
  • 网络urban literature
  1. 新都市文学创作特征综论

    A Survey of the Creative Characteristics in the New Urban Literature

  2. 建筑美学视野下香港都市文学中的空间构形

    Architectural Aesthetics and the Spatial Construction in Hong Kong Urban Literature

  3. 中国新感觉派与都市文学的关系

    Relationship Between the New Sensational School and the City Literature in China

  4. 乐园?荒原?&新时期都市文学作品中都市形象探微

    Paradise or Wilderness & On City Image of Modern City Literature works

  5. 再次,以此为基点反思近年新都市文学并作一评价。

    Third , it will comment the city novels in recent years .

  6. 而其作品《上海宝贝》则反映了90年代都市文学中多元的现代性。

    And Shanghai honey reflected the modern pluralistic of 1990s .

  7. 台湾都市文学与海派文学

    On Urban Literature And Shanghai - style Literature Of Taiwan

  8. 都市文学视野中的新感觉派

    The New Sensation - oriented Writers in Urban Literature

  9. 在中国现代文学史上,都市文学呈现出多重形态。

    In modern Chinese literature , urban literature takes on multi fold forms .

  10. 张欣是中国当下新都市文学的代表人物。

    Zhangxin is representative of the present urban literature .

  11. 其实,小城文学足以和乡村文学、都市文学三分天下。

    Actually , township literature is as important as countryside literature and city literature .

  12. 新世纪都市文学中生存空间的想象与建构

    The Imagination and Construction of the Living Space in the New Century Urban Literature

  13. 其次,文学空间理论研究与传统都市文学研究不同。

    Second , the theoretical research on literature space is different from research on traditional urban literature .

  14. 乡村情感与市井故事&从文化背景反思武汉都市文学的缺失

    Title : Rustic Affection and Urban Stories & the weakness of Wuhan Metropolis Literature from the cultural background

  15. 都市文学中的另类之比较&新感觉派与新新人类的创作命运及缺陷

    Comparision on Distinctive Style of Urban Literature & the Fortune and Defection of New Sensation-Oriented Writers and New Persons

  16. 这在中国当代都市文学创作中具有独特意义。

    Meanwhile , his writings possess the metropolis quality , which has unique meanings in china contemporary metropolis literature .

  17. 中国新感觉派兼具日本新感觉派与都市文学两种特点。

    The Chinese New Sensational School embodies characteristics of both the Japanese New Sensational School and the City Literature .

  18. 20世纪中国文学的整体叙事空间,系由小城文学、都市文学和乡村文学这三大板块组成。

    The total narration space of 20th century Chinese literature is composed by town literature , metropolitan literature and village literature .

  19. 20世纪中国都市文学缺乏真正的经济表现,这也构成了中国都市文学中的不足。

    The lack of real economic manifestations of Chinese literature in the twentieth century led to the weakness of its metropolitan literature .

  20. 本文认为,村庄意象构成于乡土文学、都市文学和小城镇文学研究的基础之上。

    The study on the image of village is based on local literature , local stories and urban , small town community literature .

  21. 新感觉派是30年代一个具有浓烈现代气息的小说流派,是现代都市文学中一道诱人的风景。

    On the Modern Characteristics of Neo-Sensualist Fiction , Neo-sensualist fiction is a school of fiction writers with strong modern characteristics in the 1930s .

  22. 本文在整个现代都市文学的大背景下对武汉的都市文学创作进行了总体的观照与描述。

    The present thesis , against the background of the panorama of modern urban literature , generally describes the urban literary creation in Wuhan .

  23. 新都市文学有着不同于以往的新的文学生产机制,它同传媒、出版、网络、影视等有着不解的源渊。

    Different from previous rises of literary trends in production systems , new urban literature is closely associated with media , publishing , webs and movies .

  24. 都市文学发展到当代,已经不仅仅是一种空间和地理上的文学界定,同时也是一种文化现象,包含一定的文化内涵和价值。

    The development of urban literature to the contemporary is not only a literature define , but a literature phenomenon , which concludes some literature connotation and value .

  25. 本文将城市文学与都市文学、市民文学进行比较,找出城市文学的独特性。

    This article will make " city literature " and " the urban literature ," " civic literature " comparison to find out the uniqueness of the urban literature .

  26. 革命文学立足于上海的文化语境,与当时的现代都市文学、通俗文学共同构成了一个多层的文学共生场。

    At the same time , the revolutionary literature bases itself upon the cultural context of Shanghai . The symbiosis field of literature consists of revolution , metropolis and popularity .

  27. 本文意在考察二十世纪二、三十年代新感觉派的文学创作及其对中国都市文学进程的启示和影响。

    This dissertation aims at the investigation of the literary creation of the New-perceptional school in 1920s and 1930s and its revelation and impact upon the urban literature of China .

  28. 论文着重分析后现代背景下岭南文化浸润中的岭南都市文学发展存在的问题和成因,探讨其自我超越与提升的方向。

    This paper attempts to explore the way of transcendence and elevation for Lingnan urban literature infiltrated in Lingnan culture by analyzing the problems and causes for its development against the postmodern background .

  29. 以保尔·穆杭为代表的都市文学虽然在表现手法上有印象主义和感觉主义的倾向,但与日本新感觉派在本质上是不同的。

    Although Paul Muque , the master of the City Literature , exhibits traces of impressionism and sensationalism in his writing style , he differs from the Japanese New Sensational School in nature .

  30. 这些从内容到形式诸多层面的探索及现代新质的渗入,使得真正意义上的都市文学以崭新的风貌出现了。

    With the exploration of various levels from content to form and the permeability of modem elements , the literary of modern city in a real sense takes on a totally new look .