- 网络Equivalence ratio;equivalent ratio;EQR

Equivalence ratio is primary factor , conversion rate of methane will increase firstly and decrease secondly as the equivalence ratio increased ;
Combustion efficiency of three types of injection modes and homogeneous mixture combustion are analyzed over the wide range of equivalence ratio .
Similar results were obtained in stoichiometric and lean conditions .
The & function is dependent only on temperature and independent of hydrogen-carbon ratio of the fuel and fuel-air ratio for CnHm-air system .
Fuel consumption ratio of LPG was lower than petrol , the rate of saving power was about 5 % .
When it is more than 20 % , the distribution ratio of SDS and CPAM is equal to that of equivalent electric degree in theory ;
The influences of the intake charge tem perature 、 fuel air equivalence ratio 、 compression ratio 、 CO2 to combustion and pollution are studied .
Results demonstrate that the relationship of critical initiation energy and equivalence ratio shows an " U " shape curve , the cell size is also .
Experimental results showed that a " U " shape curve existed between the critical initiation energy and IPN equivalence ratio .
H2 conversion efficiency is strongly dependent on the equivalence ratio , when suitable equivalence ratio is the key to improve conversion efficiency .
Using the technique , the peak overpressure vs scaled distance fitting curves of blast wave and TNT equivalent have been obtained .
The process of explosion venting to air in a cylindrical vented vessel , filled with stoichiometric methane-air pre-mixed gas , was simulated using the co-located grid SIMPLE scheme based on k - ε turbulence model and ' Eddy Dissipation ' combustion model .
It also shows the F / A equivalent ratio and ignition advanced angle should be adjusted to optimum when test with EGR .
Land equivalent ratio ( LER ) and land utilization rate increased in mulberry / millet intercropping system .
Transient HC emissions and fuel transport in intake port of the first firing cycle during cold start Minimum exhaust HC emissions correspond to maximum peak cylinder pressure occurrence .
When the cationic degree of CPAM is less than 12 % , the distribution ratio of SDS and CPAM is far cry from that of equivalent electric degree in theory ;
The effects of reactor temperature , steam to biomass ratio ( S / B ), equivalence ratio ( ER ), and biomass particle size on gas composition and hydrogen production were investigated based on analysis of experimental data .
Influences of drop-velocity of TDI , NCO / OH ( equivalent ratio ) and the molecular weight of PPG in the synthesis Process of urethane-prepolymers were studied .
According to the burning technic and mechanism , the burner & calciner operation points were as follows , for the former : ( 1 ) ensuring a higher valent weigh ratio of fuel to air ;
Porous media combustion was organized in a 2 cm diameter and 2 cm long cylindrical cavity , which has broadly ignition and combustion ranges .
This paper focused on the influential factors upon the coatings properties . The influential factors include the components variation ( i.e. epoxy , elastic prepolymer including linear polyether , polylol and TDI ), R-NCO / OH adjustment during pre-polymerization and NCO / OH molal ratio during coatings application .
The results showed that , for a fixed stoichiometric ratio , with the increase of fuel 's RON , the ignition delayed , the heat release rate lowered , the combustion duration increased , and the emissions of HC and CO rose .
Under different mole equivalent ratios of poly ( sodium p-styrenesulfonate ) segment to methylene blue ( P / D ), the photoredox behavior of methylene blue ( MB ) - triethanolamine and the polymerization kinetics of acrylamide sensitized system have been investigated .
Coal bias ( use LNE burner to form coal bias condition ) and air-stage combustion are measures of reduced NOx in the coal combustion in furnace . They reduce the NOx emission and generation by to form an environment which is far from the stoichiometric ratio .
In addition , an auto-ignition model based on the multi-step DME / air chemical kinetic mechanism was developed and an ignition delay data library was generated using the computational results of DME ignition delay correlated against temperature , pressure and fuel / air equivalence ratio .
The stable burning can be observed when the premixed gas velocity changed from 0.57m/s to 18.4m/s in suitable hydrogen-air equivalence ratio .
Detonation are easily initiated and propagated steadily in above three fuel air mixtures over larger equivalence ratio range by using the vertical shock tube with 240 mm diameter .
It was pointed out that the land equivalent ratio ( LER ) can be used as an index to evaluate the biological effects of crop rotation comprehensively . The 2 ~ 4 year crop rotation patterns with higher LER were estimated in the paper .
Land equivalent ratio ( LER ) were 1.29 and 1.33 of non-irrigating and irrigating 60 mm respectively , WUE of intercropping increased 24.86 % and 19.24 % compared with maize monoculture , and increased 14.58 % and 37.25 % compared with pea monoculture .
Application of Land Equivalent Ratio ( LER ) on Sequential Cropping