
  1. 自发性乡城迁移式农民地域市民化的阶段性中止受到运输成本和商品替代弹性的影响。

    Transportation cost and substitute elasticity of goods influence voluntary rural – urban migration typed peasants ' regional citizenization .

  2. 为了提供商品替代的搜索依据,设计了合理的并能根据销售或点击情况动态变化的商品编码库、搜索规则及替代流程。

    In order to offer the gist of goods searching , reasonable goods coding ( according to the frequency of selling and clicking ), searching rules and replacing flow have been designed .

  3. 造纸厂商品浆替代草浆扩改工程水环境影响分析

    An analysis of water environment impact of extension project of paper mill replacing straw pulp with commodity pulp

  4. 三是要加大住宅商品房替代品的供给力度,也就是加快经济适用房与廉租房的建设。

    Three is to increase commodity housing replacement supply strength , is also to speed up the affordable housing and low rent .

  5. 特别是在制造商的商品间替代性逐渐增强时,这种受损更为严重,而零售商得利更多。

    Especially the damage to manufacturers is higher with the substitution of their products increasing , and the retailer is benefited more in the situation .

  6. 交易相对人能够以合理的价格从其他经营者获得同种商品或者替代商品的,不适用本条规定。

    This article is not applicable if transacting parties are able to acquire the same kind of commodities or substitutes from other business operators at a reasonable price .

  7. 以商品契约替代要素契约,或企业的非一体化现象,是目前正在发生的、与企业替代市场相反的现象。

    The current phenomenon of the substitution of commodity contracts for factor contracts , also called enterprise non-integration , is opposite to the practice of enterprise replacing the market .

  8. 实验结果表明在蛋鸡日粮中可以用商品植酸酶全部替代饲用DCP。

    The experiment result showed that the commercial phytase could substitute all the DCP in layer diets .

  9. 通过压低人民币实际汇率,中国为其出口商品及进口替代品的生产提供了补贴。

    By keeping its real exchange rate down , China subsidises production of its exports and import substitutes .

  10. 帕累托效率要求,每个人对两种商品的边际替代率等于边际转换率。

    Pareto efficiency requires that each person 's marginal rate of substitution between two commodities equal the marginal rate of transformation .

  11. 作为地处中国华东地区小康农村的典型,扬中农村家庭生活用能正处于商品能加速替代非商品能的时期。

    Villages of Yangzhong County , typical of comparatively well off countrysides in Eastern China , are in period of rapid transformation of their energy consumption from noncommercial to commercial .

  12. 真品与假冒商品之间的感知替代性显著影响非欺骗性假冒品购买意向。

    Between genuine and counterfeit goods significantly the perception of alternative non-deceptive counterfeit products affect the purchase intention .

  13. 要素契约与商品契约的优劣替代:基于企业形态分析

    Superior and Inferior Substitutes for Enterprise 's Factors Contracts and Goods Contracts in Different Stages : Based on Enterprise Form Analysis

  14. 既然契约理论源于企业与市场的相关关系,那么放在企业与市场的历史演变背景下,探讨要素契约与商品契约的优劣替代,则更为客观。

    Since enterprise contracts theory stem from correlation with enterprise and market . So , under the historical background of enterprise and market 's evolvement , it is more objective to quest which is better between factors contracts and goods contracts .

  15. 本文的不足之处主要在于实证时未考虑同一收入阶层中不同消费者的异质性,以及模型中对于财富变量未能明确房地产财富的具体值,只用了商品房销售价格替代。

    For example , I have not considered the heterogeneity of different consumers in the same income groups . And I have failed to specify the specific value of real estate wealth on the model for wealth variables , so I only use real estate sales prices substituting it .

  16. 美元相对于其它货币必须下跌,以增强美国商品对外国购买者的吸引力,并刺激美国人以本国商品和服务替代进口商品。

    The dollar must decline relative to other currencies to make us products more attractive to foreign buyers and to cause Americans to substitute US goods and services for imports .

  17. 商品的价格提高,整体的购买力下降(收入效应),消费者转向购买相对价格低的商品(替代效应)。

    As the price of a commodity rises , overall purchasing power decreases ( the income effect ) and consumers move toward relatively less expensive goods ( the substitution effect ) .