
  1. 不管我们采取何种医疗改革措施,都省不下太多钱。

    However we adopt healthcare reform , it isn 't going to save major amounts of money

  2. B:太方便了,连宾馆的钱都省了。

    B : It 's so convenient . You save on the hotel as well .

  3. 它可以替我们自己和别人,都省下许多麻烦。

    It can save ourselves , and them , a lot of trouble .

  4. 据悉,在2009年,可口可乐公司已经因“夸大产品效果”而遭到有关部门的处罚,因为他们公司宣传:只要喝了维生素饮料,就连吃青菜、水果都省了。

    In2009 Coke was rapped for implying the drinks were healthier than eating vegetables .

  5. 无论去不去健身房,我都省下了雇教练的钱。

    I saved money by not paying a trainer whether I went to the gym or not .

  6. 另一个不洗澡的结果是,你连买鲜花、生日卡、纪念卡、小礼品、珠宝和避孕套的钱都省了。

    As another result of not showering , you will also save money on flowers , birthday cards , anniversary cards , gifts , jewelry and condoms ;

  7. 用户可以打电话、查阅电子邮件,甚至手腕一抬就能拍摄照片和视频,而语音识别更是让触摸操作都省了。

    It lets users make phone calls , check email , even point and shoot photos and video by holding up your hand . And voice recognition means it 's possible to navigate the device touch-free .

  8. 呃,不过我现在大部分时间都省着点指甲,这样我坐在替补席上的时候就有指甲可以啃了,如果我总是啃的话,我很快就把指甲咬没了。

    Well , most of the time now it 's saved for the bench so I have some nails left , because if I did it all the time , I 'd be down to the nub .

  9. 后来我跟恰克聊了这件事,我们意识到如果把手机也包含进来,那么,每当你想分摊账目的时候只要发个短信就可以了,连记事本都省了。

    And later on talking to Chuck , we realised that if we had a cell phone component , if you could send an SMS into our service whenever you split a bill , you wouldn 't even have to carry that book around .

  10. 几乎每个月我都必须省着点花钱。

    Almost every month I have to spin out money .

  11. 然而在新加坡,就连这个工序都可以省了。

    In Singapore , however , not even that is necessary anymore .

  12. 他每星期都设法省下几元工资。

    Each week he tried to set aside a few dollars of his salary .

  13. 地处中国建陶之都广东省佛山市,著名陶瓷生产企业。

    China Building Ceramic Capital is located in Foshan City , Guangdong Province , the famous ceramic production enterprises .

  14. 政府比企业更难重组,但即使生产力的小小提升都能省下一大笔钱。

    It can be harder to restructure government than business , but even small productivity gains can bring big savings .

  15. 在中国劳务输出的项目一般都由省一级劳动厅属下的单位统一办理。

    Q : In China , the program of the export of labor services is generally handled by subordinate unit to the provincial Labor Department .

  16. 我父亲一天只给我十块钱,但是我每天都要省下五元来买车子,这是一个长过的计划(长远的路要走),但我会有耐心的。

    My father gives me only ten bucks a day But I am saving five dollars every day to buy a car it is a long way to go , but I will be patient .

  17. 大多数人每天都能省出几块钱来(比如不喝咖啡,和别人合伙坐出租车,少买点报纸),你可能很容易就忽略这些小钱,但一年后,你就可以节省数百元钱。

    Most of us can cut a couple of dollars of unnecessary spending every day ( how about skipping that latte , carpooling , ditching your daily newspaper ? ) It 's a tiny amount that you 'll barely notice on a daily basis , but over the course of a year , you 'll have saved several hundred dollars .

  18. 上述的MCU和SGRAM接口(STI)都通过了省部级鉴定。

    The MCU and SGRAM Interface ( STI ) above have passed the ministry and province grade authentication .

  19. 位于中国铝材之都&广东省佛山市。

    Located in China aluminum city-foshan city , guangdong province .

  20. 这些都为我省高校开设定向课程提供了必要的条件。

    All these provide necessary conditions for the opening of the course of orienteering .

  21. 所有死亡病例都在湖北省。

    All the deaths were in Hubei Province .

  22. 要是我什么都不要,省的会更多!

    If I don 't get it at all , I 'll save more .

  23. 中央电视台的记者造访了两家都位于广东省、已经配置机器人的工厂。

    A reporter from CCTV visited two robot-equipped factories , both situated in Guangdong Province .

  24. 他们都来自安徽省。

    Both come from Anhui Province .

  25. 这些单位在都是陕西省体育局下设的直属单位中发展状况较好的。

    These units are Shaanxi Province Sports Bureau under the units directly under development in better condition .

  26. 每次他都把自己省下来的钱全部带回家交给父亲。

    Each time , he took all the money he had saved and gave it to his father .

  27. 通过因子分析得出的竞争力排序和分类都与湖南省的经济情况大体相符。

    The place and sorts of international competitiveness deduced from the factorial analysis accord with Hunan 's economy situations on the whole .

  28. 不管是原厂的还是在汽配城加装的,它们都让我们省了很多事(除了有些时候它们也会莫名其妙地让我们绕弯路)。

    Manufacturer-installed or aftermarket , they save lots of hassle ( except for those odd times when they lead you astray ) .

  29. 政府认证:国宾大红袍的包装上都有福建省政府的官方戳记,产地不会有问题。

    Certified : The State Guest Da Hung Pao packaging bears an official seal from the Fujian municipal government verifying its origin .

  30. 在此过程中,都以湖北省为例使用定性和定量分析相结合的方法,具有较强的说服力。

    The conclusion has a strong convincing because the process takes Hubei province for example with a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis methods .