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  • 网络shang clan;the shang tribe
  1. 商族起源考

    A Study in the Origin of the Shang Clan

  2. 在商汤灭夏前,商族以今天的曹县一带为中心,积聚力量,终于一举灭夏,建立了商王朝。

    At last under the lead of Shang Tang , the Shang clan gathered at the Cao county area to fight against the Xia Dynasty , and finally they established the Shang Dynasty .

  3. 商族很早就有用兽骨进行占卜的习俗。

    The Shang practiced augury with animal bones very early .

  4. 商族图腾崇拜及相关问题

    The Totemism of Shang Race and It 's Correlative Questions

  5. 商族是受其起源地及其周围地区固有的较盛的占卜风俗传统的影响,形成了骨卜占卜的习惯。

    The practice of bone augury had been influenced by the traditional practices of its original place and neighborhood .

  6. 曾经建立了商朝的商族,其始祖契的始封地究在何处?从传世文献记载的商族起源来看,商族尊崇母性。

    Where is the original feud of the Shang nationality whose ancestor established Shang Dynasty ? From historical documents we learn that the Shang nationality worshiped maternity .

  7. 在周族形成国家的过程中自然就产生天与帝之对抗,这种对抗主要导源于周族向商族之挑战。

    While Zhou Clan was gradually getting to the ruling position of the country , there naturally gave rise to conflicts between God and Heaven , which originated in rivalry between the two clans .

  8. 商族是华夏文明的重要奠基者之一,在中国远古文明史上占有特殊的重要地位,因此,探讨先商文化的渊源及其殷先公的迁徙对于研究中国远古文明起源具有十分重要的意义。

    Shang Dynasty was one of the founding stones of Chinese culture and played a very important role in ancient Chinese civilization , so the investigation of its origin and the change of place of Yin ancestors is of great significance .

  9. 在周克商之后,周采用信仰怀柔政策,令帝与天相和谐,进行了一次商族与周族之间的信仰调停。

    After Zhou Clan overthrew the government of Shang Clan , Zhou Clan adopted soft policies on religious beliefs to produce a harmony of God and Heaven so that Zhou Clan conciliated the two clans in a religious dispute .