
  • 网络Urban Oasis
  1. 潜心缔造都市绿洲

    Involved in Creating Urban Oasis

  2. 葡萄藤到处蔓延,并附着在大门正上方,将你从热闹的街市带到都市绿洲里,而发光的阶梯看起来也不会显得破旧不堪。

    Vines snake their way along and over top ofthe main entrance , transporting you from the busy streets of LA to an urbanoasis - and the glowing staircase isn 't too shabby either .

  3. 会所四周的水景让人恍如进入都市小岛或都市绿洲。

    The water surrounding the clubhouse provides a feeling of an island or oasis in urban environment .

  4. 都市内的现代化绿洲

    Modern oasis in Metropolis