首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 名叫法提的目击者说他自己至少看到了两具尸体,而很多人都中了枪伤。

    The witness named Fathi said he saw at least two he believed were dead and many more wounded .

  2. 全世界各国政府都为中高收入群体提供过住房补贴。

    Around the world , governments have subsidized the housing of middle and upper-income groups

  3. 然而多数病人都在中晚期被发现,只能接受姑息性疗法,但疗效甚微。

    Unfortunately , most patients are still diagnosed at advanced stage and could only receive palliative treatments .

  4. 在本课题的教学实践过程中,无论是教师还是学生,都从中有所收获,初步取得了一定成果。

    Both the teachers and the students benefit from the teaching practice of this subject and have got certain initial results .

  5. 在优化反应条件下,大多数底物都可以中等到良好的收率生成相应的3-芳基取代喹啉衍生物。

    Under the optimized reaction conditions , most of the substrates afforded the corresponding 3-aryl quinoline derivatives with moderate to good yields . 2 .

  6. 国内软件企业大部分都是中小型企业,于是适合中小型团队承包的测试类外包业务逐渐成为这些企业的一大效益增长点。

    Most of the domestic software enterprises are small or medium , so the test-type outsourcing business which is suitable for them has become one of the major benefits of these enterprises growth .

  7. 在这种情况下,本研究就显得意义尤为重大。成人学习者在心理、生理、学习动机和学习时间等方面都和中、小学生有所不同,掌握学习的方法是否对他们有效?

    Adult students are different from children and teen-agers in many aspects , such as in psychology , physiology and the motivation of study . Can the method be successful , if the targets are adults ?

  8. 我国经济的发展,汽车保有量的增加,居民消费理念的改变,都让中高端汽车美容快修行业产生更多的商机。

    With the development of the economy , the increase of the auto possession and the changes of the consumption concept , there have been generating more business opportunities in car beauty and quick repairing industry .

  9. 大楼所有的玻璃都在爆炸中震碎了。

    The explosion shattered all the windows in the building .

  10. 我们都从经验中得到教益。

    We all learn by experience .

  11. 计算机是公平之物,所有人物都能从中获得信息。

    The computer is a leveller , making information available to everyone

  12. 双方都从谈判中获益。

    Both sides have benefited from the talks .

  13. 湖面的大部分都处在背阴中。

    Most of the lake was in shadow .

  14. 我们都会无意中对他人的亲近有所设防。

    We all unconsciously erect barriers against intimacy .

  15. 很多诙谐的成分都在翻译中丢失了。

    Much of the wit is lost in translation

  16. 行政人员将每个护照号都输入计算机中。

    Officials type each passport number into a computer

  17. 他们两人都于穷困潦倒中死去。

    Both of them died in abject poverty

  18. 每个人都从吃中得到满足感。

    Everybody takes pleasure in eating

  19. 那名士兵中枪了,整夜都处于痛苦中。

    That soldier got shot and was in anguish all night .

  20. 事物的细微变动,人生的狡猾,倏忽无常,一一都在光中显露出来。

    Light reveals the subtle alteration of things , the sly or calamitous impermanence or mortal life .

  21. 这些手机你看中了哪一款?&哪一款我都看不中。

    Which of these mobile phones have you settled on ? & none of them catch my fancy .

  22. 我们可能都在生活中体验过语言的力量,这甚至在我们很小的时候就出现过了。

    We may all experience the power of words in our life , even when we were very young .

  23. 大多数Web应用程序都在会话中保持数据,使其在整个应用程序过程中可用。

    Most Web applications maintain data in session to make them available throughout the application .

  24. 口语和书面语是语式(mode)的两个次范畴,都在社会中发挥着重要作用。

    Speech and writing are two sub-categories of mode , both of which play important roles in society .

  25. 整个XML文档都在内存中表示。

    The entire XML document is represented in memory .

  26. 除非另有声明,示例都使用DB2中包含的SAMPLE数据库。

    Unless otherwise indicated , they use the SAMPLE database included with DB2 .

  27. 但如果一切都像计划中那样进行的话,webprofile是有可能支持的。

    That being said SpringSource will be looking to support the Web profile if things align as expected .

  28. Worried我们都担心生活中的压力。

    Worried We all worry about the stresses of life .

  29. 轻型钢结构工程的主要构件,如H型钢、箱型钢等,大部分都是由中、薄钢板组焊成形,焊接量很大。

    The main components of ligh-steel construction is composed of steel plate , which is largely needed for welding .

  30. 在Rails中,所有模式变化包括模式最初的创建都在迁移中发生。

    In Rails , all schema changes including the schema 's initial creation occur in a migration .