
  • 网络Equivalence ratio;equivalent ratio;EQR
  1. 甲烷当量比是影响催化燃烧的主要因素,随着当量比的增加,甲烷转化率和转化速度出现先增加后降低的趋势;

    Equivalence ratio is primary factor , conversion rate of methane will increase firstly and decrease secondly as the equivalence ratio increased ;

  2. 在宽广的当量比范围内,分析了三种燃料喷射方式下和均匀混合气燃烧时的燃烧效率。

    Combustion efficiency of three types of injection modes and homogeneous mixture combustion are analyzed over the wide range of equivalence ratio .

  3. 由此证明,可以通过增加EGR实现发动机稳定运行,并在当量比和稀燃条件下得到了同样结果。

    Similar results were obtained in stoichiometric and lean conditions .

  4. 对于CnHm-空气系统,δ函数只与温度有关,而与燃料氢碳比以及燃气当量比无关。

    The & function is dependent only on temperature and independent of hydrogen-carbon ratio of the fuel and fuel-air ratio for CnHm-air system .

  5. 燃用LPG比燃用汽油的当量比油耗低,节能率在5%左右。

    Fuel consumption ratio of LPG was lower than petrol , the rate of saving power was about 5 % .

  6. CD大于20%时,与理论等电荷当量比接近;

    When it is more than 20 % , the distribution ratio of SDS and CPAM is equal to that of equivalent electric degree in theory ;

  7. 分析了进气温度、燃空当量比、压缩比、CO2对燃烧和排放的影响。

    The influences of the intake charge tem perature 、 fuel air equivalence ratio 、 compression ratio 、 CO2 to combustion and pollution are studied .

  8. 燃料云雾的临界起爆能和爆轰胞格尺寸均与当量比成一U形曲线关系,并且云雾爆轰最敏感点并不是对应于等化学当量的混合物而是偏向于富燃料;

    Results demonstrate that the relationship of critical initiation energy and equivalence ratio shows an " U " shape curve , the cell size is also .

  9. 实验结果证明了IPN的临界起爆能与燃料当量比成U形曲线关系;

    Experimental results showed that a " U " shape curve existed between the critical initiation energy and IPN equivalence ratio .

  10. H2的转化效率强烈依赖于预混气的当量比,选择合适的当量比是提高转化效率的关键。

    H2 conversion efficiency is strongly dependent on the equivalence ratio , when suitable equivalence ratio is the key to improve conversion efficiency .

  11. 在此基础上获得了各自的爆炸波峰值超压随传播距离的拟合曲线和TNT当量比。

    Using the technique , the peak overpressure vs scaled distance fitting curves of blast wave and TNT equivalent have been obtained .

  12. 采用基于k-ε湍流模型和漩涡破碎燃烧模型的同位网格SIMPLE算法,对充满当量比的甲烷-空气预混气的柱形泄爆容器,向空气中泄爆的过程进行了数值模拟。

    The process of explosion venting to air in a cylindrical vented vessel , filled with stoichiometric methane-air pre-mixed gas , was simulated using the co-located grid SIMPLE scheme based on k - ε turbulence model and ' Eddy Dissipation ' combustion model .

  13. 试验结果还表明,进行EGR时的燃空当量比和点火提前角等参数也需要进行相应的调整和优化。

    It also shows the F / A equivalent ratio and ignition advanced angle should be adjusted to optimum when test with EGR .

  14. 同时发现,桑树/谷子间作的土地当量比(LER)增加,土地有效利用率提高。

    Land equivalent ratio ( LER ) and land utilization rate increased in mulberry / millet intercropping system .

  15. 冷起动首循环瞬态HC排放与进气道燃料输运特性关系的试验研究首循环瞬态HC排放的最小值出现在缸内燃烧最好的燃空当量比附近。

    Transient HC emissions and fuel transport in intake port of the first firing cycle during cold start Minimum exhaust HC emissions correspond to maximum peak cylinder pressure occurrence .

  16. 当聚电解质的阳离子度(CD)在12%以下时,SDS与CPAM的配比与理论等电荷当量比偏离较大;

    When the cationic degree of CPAM is less than 12 % , the distribution ratio of SDS and CPAM is far cry from that of equivalent electric degree in theory ;

  17. 在对实验数据进行分析的基础上,探讨了一些主要参数如:反应器温度,水蒸汽/生物质比率S/B(Steam/BiomassRatio),当量比ER(EquivalenceRatio)以及生物质粒度对气体成分和氢产率的影响。

    The effects of reactor temperature , steam to biomass ratio ( S / B ), equivalence ratio ( ER ), and biomass particle size on gas composition and hydrogen production were investigated based on analysis of experimental data .

