
  1. 外方投资方&德国IKS公司是世界上著名的制造和销售各类机械刀片的跨国集团。

    The foreign investor – IKS Klingelnberg GmbH is a world famous multinational enterprise producing and selling all kinds of mechanical blades .

  2. 我国木材加工机械刀片材料及其热处理

    Materials and Heat Treatment of Chinese Machine Knives for Wood Cutting

  3. 上海爱凯思机械刀片有限公司是目前国内最大的各类机械工业刀片专业生产龙头企业,在国内具有最高的市场占有率。

    Shanghai IKS is the market leader in China , which is specialized in producing various mechanical blades with the highest market share .

  4. 塑胶机械刀片一般多为异型刀片,主要有各种齿形平元刀及条型刀。

    The revertex mechanical bit general many are the heterogeneous bit , mainly has each kind of tooth profile even Yuan Dao and the strip forming tool .

  5. 分切机械刀片主要用于纸张、胶带、磁带、薄膜、金、银、铜、铝、钛合金箔等物品的纵切。

    The slitting weapon bit mainly uses in goods and so on paper , adhesive tape , magnetic tape , thin film , gold , silver , copper , aluminum , titanium alloy foil slittings .

  6. 人造板机械用新型刀片材料的开发

    Research and Development on New Materials of Knives Used in Artificial Board Machines