
měishù shèjì
  • Art Design;artistic design
  1. 浅析CAD美术设计

    Artistic design with CAD

  2. 创造性思维与美术设计教学

    On Creative Thinking and the Teaching of Artistic Design

  3. 高职美术设计专业CAD课程的深度组织

    The Form and Construction of CAD Subject in Art Design Profession

  4. 大约一年前艾山来到北京,在中国传媒大学(CommunicationUniversityofChina)学舞台美术设计,阿布拉则继续留在了喀什。

    When Mr. Aishan moved to Beijing to study stage design at the Communication University of China about a year ago , Mr. Abula stayed in Kashgar .

  5. 电脑美术设计课程的教学方法探讨

    Explore the Teaching Methods of Computer Aided Arts Practising in Class

  6. 星期四小华打算去做美术设计。

    Xiao Hua is going to do art projects on thursday .

  7. 浅析高职美术设计专业的包装教学

    On Packaging Teaching of Higher Vocational Fine Arts Designing Specialty

  8. 对我国现行工艺美术设计教育改革的思考

    Reflection of China 's Current Educational Reform of Design of Industrial Arts

  9. 论电视剧实景拍摄中的美术设计

    On Art Design in the Real Scene Shooting of Teleplay

  10. 美术设计作品中的信息共享关系初探

    The Research of Imformation Sharing Relationship in Art Design Works

  11. 目前正在加大力度对美术设计专业教育进行改革。

    The professional education of the art design is under intensive reform .

  12. 上海美术设计公司包装装潢作品选登

    Selected works of package design from Shanghai Art Designing Corp

  13. 包装设计中电脑美术设计的综合运用

    Integrated Applications of the Computer Arts Design In the Design of Packaging

  14. 中国20世纪二三十年代商业美术设计探议

    Preliminary Exploration into Commercial Art Design in 1920s-1930s in China

  15. 初论美术设计作品中的视觉冲击力

    On the " Visual Impact " in Art Design

  16. 论电脑美术设计专业教学

    A Discussion on Professional Teaching of Computer Art Design

  17. 带约束的装配生产计划及其数据模型设计也谈动画美术设计

    Resources Constrained Assembling Production Planning and Its Structure Designing

  18. 参数方程在电脑美术设计中的应用

    Applications of Parameter Equation in Computer Artistic Design

  19. 并成为17、18世纪欧洲中国风工艺美术设计和园林设计的重要灵感来源。

    It also inspired the Europe industrial arts and garden design of 17-18 century .

  20. 机械造型美术设计是一门综合性的学科,在产品设计与生产中起着重要作用。

    Artistic design of machine modelling is a synthetical subject of art and technology .

  21. 信息技术与工艺美术设计创新

    Information Technology and Industrial Art Design Innovation

  22. 提线木偶电视剧的美术设计&谈提线木偶电视剧《雪域金猴》的美术

    The Artistic Design of Marionette Tv Drama

  23. 本文主要研究初中美术设计课程教学的模式。

    The main research topics in junior high school art design course teaching mode analysis .

  24. 没有任何例外,即使是美术设计工作者,他们的桌子也要保持整洁。

    There is no exception , even the art designers have to keep their desks neat .

  25. 绘描字体美术设计名词。指先勾描字体轮廓,然后填色。

    Built-up letter graphic term for a letter which is first drawn and filled in after .

  26. 电脑美术设计为包装设计质量的提高创造了条件。

    The computer arts design creates the condition for the improvement of the packaging design quality .

  27. 控制论与实用美术设计&论广告设计行为目的的控制

    Cybernetics and Applied Fine Arts Design & Discuss the Control of the Advertisement Design Action Aim

  28. 虚实相生的新空间&戏曲电视剧美术设计问题初探

    Design Chinese Traditional Opera for TV

  29. 高职工艺美术设计专业的教改实践与研究

    Teaching practice and research : reform on art design specialty of fine arts departments in technical institutes

  30. 工艺美术设计的创新思维

    On Inventiveness in Handicraft Designing