
  1. BP网络有易陷入局部极小值的缺点。

    The drawback of BP network lies in its local minimum .

  2. 您需要检查这些文档,以及其他在线材料(例如,在线帮助,版本注释,用于下载的Web页面)是否对目标用户组有易访问性。

    You should check these documents , as well as other online materials ( e.g. , online help , release notes , Web pages for download ) for accessibility for targeted user groups .

  3. 实验结果表明Ach对ED既有易化作用,又有抑制作用,对浅层细胞以抑制作用为主,对深层细胞以易化作用为主。

    These studies suggest that the predominant modulation effect of Ach on ED is a facilitation in deep layer and a suppression in superficial layer .

  4. 在实际应用方面,TiO2纳米管阵列又相对于其他的结构具有很多的优势,因为它具有比表面积大,并有易操作、易回收的特点。

    Compared to other structures , TiO2 nanotube arrays show some advantages for practical applications , because of their high specific surface area and easiness in operation , recovery and recycling .

  5. 65·71%的PPROM有易发因素存在。

    65.71 % of PPROM had predisposing factors .

  6. 而少数下丘神经元(10%,3/31)在特定SLD和SOA时,掩蔽声对测试声反应有易化作用。

    Moreover , few of the 31 sampled IC neurons ( 10 % , 3 / 31 ) displayed facilitating responses to the test sound at the special SLD and the special SOA intervals .

  7. 如同家长的观察,教师的观察也有易犯的错误。

    Like parental observation , teacher observation also has its pitfalls .

  8. 失足方式多种多样,高位却是有易滑跤之处。

    There are various ways falling topmost point isthemost slippery .

  9. 小的地中海植物,包含有易挥发的油,曾经被用来减轻牙痛。

    Small Mediterranean plant containing a volatile oil once used to relieve toothache .

  10. 在玛哈念有易多的儿子亚希拿达。

    Ahinadab son of Iddo-in Mahanaim ;

  11. 不要光有易坏和不实用的东西,虽然在某一时刻某一场所也需要它们。

    Not just things that are flimsy and unpractical , though they have their place and time as well .

  12. 易驾驭的年青的头脑;金子是容易加工的;土著人有易驯良的天性-赛缪尔。巴特勒。

    Tractable young minds ; gold is tractable ; the natives * Being * Of an intelligent tractable disposition-samuel butler .

  13. 现有扶正器有易疲劳损伤、对接不严、流阻损耗的缺点。

    The current centralizer has such defects as being apt to tire and wear off , worse seal and the wasting of fluid resistance .

  14. 由于结构中暗埋钢管有易腐蚀、渗漏,无法维修等缺点,低温地面辐射采暖一直难以推广。

    Because the steel pipes buried in the floor is easy corrosion and leak and hard to repair , so the technology hard to spread .

  15. 热带森林、瑚礁和湿地,到处都有易受害物种,这也正是吸引观光客的焦点。

    Tropical forests , coral reefs and wetlands - indeed the entire range of places where vulnerable species live - are fascinating for exactly that reason .

  16. 实验结果说明,外侧缰核对节段性防御反射有易化作用,这种易化作用可能是通过延髓内撤反应和给反应细胞的协同活动而实现的。

    These results indicate that the facilitating action of LHb on spinal defensive reflex is probably brought out by participation of the medullary tail-flick related cell activity .

  17. 如果表面有易剥落锈蚀,应事先用金属刷清除,必要时还可用酒精、丙酮等有机溶剂擦拭表面。

    If the surface contains rust , which should be in advance cleaned away by metallic brush , in addition to , can also wipe the surface .

  18. 微粒群优化算法具有较强的全局搜索能力,但同时也有易陷入局部极值的缺点。

    Particle swarm optimization algorithm has a strong ability to achieve the most optimistic result . Meanwhile it has a disadvantage so far as its local minimum is concerned .

