
  • 网络MARINE;machine gunner;MG-Schutze
  1. 从兵营里:2个机枪兵小队和1个工程师,去抵抗可能的泰矿抢夺。

    Out of the Barracks : 2 Riflemen Squads and an Engineer , to counter possible Tiberium Spike grabs .

  2. 大多数人会建造两队蜂群,这样就可以清掉只有一队机枪兵驻守的地堡。

    Most people will build two Buzzers as that can take down a bunker with one Riflemen garrisoned in it .

  3. 他们会根据碰到的种族变成狂热者,机枪兵或小狗。

    They will turn into either a Zealot , Marine , or Zergling , depending on what enemy race they encounter .

  4. 一个巨像的一次激光扫射可以干掉一队的机枪兵(在升级了护盾的前提下)。

    One Colossi will be able to kill a group of Marines ( before shield upgrade ) with one sweep of its lasers .

  5. 比如,如果玩家喜欢使用机枪兵,他可以集中财力来对这个单位进行升级。

    For example , if a player prefers to use marines , he or she can concentrate all their efforts on upgrading this unit .

  6. 另外,有着比星际1里多200血量和新横劈技能的大象也是一个对抗大量机枪兵的绝佳单位。

    Additionally , Ultralisks with their new cleave attack as well as200 more hit points from the original StarCraft also make them an excellent counter to massed Marines .

  7. 一个玩家可以让低血量的蟑螂钻地并在几秒钟内恢复满,这样他就可以爬出来接着攻击机枪兵了。

    A player can burrow a Roach at low health for it to regenerate back to full health in seconds , at which point it can unburrow and begin attacking the Marines again .

  8. 兵营:建造火箭兵和机枪兵,按照你喜欢的比例建造。我喜欢三个机枪兵搭配六个火箭兵的比例,但是我通常不大用步兵,他们大多是作炮灰。

    Barracks : build Rocketmen and riflemen , to a ratio that you like . I prefer three riflemen to six Rocketmen ratios , but I generally don 't use much infantry , mostly as cannon fodder .