
  • 网络khaki;Khaki Pants;chinos
  1. 我去换条卡其裤搭件polo衫

    You know what ? I 'll just go put on a pair of khakis , maybe a polo shirt ,

  2. 我不是说,希望未来所有的荣誉军团勋章接受者都身穿Polo衫和卡其裤亮相。

    It 's not that I expect all future generations of Legion of Honor recipients to start showing up in polos and khakis .

  3. 如果约翰逊成功了,也许我们将来在购买平价卡其裤时也会像购买iPad一样兴奋不已。

    But if Johnson succeeds , we just might feel as psyched about buying our next pair of affordable khakis as we do about springing for an iPad .

  4. 如果要计划去烤烧烤,通常是牛仔裤或卡其裤与polo衫或带海军服领子衣服搭配。

    If an afternoon barbecue is the venue , guys will be good with either jeans or khakis with a polo or crew neck tee .

  5. Girard穿着卡其裤,看起来很贵的皮鞋,有波纹的兰色钮扣。

    Girard is wearing pressed khaki pants , expensive-looking leather loafers and a crisp blue button-down .

  6. 最近,他身穿卷起裤腿的卡其裤,骑着两轮电动车前往明治大学(MeijiUniversity)给学生演讲,成为一大新闻。

    He made news recently when he arrived at a speech for Meiji University Students in Japan wearing Khaki Pants rolled up above his shoe tops ( see photo above ) and riding a two-wheeled , stand-up electric bike .

  7. 去年8月份,希韦离开JimmyAu's男装店时收获颇丰:一套正装、三件运动外套、五件衬衣、两条牛仔裤和七条卡其裤。

    After his visit to the store in August , Mr. Hevey left with a suit , three sport coats , five shirts , two pairs of jeans and seven pairs of khakis .

  8. 如果你是一个穿惯了卡其裤和polo衫的小伙子,约会的时候可就别穿什么一板一眼有袖口有方巾口袋的衬衫啦!

    If you 're a guy who lives in khakis and polo shirts , don 't show up at your date with a patterned button down dress shirt with cufflinks and a pocket kerchief .

  9. 比如,我觉得那三个人不会聚在一起说:“哦,嘿,我们都穿上Polo衫和卡其裤,去颠覆传统!真是个好机会!”他们很可能已经是尽量挑选手边最好的衣服。

    I doubt , for example , that the three men stood around and thought : " Oh , hey , let 's all wear polos and khakis and upend tradition ! What an opportunity ! " They probably did the best with what they had at hand .

  10. 别逼老娘追你,你这小卡其裤�

    Don 't make me chase you , you little khaki mouse .

  11. 相反,穿上你的卡其裤,再配一个简洁的白色礼服衬衫,随意的将衬衫袖子卷起来吧。

    Instead , opt to wear your khakis with a simple white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up .

  12. 根据你皮鞋的颜色,可以在棕色或黑色的皮带中选择一条与卡其裤搭配。

    According to the color of your shoes can be brown or black belt in choosing a mix with khaki pants .

  13. 我有能在正式场合穿的长裤,也有卡其裤和牛仔裤应付非正式场合。

    I have a couple of good pairs of black slacks for formal occasions , along with khakis and jeans for more informal events .

  14. 女性穿棉质套装或太阳裙,男性穿卡其裤,有领衬衣看上去比较休闲。

    A cotton suit or sundress for women and khaki pants and a shirt with a collar for men are as casual as you should go .

  15. 相反,我所踏入的是一间明亮而现代的房间,里面挤满了穿着卡其裤和运动外套的时髦的摩洛哥男子,优雅地举着茶杯。

    Instead , I entered a bright , modern room crowded with a dozen sharply dressed Moroccan men in khakis and sport coats , daintily holding cups of tea .

  16. 于是,在签售时,我转而选择了最保守的服饰:蓝色的运动夹克与灰色的宽松裤;炭灰色的西服与系带的矮腰皮鞋;灰色的外套与带褶的卡其裤。

    Instead , while on the road I resort to the most conservative outfits : blue blazer and grey slacks ; charcoal suit and lace-up loafers ; grey coat and pleated khakis .

  17. 建议想展示男子气概的男性在戴棒球帽时可以这样搭配:经典款牛津衬衫,修身卡其裤,还有靴子。

    Also , they go well with athletic wear . For men who want to show masculinity it is advised to pair them with a classic oxford shirt , slim-cut chinos and a pair of boots .

  18. 什色涤棉卡其男女童裤

    Terylene cotton colored drill trousers for boys and girls