
  • 网络when you smile;When You Are Smiling
  1. 当你微笑时,身体会更放松,这有助于保持身体健康和增强免疫系统。

    Your body is more relaxed when you smile , which contributes to good health and a stronger immune system .

  2. 当你微笑时,免疫功能可能会因你的放松而增强。

    When you smile , immune function improves possibly because you are more relaxed .

  3. 当你微笑时,你让我觉得我也可以一起唱。

    And when you smiled , you made me feel like I could sing along .

  4. 那个告诉你当你微笑时你的双眸能照亮世界的出租车司机。

    Like the taxi driver who told you that your eyes light up the world when you smile .

  5. 微笑这一行为与正面积极的情感如此紧密地联系在一起,所以当你微笑时,你感觉沮丧的几率微乎其微。

    The act of smiling is so strongly associated with positive feelings that it 's almost impossible to feel bad while smiling .

  6. 当你对自己微笑时,世上没烦事能纠缠你;

    When you smile to yourself , the world did not bother to pester you ;

  7. 当你大笑或微笑时。

    When you laugh and smile .

  8. 结论老年妇女经积极治疗原发病,能耐受化疗毒副反应。当你大笑或微笑时,你的身体很放松,引发一种积极的反应。

    Conclusions Elderly women can tolerant the side effects of chemotherapy as well in the middle women . When you laugh and smile , your body relaxes , and it causes a positive reaction .

  9. 当你对那个人微笑时,你立刻变得更加富有。

    You immediately become richer by giving that person your smile .