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  1. 面向对外汉语的都类总括范围副词对比分析

    Comparative Analyses of Summary Adverbs in Teaching Chinese as Foreign Language

  2. 因此,我所有的方法都是类方法,就像Java中的静态方法一样。

    So , all of my methods were class methods , like static methods in Java .

  3. 不管是哪种情况,新的字节码都作为类Java的源代码声明或者String中的块传递。

    Either way , the new bytecode is passed as a Java-like source code statement or block in a String .

  4. 将Web页面、客户端界面、组件对象、数据表和数据库都作为类或对象,按照真实世界的观点进行建模。

    Takes web pages , client UI , component object , table and database as objects or classes to do modeling from the viewpoint of real world .

  5. 这说明干旱胁迫可以诱导两种苹果属植物发生细胞程序性死亡,并且在细胞程序性死亡过程中叶片中都有类Caspase-3蛋白酶的产生。

    And Caspase-3 was produced in leaves in these two Malus species during this process .

  6. 所有必需的JAR文件必须都在类路径(操作系统环境变量)中或者都在java命令行上被指定。

    All necessary JAR files must be in the classpath ( operating system environment variable ) or must be specified on the java command line .

  7. 每个javaEE应用服务器都使用类加载器的定制实现,由于javaEE规范目前并未覆盖类加载器。

    Each Java EE application server uses a custom implementation of class loaders , because the Java EE specification does not currently cover class loaders .

  8. 每个小部件都是类类型为widget的一个div元素,具有头部(widget-head)和内容区(widget-content)。

    Each widget is a div element of class type widget , which has a header ( widget-head ) and content area ( widget-content ) .

  9. 所有行动都以类来实现。

    All actions are implemented in classes .

  10. 委托和接口都允许类设计器分离类型声明和实现。

    Both delegates and interfaces allow a class designer to separate type declarations and implementation .

  11. 结果表明:三种幼虫肠道都含有类胰凝乳蛋白酶和类胰蛋白酶。

    The results showed that all the preparations from the larval intestines contained chymotrypsin-like and trypsin-like enzymes .

  12. 再次,所得出的速率趋势项都是类抛物形曲线,存在着最大值。

    Another trend in the rate of the resulting items are parabolic-shaped curve , there is a maximum .

  13. 可她把基本上都这类心思都深埋于心,直到离开商界一年出头之后才吐露了心声。

    But she largely kept them to herself until leaving the corporate world a little more than a year ago .

  14. 胡萝卜或者任何红色,黄色及橙色水果和蔬菜都富含类胡萝卜素,研究表明这些果蔬可以降低日晒强度。

    Carrots or any other red , yellow , and orange fruits and vegetables are packed with carotenoids , and studies show they reduce sunburn intensity .

  15. 除非希望每次访问信息时都编组类,否则这个问题就确实存在。

    Unless you want to marshal out your classes every time you need to access information , you 've got a real problem on your hands .

  16. 此外,茶叶还具有平气降火的功效,更能延缓癌细胞的增长速度。的确,茶叶能帮助人们对抗癌症和心脏疾患,但不是所有的茶叶都具有这类功效。

    Tea leaves can calm inflammation in the body and may slow the growth of cancer cells .

  17. 她们在这期间购买的大部分都是装饰类物品,比如珠宝、化妆品以及高跟鞋等。

    Most of the purchases made by the women were for adornment , make-up and high heels .

  18. 对于Java程序,主类名和命令行参数都是这类参数。

    For Java programs , the main class name and the command-line arguments are such parameters .

  19. 在每个可以包含从属业务对象的业务对象类中,都有一类重要的方法,即一组用于检索这些从属对象的find方法。

    An important category of methods in every business object class that can contain dependent business objects is the set of different find methods to retrieve these dependent objects .

  20. 按Cook的定义,证明了以上问题都属于NC类。

    So according to the definition of Cook , we show these problems lie in the class NC .

  21. 与Java技术不同,Ruby没有标量,所以所有东西(包括整数)都是一类对象。

    Unlike Java technology , Ruby has no scalars , so everything , including integers , are first-class objects .

  22. 在我们的示例中,birthday和deathday都使用Date类。

    In our example , birthday and deathday both use the Date class .

  23. 以这个前缀开头的类都是代理类,API类设计为你衍生和创建自己的对象类型。

    Classes with this prefix are all Proxies , API classes designed for you to derive from and create your own object types .

  24. 在多细胞生物的基因组中都存在一类非编码RNA基因,能够产生长度约为22个核苷酸的小分子RNA,称为mi鄄croRNA(miRNA),具有调节其他基因表达活性的功能。

    MicroRNA ( miRNA ) are family of small , non-coding RNA that can regulate expression of other genes .

  25. 在任何给定阶段,下一阶段的所有stub和tie都必须在类路径上。

    At any given stage , all the stubs and ties of the next stage must be on the classpath .

  26. 其中每一个都是抽象类,他们都是两个名为Double和Float的非抽象内部类(它们是抽象外部类的子类)。

    Each of these is an abstract class , complete with two non-abstract inner classes called Double and Float ( which are subclasses of the abstract outer class ) .

  27. 实体商店空竹销售在AB目前还是一个空缺,在许多的超市都没这类产品的售卖。

    Cephalostachyum physical store sales in the AB is still a vacancy , and in many supermarkets no sale of such products .

  28. 我们把ATS中数据类型、数据和模板的定义都封装成类。

    We packaged the definition of data types , data and special data types - templates as class .

  29. 在mcl1和mcl2的类路径中,都必须放入类C的一个副本。

    A copy of class C must be placed on the classpaths of both mcl1 and mcl2 .

  30. 表示时间上的不可变瞬间的Joda类都属于这个类的子类。

    Joda classes that represent immutable instants in time are subclasses of this one .