
  • 网络Happy Feet
  1. “快乐的大脚”的腿上植入了微型芯片,背部也会放上新西兰Sirtrack公司提供的阿戈斯卫星跟踪传送器。

    Happy Feet has a microchip implanted in his leg and will also have an Argos Satellite transmitter attached to his back provided by New Zealand 's Sirtrack .

  2. 你或许已经在电影《快乐的大脚》中略睹企鹅迁徙风采。

    Perhaps you saw an example of the migration in the movie ' Happy Feet . "

  3. 三英尺(约1米)高的快乐的大脚是在今年6月20号被人在离它的聚食地Antarctic相当遥远的新西兰发现的。

    The 3-foot-tall ( meter-tall ) penguin was found on a New Zealand beach June 20 , far from his Antarctic feeding grounds .

  4. 《快乐的大脚2》首周票房成绩是4千2百万。

    By way of comparison ," Happy Feet " collected nearly $ 42 million on its opening weekend .

  5. 在回到大自然怀抱的一路上快乐的大脚将会被放在一个定制的木箱里,里面放上60桶冰。

    Happy Feet has been placed in a custom-made crate for the journey and will be kept cool with 60 buckets of ice .

  6. 说起电影,我想我要说的是2008年我看的乔治·米勒的《快乐的大脚》。

    Speaking of films , I think the one I wanna talk about George Miller 's " Happy Feet ", I watched it in2008 .

  7. 过去的两个月这只企鹅都是由惠林顿动物园员工照料。快乐的大脚将会在4天后到达南纬51的时候回到大自然的怀抱。

    The penguin was moved from the Wellington Zoo , where staff has cared for him for the past two months , which will release him after four days at sea at a latitude of 51 degrees south .

  8. 世界各地满是哀悼之声并且缅怀这位喜剧演员,他曾献声于《阿拉丁》中的金妮,《快乐的大脚》中的雷蒙,还有《博物馆奇妙夜》中的泰迪·罗斯福。

    Mourning and memories welled up around the world for the man who was the voice of Aladdin 's Ginny , of Ramon in " Happy Feet , " who played Teddy Roosevelt in " Night at the Museum . "