
  • 网络business marketing;business market
  1. 此举加大了与微软在利润丰厚的商务市场的竞争。微软生产Surface平板电脑。

    The move ratchets up competition with Microsoft , maker of the Surface tablets , in the lucrative business market .

  2. 影响电子商务市场参与方收益的因素分析

    The Factors Affecting the Revenue of Participants in Electronic Business Market

  3. 随着Internet的迅速发展,全球范围的电子商务市场规模正在急速扩张。

    With the development of Internet , the scale of e-business market expand quickly .

  4. Twitter正在进军电子商务市场。

    Twitter is jumping into the e-commerce market .

  5. 据CLSAResearch,阿里巴巴是中国电子商务市场中的龙头老大,去年的市场占有率大约80%。

    Alibaba dominates Chinese e-commerce , with about 80 % of the market last year , according to CLSA Research .

  6. 论新兴B2B电子商务市场的反垄断法规制

    The Antitrust Law Regulation over the Newly Emerging B2B E-commerce Market

  7. B2C电子商务市场的逆向物流分析

    Analysis on Reverse Logistic in B2C Electronic Commerce Market

  8. 中国面向消费者的电子商务市场上,占据主导地位的是本土在线零售商淘宝(Taobao)。

    The Chinese consumer ecommerce market is dominated by homegrown online retailer Taobao .

  9. 新兴的B2B电子商务市场是新经济发展的重要体现。

    The newly emerging B2B e-commerce market is an important embodiment of the new economy .

  10. 淘宝母公司阿里巴巴运营着全球最大的B2B电子商务市场。

    Alibaba , Taobao 's parent company , operates the world 's largest business-to-business online marketplace .

  11. 许多投资者正热切期盼着阿里巴巴的IPO交易,因为该公司在前景光明的中国电子商务市场的份额高达80%。

    Many investors are eagerly anticipating the offering because Alibaba holds an 80 % share in the promising Chinese e-commerce market .

  12. 2009年作为中国3G元年,对于中国移动电子商务市场的发展意义重大。

    In 2009 , as the first year of 3G in China , it is of great significance for China Mobile e-commerce market .

  13. 讨论B2C电子商务市场中的逆向物流问题,以期能够在人们研究逆向物流这一问题之时,与当前的电子商务市场加以结合。

    Explaining the reverse logistic problem in B2C EC market , connecting reverse logistic problem with EC .

  14. B2C电子商务市场近年来蓬勃发展,模式也日趋成熟。

    With the B2C e-commerce market booming in recent years , its models are growing increasingly mature .

  15. 服装的销售额在B2C电子商务市场中位居前列,B2C服装市场发展迅速并日趋稳定。

    Sales of apparel forefront among the B2C e-commerce market , B2C apparel market develops rapidly and stably .

  16. 中国B2B电子商务市场将进入竞争更加激烈的阶段,多样化发展趋势明显,中国B2B电子商务也将逐渐向服务纵深化方向发展。

    B2B markets in China will enter into more competitive stage and the trend of diversified development is obvious .

  17. 已拥有中国电子商务市场80%份额的阿里巴巴公司(Alibaba)极有希望推出自己的云计算服务。

    Alibaba , which already handles over 80 % of online commerce , has high hopes for its own cloud computing service .

  18. 互联网技术的发展给电子商务市场的繁荣带来了空间,中国B2C电子商务市场也迎来了空前的机遇和挑战。

    Internet technology has brought space to electronic commerce . Electronic commerce has ushered in unprecedented opportunities and challenges .

  19. 根据毕马威会计事务所(KPMG)和印度互联网及移动通信协会(InternetandMobileAssociationofIndia,IAMAI)的联合报告,印度电子商务市场在2013年的规模约为1300亿美元。

    India 's e-commerce market was around $ 13 billion in 2013 , according to a joint report by KPMG and the Internet and Mobile Association of India , or IAMAI .

  20. 这笔交易使AOL公司成为萌芽阶段的电子商务市场的最有实力的竞争者。

    The deal positions AOL to become a powerful player in the burgeoning E-commerce market .

  21. 随着电子商务市场不断壮大,B2C模式的电子商务网站也越来越多。

    With the ever expanding of e-commerce market , more and more e-commerce websites with B2C pattern come into being .

  22. eBay收购InternetAuction的报价要高于它在印度和中国的收购出价,这反映了在亚洲地区,韩国的电子商务市场最为发达。

    Ebay 's offer for Internet Auction is bigger than its acquisitions in India and China , reflecting South Korea 's status as the region 's most developed e-commerce market .

  23. 到目前为止,阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroupHolding)一直在中国电子商务市场占据支配地位,旗下的淘宝(Taobao)和天猫(Tmall)网站吸引着数以亿计的网购者。

    Alibaba Group Holding has so far dominated China 's e-commerce market , and its Taobao and Tmall marketplaces continue to attract hundreds of millions of online shoppers .

  24. 据甲骨文公司预估,2013年B2B电子商务市场交易额达到5590亿美元,远不及以前的预测。

    In 2013 , B2B ecommerce hit $ 559 billion , according to Oracle estimates , a far cry from the trillions once predicted .

  25. 在中国,逐渐发展起来的C2C在线市场,正在整个电子商务市场中起着越来越重要的作用。

    In China , the developing C2C on-line market is playing more and more important role in the whole e-commerce market .

  26. 京东全球购(JDWorldwide)平台凸显了美国企业对进入由本土企业主导的中国电子商务市场的渴望。

    The platform , JD Worldwide , highlights the eagerness of US groups to enter the ecommerce market in China , which is dominated by local participants .

  27. 虽然阿里巴巴在PC(个人电脑)电子商务市场占主导地位,但微信凭借在智能手机领域的建树,现在已经有能力在移动电子商务市场分一杯羹。

    While Alibaba has been the dominant ecommerce company on PCs , WeChat has made such big inroads on smartphones that it now has the ability to take a bite out of the mobile ecommerce market .

  28. 在中国C2C电子商务市场上,淘宝网(www.taobao.com)取得了令人瞩目的成绩。

    By employing the model of C2C electronic commerce , Taobao ( www. taobao . com ) has made a great achievement .

  29. 近年来,随着3G技术的不断成熟和推广,移动用户的数量与日俱增,移动商务市场具有巨大潜力。

    In recent years , with 3G technology continues to mature and to promote , the number of mobile users increasing day after day , Mobile commerce market has huge potential .

  30. 波士顿咨询集团(BostonConsultingGroup(BCG))预见,中国电子商务市场在2010到2015年间将翻上四番,从$71亿增长到$305亿美元——成为世界最大电子商务市场。

    Between 2010 and 2015 , predicts BCG , China 's e-commerce market will more than quadruple , from $ 71 billion to $ 305 billion - which could make it the world 's largest .