  18. 研究了聚氨酯预聚体合成过程中,TDI滴加速度、NCO/OH(当量比)和PPG分子量等因素的影响。

    Influences of drop-velocity of TDI , NCO / OH ( equivalent ratio ) and the molecular weight of PPG in the synthesis Process of urethane-prepolymers were studied .

  19. 根据抑制NOx生成的燃烧技术和机理,得出燃烧器操作要点为:(1)保证较高的燃料空气当量比;

    According to the burning technic and mechanism , the burner & calciner operation points were as follows , for the former : ( 1 ) ensuring a higher valent weigh ratio of fuel to air ;

  20. 在小型燃烧室(内径2cm、长2cm的圆柱形腔体)组织多孔介质燃烧,可以在较宽的当量比范围内稳定点燃和稳定燃烧。

    Porous media combustion was organized in a 2 cm diameter and 2 cm long cylindrical cavity , which has broadly ignition and combustion ranges .

  21. 着重讨论了环氧树脂、弹性预聚物的各组分(线型聚醚、多元醇、甲苯二异氰酸酯)和预聚物的R(Nco/OH)的控制及配漆时,NCO/OH当量比等因素对涂料性能的影响。

    This paper focused on the influential factors upon the coatings properties . The influential factors include the components variation ( i.e. epoxy , elastic prepolymer including linear polyether , polylol and TDI ), R-NCO / OH adjustment during pre-polymerization and NCO / OH molal ratio during coatings application .

  22. 结果表明;在同一当量比下,随燃料辛烷值增大,着火时刻推迟,燃烧放热速率降低,HC和CO排放增大。

    The results showed that , for a fixed stoichiometric ratio , with the increase of fuel 's RON , the ignition delayed , the heat release rate lowered , the combustion duration increased , and the emissions of HC and CO rose .

  23. 在不同聚苯乙烯磺酸钠与亚甲蓝(MB)当量比(P/D)下,以He-Ne激光为光源,对MB-三乙醇胺的光氧化还原行为,及其增感丙烯酰胺(AM)聚合动力学进行了研究。

    Under different mole equivalent ratios of poly ( sodium p-styrenesulfonate ) segment to methylene blue ( P / D ), the photoredox behavior of methylene blue ( MB ) - triethanolamine and the polymerization kinetics of acrylamide sensitized system have been investigated .

  24. 煤粉浓淡和空气分级燃烧技术都是通过在炉内燃烧中脱氮降低NOx排放的措施,其原理是通过形成远离化学当量比这种不利于NOx生成的环境来降低其生成。

    Coal bias ( use LNE burner to form coal bias condition ) and air-stage combustion are measures of reduced NOx in the coal combustion in furnace . They reduce the NOx emission and generation by to form an environment which is far from the stoichiometric ratio .

  25. 另从二甲醚低温着火的化学反应机理入手,开展了其自燃着火过程的数值模拟研究,进而建立了计及温度、压力和燃空当量比因素的DME滞燃期数据库;

    In addition , an auto-ignition model based on the multi-step DME / air chemical kinetic mechanism was developed and an ignition delay data library was generated using the computational results of DME ignition delay correlated against temperature , pressure and fuel / air equivalence ratio .

  26. 在适当的氢气/空气当量比下,混合气流速从0.57m/s到18.4m/s部可以在管道中维持长时间稳定燃烧。

    The stable burning can be observed when the premixed gas velocity changed from 0.57m/s to 18.4m/s in suitable hydrogen-air equivalence ratio .

  27. 在直径240mm的立式爆轰管中,三种燃料与空气混合物的云雾都容易在较大的当量比范围内引发爆轰并实现爆轰波稳定传播。

    Detonation are easily initiated and propagated steadily in above three fuel air mixtures over larger equivalence ratio range by using the vertical shock tube with 240 mm diameter .

  28. 本文以土地当量比(LER)为指标,定量评价了轮作倒茬的综合生物学效果,并进一步分析了2~4年轮作周期下的高LER值作物轮作方式。

    It was pointed out that the land equivalent ratio ( LER ) can be used as an index to evaluate the biological effects of crop rotation comprehensively . The 2 ~ 4 year crop rotation patterns with higher LER were estimated in the paper .

  29. 不灌水和灌水60mm处理的土地当量比(LER)分别为1.29和1.33,群体水分利用效率不灌水和灌水60mm处理比玉米单作分别提高了24.86%和19.24%,比豌豆单作分别提高了14.58%和37.25%。

    Land equivalent ratio ( LER ) were 1.29 and 1.33 of non-irrigating and irrigating 60 mm respectively , WUE of intercropping increased 24.86 % and 19.24 % compared with maize monoculture , and increased 14.58 % and 37.25 % compared with pea monoculture .

  30. 土地当量比和复种指数的应用研究

    Application of Land Equivalent Ratio ( LER ) on Sequential Cropping