
shān lín
  • mountain forest;mountain and forest;wooded mountain
山林 [shān lín]
  • [mountain and forest]有山和树木的地方

  • 山林地区

山林[shān lín]
  1. 他在山林里迷了路。

    He got lost in the mountain forest .

  2. 车队蛇行穿过山林。

    The motorcade snaked its way through the mountain forest .

  3. 他晚年退隐山林,皈依佛教。

    In his later years he retired from public life , converted to Buddhism and became a hermit .

  4. 2009年和2013年,当澳大利亚维多利亚州、新南威尔士州等地遭受严重山林火灾时,中方迅速向澳方提供火场卫星数据,向救灾行动施以援手。

    In 2009 and 2013 when Victoria and New South Wales of Australia were hit by severe bush fires , the Chinese side lent a helping13 hand by providing prompt satellite data about the fires .

  5. Air(初三适用)山林地陆地γ辐射空气吸收剂量率测量

    The measurement of absorbed dose rates in air from terrene γ - ray in mountain forest

  6. 恙虫病立克次体(Rt)分型:Gilliam型。②内陆山林型疫源地分布于浙江。

    Type of Rt : Gilliam : ( 2 ) Inland mountain-forest type in Zhejiang with major reservoir host as R.

  7. 兴隆山林区大约在300a前就已完全隔离。

    A completely isolated green island has been in Xinglong Mountain for about 300 years .

  8. 科罗拉多公园和野生动物部门的发言人JenniferChurchill告诉记者说这头昏睡的熊随后会被放归到波尔得西面的山林。

    Jennifer Churchill , a spokesperson for Colorado Parks and Wildlife , told the Post that the woozy bear was tagged and released in the mountains west of Boulder .

  9. 介绍了NaI就地γ谱仪在海洋性气候山林地进行的陆地γ辐射空气吸收剂量率测量。

    The measurement of absorbed dose rates in air from terrene γ radiation using NaI ( Tl ) in situ γ ray spectrometry in mountain forest was carried out .

  10. 甘肃兴隆山林区马麝(Moschuschrysogaster)隔离种群的生态特征

    Some ecological characteristics of the isolated population of alpine musk deer ( Moschus chrysogaster ) in the Xinglong forest , Gansu Province

  11. 论朱熹的山林情趣与他的诗歌创作

    About Zhu xi 's interest in mount-woods and his poetic creation

  12. 完达山林区马鹿的冬季食性

    Food-habits of Red Deer in Winter in Wanda Mountain Forest Region

  13. 中国高山林线的分布高度与气候的关系

    Geographical Differences in Alpine Timberline and Its Climatic Interpretation in China

  14. 祁连山林区土壤水分生态研究

    Study on Soil Water Ecological Process in Qilian Mountains Forest Region

  15. 高山林线与气候变化关系研究进展

    Research advances in the relationship between alpine timberline and climate change

  16. 于是一介布衣,潜心在山林中独居修行。

    Then he gave up everything to remain a recluse practitioner .

  17. 如同猴类一般它们被隔离在了高远的山林之中

    Like the monkeys , they were isolated in these high forests

  18. 每天早晨山林里的鸟雀们都要进行新一天的“合唱”。

    Birds sing in chorus every morning in the mountain forest .

  19. 太白山高山林线植被的数量分析

    Quantitative analysis of the vegetation near the alpine timberline of Taibai Mountain

  20. 全球高山林线研究现状与发展方向

    The State of Knowledge on Alpine treeline and Suggestions for Future Research

  21. 降水对高山林线高度有显著影响。

    Precipitation affects obviously timberline altitude at the middle-high latitudes in China ;

  22. 他迷失在这幽深的山林里。

    He was lost in the deep and quiet forest .

  23. 苍翠的山林在秋风中渐渐变红了。

    The verdant mountain forest turns red gradually in the autumn wind .

  24. 寂静降临山林,我由是苏醒。

    And the silence reach the woods , I awake and rise .

  25. 浅说中国古典园林的山林植物景观

    Discussions on the Mountain Forest Landscape in Chinese Classical Gardens

  26. 封山林分开禁时技术措施的探讨

    Inquiry to Technical Mesures at the Time of Opening the Closed Forest

  27. 山林权属纠纷调处方法比较研究

    A comparative study of ways to mediate forest ownership dispute

  28. 山林之中还没有产生过像它们的眼睛那样的宝石。

    The woods do not yield another such a gem .

  29. 萧萧怀抱足何藉世人知&从王绩的山林田园诗透视其文心与文体

    About the Idyllic Poems and the Style of Wang Ji

  30. 山西五台山高山林线的植被景观

    Vegetation landscape of the alpine timberline on Mt. wutai , Shanxi Province