
  • 网络Mechanism Analysis;analysis;mechanism
  1. CAD中的机构分析与综合技巧

    Arts of CAD on mechanism analysis and synthesis

  2. CAD在机构分析中的应用

    Application of CAD in mechanism analysis

  3. 基于VB的插床导杆机构分析系统

    Analysis System of Leader Mechanism of Slotting Machine Based on VB

  4. 俄76mm舰炮装填机构分析

    Analysis of Feeding Mechanism of Russian 76 mm Naval Gun

  5. 平面连杆机构分析与设计的复矢量法

    Analysis and Design of Planar Linkage Based on the Complex Vector

  6. 共轭凸轮打纬机构分析与优化

    The Analysis and Optimization of Conjugate Cam in Beating-up Mechanism

  7. 铝箔轧机辊系机构分析与研究

    Analysis and Research on Mechanism of Roller System in Aluminium Foil Mill

  8. 连杆机构分析的拓扑图论方法及应用软件

    The topological method for linkages analysis and its applied software

  9. 为信息服务机构分析用户,用户分析自己提供了比较全面的指标。

    The system provides more comprehensive indicator for infomation institutions and users .

  10. 双针床经编机梳栉摆动传动机构分析

    The Kinematic Analysis of the Guide Bar on Double Needle Bar Warp Machine

  11. 制织高密织物的机构分析

    An Analysis for Mechanisms of Looms During the Production of High Pick Fabrics

  12. 在机构分析范式中包含着两种观点,绝对优势论和相对优势论。

    Institutional analysis paradigm consists of absolute advantage hypothesis and relative advantage hypothesis .

  13. 基于B/S模式的平面机构分析与仿真研究

    Research on analysis and simulation of planar mechanism based on B / S remote

  14. 钻机升降机凸轮式增力机构分析

    Analysis of Cam Reinforcing Structure for Drill Hoist

  15. 液压平衡吊的机构分析和力分析

    Mechanism and Applied Force Analyses of Hydro-balancing Lifter

  16. 单纱浆纱机上浆机理及主要机构分析

    Sizing mechanism and of single-yarn sizing equipment

  17. 1515型织机卷取机构分析及改进方向

    Study on the Mechanical Structure and the Development Orientation of Take-up Device on 1515 Loom

  18. 计算机辅助齿轮机构分析

    The Computer-aided Analysis of Gear Mechanism

  19. 装载机工作装置的机构分析

    Mechanism Analysis of Loader Attachments

  20. 车用液压机械综合传动系转速平均反向机构分析

    Analysis of the Mechanism for Averaging and Reversing the Velocity of Rotation for Hydro Mechanical Synthetic Transmission

  21. 本文介绍了一个按上述原理实现的任意连杆机构分析仿真专家系统。

    A prototype software for analysis and simulation of planar linkage mechanism based on the above approach is also introduced .

  22. 矢量回转法是机构分析和设计中的一种有力的工具和新的基本方法。

    The rotational method of vectors is an effective implement and fundamental modern process in the analysis as well as the design of mechanism .

  23. 第三部分是对我国开展住房抵押贷款证券化的市场环境的分析,包括住房抵押贷款担保与保险市场、住房抵押贷款证券化的供给与需求分析和证券化市场的中介机构分析。

    The third part analyzes the market circumstances of MBS in our country , including guaranty and insurance market , supplies and demand , market agencies .

  24. 分别就着地与腾空两个阶段,采用拉格朗日法,建立了相应的单腿跳跃机构分析模型和多体系统动力学方程,给出了相应两个阶段的机器人质心的运动学和关节驱动力矩的表达式;

    The corresponding multi-body dynamic equations and kinematic expressions of the joint driving moment in the stance phase and the flight phase are also established with Lagrange method .

  25. 总结以往设计中的缺陷,并综合考虑多足机器人灵活性要求,设计了机器蟹本体结构方案,进行了机构分析。

    With summing up defects in the departed design and considering flexibility of the robot , a bran-new scheme are designed , also , characteristics of the mechanism are analyzed .

  26. 从概念设计的机构分析可知,该方案具备实现香蕉果肉果皮分离操作可行性,可适应香蕉不同种类和形状大小的变化,香蕉果肉果皮分离效率高,将具有很高的生产效率。

    Based on the analysis of conceptual design , this scheme had the feasibility of separating pulp from pericarp , fine effect and high efficiency , and it should adapt to different categories and shapes of banana .

  27. 压铸模CAD系统斜销抽芯机构模块分析

    Analysis on the Module of Bevel Pin Core Pulling Mechanism of Die-casting Die CAD System

  28. 应用杆组法和CAD技术实现平面连杆机构运动分析与动态模拟

    Applying coupler-groups method and CAD technology to realize the movement analysis and dynamic simulation of planar linkage

  29. 带钢热轧机电动AGC压下机构性能分析

    Performance Analysis for Screwdown Mechanism of Electric AGC in Hot Strip Mill

  30. 文章介绍了飞机全电刹车系统的电作动机构,分析了刹车过程中的滑移率控制原理,针对滑移率变化的非线性提出了模糊PID控制方案。

    The paper introduces the Electro-Mechanical Actuator of the aircraft electric braking system , analyses the method of braking via controlling the relative slipping ratio . Because of the nonlinear relative slip , Fuzzy-PID Algorithm is proposed .