  19. 因共同关系是身份关系,且共同共有易生纠纷,所以共同关系应以不能自由设立为妥。

    Because closed relationship is personal relationship and disputes may be occurred easily with respect to joint ownership in common , joint ownership in common shall not be established freely .

  20. 但它有易被氧化和稳定性差的问题,因此用更稳定的碳载体是一个很重要的研究方向。

    However , it has some disadvantages , such as easy tobe oxidized and poor stability . Therefore , usage of more stable carbon support is the important investigation direction .

  21. 说明是声旁规则性对声旁命名有易化作用;对整字命名有干扰作用,但与声旁频率与部件数有关。

    The conclusion is correspondences of radicals showed facilitate effect on radical naming , but inhibitory effect on character naming depending on the number of components in and frequency of the radical .

  22. 决策树是通过一组无次序、无规则的实例推理出树表现形式的分类规则,它有易理解、易训练、易实施和通用性强等优点。

    Decision tree is the classifying rule that infers the decision tree manifestation through group of out-of-orders , the non-rule examples . It is comprehensible , easy training , easy implementary and versatile .

  23. 与传统证据形式相比,电子证据具有高技术性、精确性、传输速度快等优势,但同时也有易被篡改、破坏的特点。

    Compared with the traditional forms of evidence , electronic evidence is advanced by its high-tech , precision , fast transmission , and other advantages , but is also susceptible to tampering and destruction .

  24. 实验结果表明盐引起液体混合物沸点下降的必要条件是混合物中必有易挥发组分被盐析或难挥发组分被盐溶的现象发生。

    The experimental results indicate the prerequisite of boiling point depression for multicomponent liquid mixture is that some more volatile components must be salted out or some less volatile components must be salted in .

  25. 粒子群算法也和其它全局优化算法一样,有易陷入局部极值点,进化后期收敛慢,精度较差等缺点。

    PSO algorithm , like other global optimization algorithm , has many shortcomings , such as easily falling into the local maximum , having slow convergence speed in the late evolutionary , having poor accuracy .

  26. 液晶环氧树脂是一种热固性液晶高分子,分子结构中有易取向的介晶单元和可反应的环氧基团,固化后可以得到高度有序、深度交联的固化网络。

    Liquid crystalline epoxy resin is a kind of thermoset liquid crystalline polymers , of which molecular structure contains mesogenic unit and epoxy group . After being cured , highly-ordered and deeply-crossed polymer networks can be obtained .

  27. 针对煤矿开采中存在有易爆炸气体瓦斯的问题,提出并设计安装了矿井瓦斯安全检测系统。

    This paper deals with the design of gas checking safety system for coal mine , which can be put into use for the purpose of monitoring the component of gas so as to keep the coal mine safe .

  28. 也许曾经温暖和潮湿的空气使这里的森林中的树木茂盛地生长过。热带森林、瑚礁和湿地,到处都有易受害物种,这也正是吸引观光客的焦点。

    Heat and moisture must have kept the trees in the forests alive . Tropical forests , coral reefs and wetlands - indeed the entire range of places where vulnerable species live - are fascinating for exactly that reason .

  29. 伴有染色体异常的膀胱癌患者可以根据有易复发和复发时间早的特性在术后给予更密切的随访,以便早期发现复发,及时治疗提高治疗效果。

    According to the characteristics of easy to relapse and early relapse , bladder cancer patients in chromosomal abnormalities can be given in the postoperative follow-up more closely in order to early detection of recurrence , prompt treatment to improve therapeutic effects .

  30. 2006年国务院颁布了《艾滋病防治条例》规定对有易感染艾滋病病毒危险行为的人群实施综合干预措施,为艾滋病防治工作提供了最有力的法律保障和行动指南。

    The act of AIDS Prevention and Treatment , issued by state in 2006 , requires that take comprehensive intervention of AIDS to high risk group for HIV infections and provides beneficial legal safeguard and guide to action for AIDS prevention and control measures .