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  • 网络A beautiful story;Vira-virou
  1. 莎士比亚剧中的美丽故事

    Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare

  2. 这是一个我们熟知的美丽故事。只是我们常常轻易略过,也许一年才读一次。

    This beautiful story is so well known , yet too often we pass over it too quickly or read it only once a year perhaps .

  3. 这让我想起了一个由LaurenGreenfield拍摄的非常美丽的故事GirlCulture,或是他最近报导的一个中国富商的故事。

    I am thinking of the very wonderful story by Lauren Greenfield , Girl Culture Or her recent story she did on the super rich in China .

  4. 是的,我记得。那是一则美丽的故事。

    Yes , I remember . It 's a beautiful story .

  5. 我早就应该知道:美丽的故事不会变为现实。

    I might have known fairy tales don 't come true .

  6. 威:听说过,而且,在这名称后面还有一个美丽的故事呢。

    Yes , and there is a beautiful story behind this name .

  7. 总有一些美丽的故事,关于城市举办奥运会。

    There are always beautiful stories about the cities hold the Olympic Games .

  8. 他常用自己的脑袋?他的孩子们编美丽的故事。

    He often weaves beautiful stories out of his own head for his children .

  9. 一段美丽的故事总有一个美丽的结局!

    Every beautiful story has a beautiful ending !

  10. 这是一个美丽的故事,我当然喜欢它有一个快乐的结局。

    It was a nice story , and I hope it has a happy ending .

  11. 甚至有些广告像是在讲述一段美丽的故事,让我们陶醉其中。

    Even some good advertisements looks like a beautiful story which make us enjoy them .

  12. 这真是一个美丽的故事。那些羊看上去真是栩栩如生!

    It 's really a beautiful story . And those rams are looking so alive !

  13. 最初,那是一个美丽的故事;然而,残酷的现实把它变成遗憾。

    Originally , it was a beautiful story . However , the cruel reality makes it a regret .

  14. 而米兰•昆德拉也是在那座浪漫闲散的城市里,酝酿出了那个美丽的故事。

    Moreover , it was in that poetical and leisurely city that Milan Kundera conceived so beautiful a story .

  15. 他用奇怪的眼光看着我,思索了一会儿,然后对我说了一个美丽的故事。

    He looked at me oddly , thought about it for a moment and then told me something beautiful .

  16. 但是,就是这片小小的土地上却流传着许多美丽的故事、优美的音乐和丰富多彩的民间艺术。

    However , in this small land , there are many beautiful stories , music , and colorful folk art .

  17. 谭木匠公司擅长制作木梳,他们的梳子流传甚广,为中国人带来了很多美丽的故事(回忆)。

    Carpenter Tan company is good at making wood combs , and their combs are popular in China to bring nice memories .

  18. 在建造前,它还有一个美丽的故事。泰姬陵由国王沙贾汉在1632年至1653年期间完成,它作为国王爱妻——慕塔芝玛的陵墓和纪念碑。

    The Taj was built between 1632 and 1653 by Emperor Shah Jahan to serve as a mausoleum and monument to his favorite wife , Mumtaz Mahal .

  19. 这是一个美丽的故事,故事中的男主角十分渴望实现童年的梦想,和他已故的妻子在神秘的天堂瀑布建造一幢房屋。

    The story of a man desperate to fulfill the childhood dream that he and his now-deceased wife had of building a home on the mystical Paradise Falls is indeed a beautiful one .

  20. 凄惨美丽的故事,洁白高贵的天鹅向我们讲述了始终不渝的忠贞情感,这样轰轰烈烈的爱情让人类自愧不如。

    Miserable and beautiful story , the pure noble swan related never change faithful emotion toward us , so the magnificent and victorious love lets the mankind be not equal to from the .

  21. 浪漫的爱情,是美丽的童话故事。

    The romantic love , is the beautiful fairy tale story .

  22. 而该教授对此的评价是:这是个美丽的童话故事。

    The professor remarked : This is a beautiful fairy tale .

  23. 《布鲁克林》集简单的叙事为精华,呈现出一曲美丽动人的故事。

    Brooklyn is the very essence of a simple story , beautifully told .

  24. 我可以告诉你许多美丽地方的故事。

    I can tell you stories about wonderful places .

  25. 它不是一个美丽的爱情故事;

    It is not a pretty love story ;

  26. 攀岩运动&一个美丽的爱情故事!

    Rock Climbing & a beautiful love story !

  27. 他们诉说我们美丽的爱情故事。

    They tell our beautiful love story .

  28. 二石与月亮相配,便有了美丽动人的故事。

    Two stones and moon match each other , having the beauty moving story then .

  29. 美丽的童话故事依然精彩无知,我却永远也飞不到你的国度。

    The beautiful fairy tale is wonderful and unknown as usual , can I fly to your country in no way .

  30. 然而他们的蜜月期十分短暂,爱德华发现贝拉怀孕,怀上一个“半人半吸血鬼”的婴儿后美丽的爱情故事又开始陷入一片灰暗。

    But their honeymoon period is short lived before they discover Bella is pregnant with a half human , half vampire baby .