
  • 网络Starting speed;Starting revolution
  1. 鉴于此,本文设计了一套用于控制船舶主机的西门子S7-300PLC程序,实现了船舶主机遥控系统的操作地点转换、起动、转速控制、安全保护等功能,并且对相应的PLC硬件进行选型设计。

    So in this thesis , I design a set of Siemens S7-300 PLC program to control the ship engine . It realizes operation place conversion , starting , speed control , safety protection function of the main engine remote control system .

  2. 天然气发动机起动及怠速转速闭环控制的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Starting Process and Idle Speed Closed-Loop Control of Natural Gas Engine

  3. 起动停止及转速控制

    Start-stop and speed control

  4. 试验表明,在发动机起动、恒转速控制以及恒扭矩控制3种情况下,系统控制效果良好,响应较快较平稳,为之后的动态控制奠定了基础。

    It proves that the improved efficiency and the good control effect of 3 control modes of system ( engine starting , constant speed control and constant torque control ) through experiments .

  5. 在分析了微型燃气轮机动态数学模型的基础上,本文对微燃机的起动控制、转速控制以及入口温度控制三个方面进行了深入研究。

    On the basis of analysis of dynamic mathematics models of micro gas turbine , the starting control , rotating speed control and control of entry temperature of gas turbine for micro gas turbine were studied deeply in this paper .

  6. 得出了进气预热在电控柴油机起动过程中对转速、起动时间、HC排放的影响规律。

    Influence rules of air intake preheating on revolution speed , starting time and HC emission in the starting process of electronic controlled diesel engine were acquired .

  7. 通过对起动过程的瞬时转速、气缸压力及HC排放的实时测量与分析,研究了喷射脉宽、点火提前角对电控喷射LPG发动机起动首次着火特性的影响,实现了基于循环控制的着火循环。

    Based on real-time measure and analysis of transient speeds , cylinder pressure and HC emission , the effect of injection pulse width 、 ignition advance degree on the first firing characteristic of SI EFI LPG fueled engine is investigated .

  8. 结果是在机组的各次起动中,汽轮机转速在DEH进行阀门切换过程中非常稳定,转速波动不超过5r/min,满足了DEH汽轮机转速控制的要求。

    During valve conversion by DEH in start-ups of the unit , the turbine speed is stable with fluctuation not greater than 5 r / min , satisfying the requirement of DEH turbine speed control .

  9. 研究了环境温度,过量空气系数,蓄电池电压,点火提前角对单循环冷起动时,起动转速和排放的影响。

    The effects of environment temperature , excess air ratio , storage battery voltage on start speed and emissions are studied .

  10. 在发动机台架上对微型涡喷发动机进行的起动过程控制和转速闭环调节试验表明,该控制软件在时间精度和可靠性方面能够满足发动机控制的要求。

    Engine tests of starting procedure control and rotation speed in closed loop have proven that the time precision and reliability of this software meet the demands of engine control system well .

  11. 由于直升机旋翼工作转速范围宽,反馈控制应保证旋翼从起动到最大工作转速范围内闭环系统全速稳定。

    Because of wide range of rotor operated speed , the feedback control should guarantee the system stability at the whole speed range of the rotor from zero to its maximum operated speed .

  12. 测量分析小型手摇起动柴油机冷起动过程的瞬时转速、喷油及燃烧过程特征参数在每一循环中的变化情况;

    The engine transient speed , fuel injection , combustion process and the cyclic variations in some performance indexes are investigated on a small single cylinder diesel engine during cold-starting .

  13. 起动电机必须具有大于发动机起动点火时的转速和转矩。

    The speed and torgue of the starting motor shall be greater than that when the engine is ignited .

  14. 所研究的软起动器具备四种起动方式:电压斜坡起动、限流起动、转速斜坡起动和分级变频起动。

    It has four start mode : the ramp voltage start , the limit current start , the ramp speed start and the discrete frequency start .

  15. 其中重点研究其起动过程,优化起动控制策略,使发动机起动时得到良好的起动转速特性、排放性能和较小的振动。

    Starting process was studied especially , and control strategies of starting process were optimized for making the engine achieved good starting performance , low emissions and vibration .

  16. 提升起动时,在转子绕组中串入电阻,使提升机起动平稳,随着转速的增大,起动电流逐渐减小,电阻按时间原则由PLC切除,提升机进入匀速运行。

    Then the starting current gradually descends as the increasing of the rotate speed of the rotor , while the resistors are cut off in time order , so that the incline hoist start to run in uniform velocity .

  17. 起动性能测试模块:可测试蓄电池电压、起动/充电电流、气缸压力、起动转速,检测结果能正确判断蓄电池质量。

    The starting performance detecting module . It can detect a voltage of an accumulator , a starting / charge current , a cylinder pressure and a starting rotational speed . A user can judge the quality of this accumulator .

  18. 步进电动机在最佳起动频率下起动,可以避免电动机起动时的失步和振荡现象,并能够在最短的时间内达到起动转速。

    Out-of-step and oscillation phenomenon can be avoided if stepper motor starts on the optimal starting frequency , and stepper motor can attain to starting rotate speed in the most short time .

  19. 从发动机的起动过程着手分析,指出起动机工作点必须具备的两个条件:工作点的转矩大于发动机的阻力矩;工作点的转速大于发动机的最低起动转速。

    This paper analyzes the engine cranking process and points out that two basic requirements have to be met for the working point of starter : the cranking torque is larger than the resistance torque of the engine and the cranking speed is larger than the lowest starting speed .