
  1. 贵溪信江铁路特大桥全长798.3m,水面宽约400m,水深7~11m,基岩裸露,且冲沟满布。

    The total length of Guixi Xinjiang extra long railway bridge is 798.34 m. The width of water river is about 400 m , and the depth of water is 7.0 to 11.0 m. The bared bed rock is distributed with gullyings .

  2. 鄱阳湖铁路特大桥工程地质问题的研究

    Study to engineering geological problems on extra-long railway bridge of Poyang Lake

  3. 津浦线淮河铁路特大桥钢围堰施工中若干问题的处理办法

    Treatment of Problems Encountered in a Steel Cofferdam Construction

  4. 综合物探在鄱阳湖铁路特大桥勘察中的应用

    The application of integrated geophysical prospecting to the exploration of Poyang Lake giant railway bridge

  5. 铁路特大桥深基坑施工挖孔桩板墙结构防护体系的设计与计算

    Design and Calculation of Dug Pile Wall Protection System of Deep Foundation Construction for Railway Bridge

  6. 拖拉法跨铁路特大桥钢砼结合连续梁施工技术

    Construction technology of steel concrete combination continuous beam for a long-span bridge crossing railway by dragging method

  7. 中南通道跨京沪铁路特大桥桥址区第四系半成岩基本承载力分析

    Analysis on Basic Bearing Capacity of Quaternary Semi-formed Rock around Bridge Site Area of Central South Passage over Super Large Bridge on Beijing-Shanghai Railway

  8. 京沪高速铁路阳澄湖特大桥在DK1226~DK1263区间通过了阳澄湖水源保护区,桥梁的加设对湖区COD浓度场可能产生一定的影响。

    The Beijing-Shanghai High Speed Railway Bridge steps over in DK1226 ~ DK1263 range of water source protection areas by the Yangcheng Lake , which may has some effect on lake of the original field of COD concentration .

  9. 以长荆铁路汉江特大桥成桥静、动载试验为背景,简要介绍铁路连续箱梁静、动载试验的测点布置、数据处理等基本方法及试验所需的试验仪器、试验荷载。

    Based on the static and moving load experiments of the Hanjiang super-major bridge constructed in Chang-Jing railway , this paper introduces test point arrangement and data processing methods as well as the instruments and loads in the static and dynamic experiments for railway continuous box beam .

  10. 渝怀铁路长寿长江特大桥钢桁梁桁式比选

    Comparison and Selection of Truss Type for Steel Truss Girder of Changshou Changjiang River Bridge on Chongqing-Huaihua Railway