , and periodic appeared alternating in hydro-fluctuation belt .

  16. 介绍了建立优化调度所需的燃气轮机、离心压缩机和输气管线模型的方法。

    The method is introduced to develop mathematical model of gas turbine , centrifugal compressor and gas transmission pipeline needed for load assignment optimization .

  17. 本系统已在巴盟电业局调度所投入运行,对提高调度所的运行管理水平具有重要意义。

    The dispatching management system has run at Bameng administration of power supply , which will commendably improve control level of the dispatching station .

  18. 文中讨论了建立锅炉、汽轮机等部件优化调度所需数学模型的方法。

    The paper debates on the method that how to make the mathematical model on the dispatch optimization of parts such as boiler and steam turbine .

  19. 调度所设备包括调度员工作站、助理调度员工作站、值班主任工作站、计划员工作站、综合维修工作站等。

    The dispatching station equipment includes dispatcher working station , assistant dispatcher working station , duty head working station , planner working station , comprehensive maintenance working station etc.

  20. 本文所设计的远动规约转换软件可以在需要进行远动规约转换的调度所安装使用。

    The remote communication protocols conversion software , which is designed in this paper , may be installed and used in control center , which need communication protocols conversion .

  21. 整车出厂物流装箱调度所涉及的数据规模大、统计难度高、约束多,其复杂性和所要求的处理速度与精度已经远远超出了人工处理的能力范围。

    Vehicle outbound packing problem involves large data scale , high degree of statistical difficulty and multi-constraints . Its complexity , required processing speed and accuracy are far beyond artificial processing ability .

  22. 提出了建立锅炉、汽轮机优化调度所需数学模型的方法,以及锅炉和汽轮机分别设立优化目标两级优化的原则。

    The method is introduced to develop mathematical models of boilers and steam turbines needed for load assignment optimization using the principle of two level optimization ( separate optimization of boilers and turbines ) .

  23. 由于实时洪水调度所具有的特点,调度期内的入库洪水为已知,在实时调度中回答问题必须直接、清晰,因此调度太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文模型属于确定性单库优化调度。

    Since the fact that the reservoir inflow is known in term of scheduling , the problem need directly and distinctly be replied . The model is the deterministic optimize scheduling model of single reservoir .

  24. 系统研究了城市配水管网优化调度所涉及的主要问题&用时间序列三角函数分析法建立了城市用水量短期预测数学模型;

    A systematic investigation is made on the problems which are related to the optimal control of the municipal water distribution network . A mathematical model of forecasting the water short term demand is proposed using the time series trigonometric function analysis method ;

  25. 新型的小站管理信息系统实现了数据的集中管理和上报,节省了软件部署升级的成本,为路局调度所制定调度计划、编组站的准确推流配流提供了更为完善的数据支持。

    The new station management information system has achieved the centralized management and reporting of data , saving the cost of upgrading software deployment , providing a more complete data support for the railway administrations scheduling and the exact implementation Fluid Assignment marshalling .

  26. 安徽模拟电力市场管理系统是为适应现代电力生产要求和电力市场化改革需要,由安徽电力中心调度所独立设计、开发研制的一套电力生产数据信息处理和调度控制与考核自动化管理系统。

    To meet the need of modern electric power production and commercial running , the Anhui Simulative Electricity Market Management System is independently developed by Anhui Electric Power Dispatching Centre . This system can process the information of electricity production and automatically examine power system dispatching .

  27. 它主要应用于需要进行规约转换的工作站或者调度所,用以实现多个风电场的信息交换或者对某个风电场的远程监控和数据采集,因此具有广泛的应用价值。

    This module is mainly used in the Statute of the need for conversion or workstations by scheduling to achieve a number of wind farms or the exchange of information to a wind farm on the remote monitoring and data acquisition , it has extensive application value .

  28. 柔性制造系统工件加工路径流量的优化分配是系统规划设计和生产管理调度所需面对的重要问题,而此问题的NP&complete特性使最优解不能用多项式精确求得。

    The optimized assignment of the manufacture routes of work-pieces in FMS is the crucial issue following the system planning and design , as well as the manufacture management and scheduling . In this issue , the characteristics of NP-complete make the most optimized solutions inaccessible via multinomial .

  29. 针对负载特征在调度算法所起作用的分析和讨论,提出基于预测机制的自适应负载均衡算法(RRMMMCS-A-P)。

    According to analyzing and discussing the role of load characteristics for scheduling algorithm , a prediction-based adaptive load balancing algorithm ( RR_MMMCS-A-P ) is proposed in this paper .

  30. 分析了整经轴数预测在实际色织生产过程调度中所起的重要作用。

    Prediction problem of trim-beam number in colored-textile manufacturing process scheduling is discussed .