
  1. 他过去每个周末都斗拳。

    He used to box every weekend .

  2. 商业伙伴们用狡猾、诡计多端以及聪明等字眼来形容李书福,并承认,他们在任何谈判中都斗不过李书福。

    Business partners use words such as wily , crafty and brilliant to describe Mr Li , and admit that they expect to be outwitted by him in any negotiation .

  3. 任何时候都不准吸烟斗和雪茄。

    Pipes and cigars are not allowed at any time .

  4. 人人都在互相斗来斗去,很高兴我置身事外了。

    Everyone was fighting everyone else-i 'm glad to be out of it .

  5. 每逢拳脚之争,他都还不必然斗得过灰太狼咧。

    Interestingly , he is still unable to defeat Grey Wolf in a fist fight except for rare incidences .

  6. 谁都知道,在斗拳之前,徒步走两英里的路实在不是件有利的事。

    And , as any man knew , a hard two miles was not the best preliminary to a fight .