
qǐ zhònɡ chē
  • derrick car
  1. 起重车载荷控制系统的设计

    Design of Loading Control System of Derrick Car

  2. 起重车用于搬运或提升货物或救生船的设备。

    The apparatus used to hoist and transfer cargo or lifeboats .

  3. 随着运输需求和汽车工业的不断发展,车辆超载现象日趋严峻,近年来出现了多起重车压垮桥梁的事故,引起了社会各界广泛的关注。

    As the development of the transportation demand and automotive industry , the overload is more and more serious . Many bridges were damaged by overload trucks in recent years , and caused wide attention .

  4. 后栏板起重运输车后栏板起重机构的优化设计

    Optimum design of tailgate lift mechanism of combination lift vehicle

  5. 随车起重运输车用于各种装卸、安装起重作业。

    Truck with loading crane is used for various handling , installing and lifting operation .

  6. 集装箱起重运输车的上起重臂端点直线运动和同步运动的实现

    Realization of Linear and Synchronous Movements of the Ends of Upper Arms of Container Handling Vehicle

  7. 随着随车起重运输车的应用日趋广泛,对其相关技术的研究也越来越深入。

    As the lorry loading crane is used more and more widespread , its correlative techniques are more and more in-depth studied .

  8. 专用车是自卸车、半挂牵引车、厢式车、罐式车、起重举升车、特种结构车、仓栅车等专用载货汽车的统称。

    Here refer to dump trucks , semi - trailers , vans , tank cars , lift trucks , special structure vehicles , warehouse cars , etc.