
  • 网络railway container
  1. 基于Agent的铁路集装箱货场系统可视化仿真

    Visual Simulation for Railway Container Yard Based on Agent

  2. 基于RFID中间件的铁路集装箱堆场管理系统

    Railway Container Yard Management Information System Based on RFID Middleware

  3. 对铁路集装箱中心站的站址选择,提出基于变权法的多因素Fuzzy决策。

    For location-choosing of railway container center station , this paper puts forward the fuzzy decision-making among multi-factors that is based on variable weight method .

  4. 铁路集装箱班列RFID管理系统设计探讨

    Railway Container Regular Train RFID Management System Design

  5. 铁路集装箱EDI报文的应用

    Application of Electronic Report of Railway Container EDI

  6. 在物联网众多核心技术中,本文重点关注RFID技术(RadioFrequencyIdentification,射频识别技术,简称RFID技术)在铁路集装箱站场的应用。

    Among the numerous core technology of the internet of thing , the thesis will focus on the he appliance of RFID ( RFID , short for the Radio Frequency Identification ) technology in the railway container station .

  7. 文中分析和研究了铁路集装箱货场的仿真场景建模、运动学建模,碰撞检测等相关技术,并用Visualc++开发了基于OpenGL的铁路集装箱货场物流系统可视化仿真系统。

    It also presents and discuses the related technologies such as simulation scene modeling , kinetics modeling and collision detection . In addition , it offers a visual simulation system based on OpenGL with Visual C + +

  8. 详细阐述了B2B与B2C环境下企业信息组织与集成模式,并以铁路集装箱物流为例介绍了电子商务的实际应用。

    The information organization and integration models under B2B and B2C environment were described in details . At last , as an example , the practical application of EC in containers logistics of railway was introduced .

  9. 本文应用eM-Plant仿真软件作为仿真平台,针对铁路集装箱结点站的数据资料开发了系统仿真模型。

    In this paper , according to data information of the railway container node station , the system simulation model is established by using eM-Plant simulation platform software .

  10. 论文采用方案分析,多方案比选,新方案研究等方法对SZ铁路集装箱中心站建设方案进行可行研究,得出最优建设方案充分可行的结论。

    Papers to adopt the program , more than the election of the new research programs and other methods of SZ railway container center station to carry out feasibility study on building the program , come to building the best possible conclusions of the full program .

  11. 我国铁路集装箱运输经过多年的发展,取得了长足进步,但与2010年铁路集装箱达到1000万个TEU的目标还相差甚远。通过调查研究,分析产生问题的主要原因,并提出相关政策建议。

    Despite the great achievement gained through years ' of development , the railroad container transport has a long way to go to reach the goal of 10,000,000 TEU in 2010.The article analyzes the main reason for the situation through investigation and offered relevant suggestions .

  12. 铁路集装箱结点站装卸设备选型研究

    Choice of loading and unloading equipments used in railway container terminals

  13. 铁路集装箱结点站管理信息系统的流程分析

    Flow Analysis on Management Information System of Railway Container Node Station

  14. 铁路集装箱运输径路辅助决策系统的研究

    Research on Aided Decision Making System of railway container transportation path

  15. 结点站间铁路集装箱运输组织的理论与方法研究

    Study on Containers Transport Organization between Railway Network Container Freight Stations

  16. 郑州铁路集装箱中心站站位方案探讨

    Location Scheme Research for Railway Central Container Station of Zhengzhou City

  17. 本文重点论述了我国铁路集装箱运输技术发展方向。

    This paper discusses the recent development of the container transport .

  18. 中心站间铁路集装箱运输径路选择优化研究

    Study on the Optimization of Container Flow Routing Between Center Stations

  19. 昆明铁路集装箱中心站桥梁设计简介

    On design of the bridge in Kunming railway container central station

  20. 我国铁路集装箱运输中存在的问题与对策研究

    Exists Question and Countermeasure Research in Our Country Railroad Containerized Traffic

  21. 铁路集装箱中心站装卸机械性能与布局研究

    Loading and Unloading Machine Performance and Its Layout at Railway Terminal

  22. 由此可见,发展港口铁路集装箱运输势在必行。

    Thus , it is imperative to develop port rail container transport .

  23. 对发展我国铁路集装箱运输车辆的探讨

    Discussion about Development of Railway Container Cars in Our Country

  24. 铁路集装箱结点站间空箱调配的优化

    Optimization of the Empty Containers Distribution among Railway Network Container Freight Stations

  25. 我国铁路集装箱办理站计算机管理系统

    Computer Management System for Rail-way Container Service Stations in China

  26. 努力与国际通行模式接轨的中国铁路集装箱运输

    China Railway Container Transport Making Effort to Connect with international Popular Intermodel

  27. 铁路集装箱中转配装决策支持系统的研究

    Study on Decision Support System for Railway Container Transfer Loading

  28. 铁路集装箱运输技术发展方向的探讨

    The discussion on the technological development of container - transport

  29. 铁路集装箱运输组织方式客运化的研究

    Research on passenger transport mode of container service of railways

  30. 国际多式联运与铁路集装箱运输的发展

    Development of International Intermodal Transport and Railway Container Transport