
  • 网络Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscope;snom
  1. 扫描近场光学显微镜探针与光场相互作用的分析

    Numerical Analysis of Interaction and Perturbation between Evanescent Field and Probe in Optical Field Detection by SNOM

  2. 主要利用扫描近场光学显微镜(SNOM)技术和表面等离体子共振现象技术相结合,来研究金膜表面等离体子共振。

    The SPR on gold film is studied with combination of scanning near-field optical microscope ( SNOM ) and SPR technique .

  3. 本文利用时域有限差分(FDTD)法,对聚氯乙烯(PVC)小球在透射式扫描近场光学显微镜(T-SNOM)和光子扫描隧道显微镜(PSTM)两种系统中的光场分布进行数值模拟比较。

    The field intensity distributions of PVC sphere samples by SNOM and PSTM were numerically simulated with the FDTD method .

  4. 采用三维时间域有限差分(FDTD)方法研究了扫描近场光学显微镜中光纤微探针的近场分布特性。

    The near field distribution of uncoated and metal coated fiber optic probes were characterized by the method of three dimensional finite difference time domain ( FDTD ) .

  5. 扫描近场光学显微镜(SNOM)是一种能探测纳米尺寸的新型显微工具。

    Scanning near-field optical microscopy ( SNOM ) is a novel tool for the research down to nanometer scale .

  6. 最后,利用扫描近场光学显微镜(SNOM)分别研究了掺辛酸铕及掺Eu(DBM)3Phen聚合物光纤材料的团簇特性,并从两种材料分子结构出发,分析了形成团簇的原因。

    At last , the clustering in Eu ( OA ) _3 and Eu ( DBM ) _3Phen were studied by scanning near-field optical microscope ( SNOM ), and the reason of clustering was analyzed from molecule Structure .

  7. 扫描近场光学显微镜(SNOM)是基于非辐射场的产生和探测,能够实现超衍射极限分辨率的光学成像。

    Scanning near-field optical microscopy ( SNOM ), based on the formation and detection of non-propagating wave , is capable of optical imaging with the resolution far beyond the diffraction limit of conventional far-field optics .

  8. 研制了用于扫描近场光学显微镜的新型有源光纤探针,采用熔拉法和腐蚀法相结合,制作出掺Er3+光纤探针,实验测试了这种光纤探针的放大的自发辐射。

    A new active fiber probe used for scanning near field optical microscope ( SNOM ) is successfully fabricated . In combination of fused pulling with chemical etching , an Er 3 + doped fiber probe is produced , whose amplified spontaneous emission is tested experimentally .

  9. 用扫描近场光学显微镜技术研究金膜表面等离体子共振

    Research of Surface Plasmon Resonance on Gold Film Using Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy

  10. 反射式扫描近场光学显微镜及其成像

    Reflection Scanning Near field Optical Microscope and its Imaging

  11. 制备扫描近场光学显微镜光纤探针的自动化腐蚀方法

    Design of Automatism Etching for Fabricating Fiber Probes of Scanning Near-field Optical Microscope

  12. 敲击模式扫描近场光学显微镜

    Tapping - mode scanning near - field optical microscope

  13. 扫描近场光学显微镜光纤探针的制作与分析

    Manufacture and Analysis of the Optic Fiber Probe in Scanning Near Field Optical Microscope

  14. 用扫描近场光学显微镜观察微畴

    Observation of micro-domain by scanning near-field optical microscope

  15. 偏振光调制的扫描近场光学显微镜应用

    Application of polarization-modulation near field scanning optical microscope

  16. 扫描近场光学显微镜及其初步应用

    Scanning Near - field Optical Microscope and Application

  17. 扫描近场光学显微镜的光耦合偶极子模型

    Optical Coupled-dipole Model for Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy

  18. 用准静态电磁场方法研究扫描近场光学显微镜的耦合特性

    Study on the Coupling Property of Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy with the Quasi-static Electromagnetic Field Approach

  19. 这种扫描器被用于扫描近场光学显微镜探测系统中。

    This kind of scanner has been used in the system of scanning near field optical microscope .

  20. 自行研制反射模式扫描近场光学显微镜的基础上,发展了一种局域磁光克尔效应成像方法。

    A method for local magneto-optical Kerr effect imaging based on a home-made scanning near-field optical microscope working in reflection mode is presented .

  21. 利用角谱衍射理论和量子力学不确定关系对于扫描近场光学显微镜的基本原理&超衍射极限分辨率的突破进行了定性分析。

    The theory of the angular spectrum and the uncertainty relation in quantum theory are applied to discuss the ultra-highresolution beyond Rayleigh diffraction limit .

  22. 透射式扫描近场光学显微镜探针光场分布及其受激荧光分子光场分布研究

    Study of the distribution of light intensity of the fiber probe of transmission scanning near field optical microscopy and the distribution of excited fluorescent molecules

  23. 讨论了扫描近场光学显微镜的构造、工作原理及实际应用,并介绍了采用熔拉法和腐蚀法相结合的制作的掺Er~(3+)的自发辐射光纤探针。

    This paper discusses The techniques and application of the scanning near-field optical microscope and introduces an - doped active fiber probe in combination of fused pulling with chemical etching .

  24. 本文综述了扫描近场光学显微镜发展以来所出现的基于剪切力原理进行样品/探针间距的探测的一些主要的非光学方法。

    Non optical methods of sample tip distance regulation based on shear force which include emission detection with PMT , quartz tuning fork , capacitance , piezoeffect , impedance are reviewed in this paper .

  25. 扫描切变力近场光学显微镜研制及应用

    Development of scanning shear force / near-field optical microscope and its application

  26. 该系统可以用于扫描力显微镜和近场光学显微镜的原理性实验,有助于学生深入了解扫描探针显微镜的基本结构和工作原理。

    The system could help students to get deep understanding on the basic structure and working principle of scanning probe microscope .

  27. 以迈克耳孙干涉仪作为基本操作平台建立了扫描力显微镜/扫描近场光学显微镜(SFM/SNOM)实验系统。

    Michelson interferometer is used as basic platform to set up a SFM / SNOM experiment system , which could be used in principle experiment of SFM / SNOM .

  28. 本文的主要内容是多功能扫描探针显微镜(即原子力与光子扫描隧道组合显微镜(AF/PSTM)和原子力与反射式扫描近场光学组合显微镜(AF/RSNOM))的研制和应用。

    The main work of this dissertation is the development and application of multifunctional scanning probe microscope which includes AF / PSTM and AF / RSNOM .