
  • 网络It's all true;All Is True;Really Real Wrestling
  1. 不必费多大脑筋就知道,两种说法不可能都是真的。

    It doesn 't take much brain to work out that both stories can 't be true .

  2. 你要是买那栋房子只会买来麻烦,我说的都是真的。

    You 'll buy nothing but trouble if you buy that house , take my word for it .

  3. 这一切都是真的,但是,让我们换一种想法,借用一下苹果公司多年前的营销口号。

    All true , but let 's think different , to borrow the Apple marketing slogan of years back .

  4. 上周我吃了第一个莴苣头,太好吃了。原来关于“从菜园到餐桌”的那些说法都是真的(自己种菜真的更好吃)。

    Last week I ate the first head of lettuce it was amazing , all that garden to fork crap is true .

  5. 我承诺我今天告诉你的都是真的——我发誓(crossmyheart)。

    I promise that what I have told you today is true -

  6. 微软的windowsphone7广告有漫画式的夸张,但其实大部分情节都是真的。

    The Microsoft Windows Phone commercial seems cartoonish , but most of it is true .

  7. 过去的谣言都是真的——根据彭博发布的iPhone8图片和知情人的消息,苹果公司将会在下个月发布3款iPhone手机。

    Confirming past rumours , images of the device viewed by Bloomberg and people familiar with the gadget show Apple will release three iPhones next month .

  8. 如果这些传言都是真的,那么这款产品将是迄今为止,苹果公司与去年去世的创始人兼前CEO斯蒂夫-乔布斯的构想间产生的最大分歧。

    If the rumors are true , it would be Apple 's biggest departure yet from the vision of co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs , who died last year .

  9. 正如我们的创始人罗伯特雷普利(RobertRipley)曾说过,最奇怪的事通常都是真的。

    ' As our founder Robert Ripley used to say , it is often the strangest things that are true . '

  10. “正如我们的创始人罗伯特雷普利(RobertRipley)曾说过,最奇怪的事通常都是真的。”

    factor . ' As our founder Robert Ripley used to say , it is often the strangest things that are true . '

  11. 你相信你告诉我的都是真的?

    You believe that what you 're telling me is true ?

  12. 万一他说的都是真的呢?

    What if he 's telling the truth about the curse ?

  13. 教师说的都是真的。

    The teacher said it , and that made it gospel .

  14. 这本书里所说的事情都是真的,只有名字是假的。

    Everything 's true in this book , except for names .

  15. 我不知道是否所有那些东西都是真的。

    I don 't know whether all that stuff is true .

  16. 你愿发誓说你所说的都是真的吗?

    Will you swear to the truth of what you said ?

  17. 艾莉写在艾米丽本上的话都是真的吗

    That what Ali wrote in Emily 's notebook was true ?

  18. 如果梅丽莎说的都是真的

    Well , if Melissa was telling the truth about anything ,

  19. 不是的伙计都是真的

    No fellow . That is the real deal right there .

  20. 我想关于爱情他们说的都是真的。

    Guess it 's true what they say about love .

  21. 我所听到的那些话的确都是真的吗?

    Is , then , all that I have heard really true ?

  22. 你哪知她说的都是真的?

    How do you know everything she says is true ?

  23. 向万能的主发誓你说的都是真的。

    Swear to God Almighty you 're telling the truth .

  24. 他们说的关于接吻的事都是真的吗?

    Is it true about what they say about kisses ?

  25. 要是他的指控都是真的的话。

    If he did what the authoritiessuspect him of doing .

  26. 尽管这些都是真的,你最好还是不要详细描述。

    Although truthful , these are hobbies best not described in detail .

  27. 你也不应该~~如果那都是真的。

    Nor should you be * If it were true .

  28. 嗯,除了一天外,那句话对每一天来说都是真的

    Well , that 's true with every day except one

  29. 我所说的一切都是真的,上帝可以作证。

    Everything I have said is true , so help me god .

  30. 好了,毫无疑问这些情绪都是真的。

    Okay , there 's no doubting the veracity of those emotions .