
  • 网络dpi;Scan Resolution;scanning resolution;Resolution
  1. 激光扫描分辨率为29.2线/毫米。

    Laser scan resolution is 29 . 2 lines / mm .

  2. 扫描分辨率连续可调,最高分辨率可达0.1mm/象素点;定位精度为一个象素点。

    The scan resolution can be adjusted consecutively , maximum resolution can reach 0.1mm/pixel and the locating accuracy is one pixel .

  3. 本文介绍了如何通过实验对QSS-2901数字彩扩机底片扫描仪的扫描分辨率及其相关参数功能进行初步测定和分析,为高质量地完成底片扫描奠定了基础。

    This paper introduces how to determine and analyse the resolution and functions of the relevant parameters of the film scanner of QSS-2901 digital photographic printer by testing experiments . In this way , it lays the foundation of high quality film scanning operation .

  4. 加网图像的频率传递特性与扫描分辨率设置

    Frequency-Transmission Characteristics of Screening Image and the Setting of Scanning Resolution

  5. 扫描分辨率太高。

    Scanning resolution is too high .

  6. 扫描分辨率是衡量图像细节表现力的重要技术参数。

    The scanning resolution is the key technical parameter in determining the detailed quality of pictures .

  7. 提出一种灰度阈值自动计算方法,适合于自动计算不同扫描分辨率下的图像的最佳灰度阈值。

    A method is presented to calculate automatically the best gray threshold , which is suitable for images under different scanning resolutions .

  8. 该系统主要由天线座和天控器两部分组成,天线座采用谐波传动技术,可直接与专用计算机对接,实现数字控制,扫描分辨率高,定位准确。

    The antenna seat adopts humorous wave technique and can be directly connected with special computer and achieve numeric control , which has high resolving power of scanning and exact orientation .

  9. 它不仅具有快电子扫描分辨率高的优点,还具有慢电子扫描的优点,因而是高清晰度电视摄象管的较理想的工作模式。

    So this tube not only has fine resolution as a result of fast electron scanning , but also has features of slow electron scanning , Thus it is a good mode of operation as high clarity camera tube .

  10. 提高超声C扫描图像分辨率的插值方法研究

    Image Interpolation Method for Improving Resolution of Ultrasonic C - Scan Image

  11. 试验结果表明,基于局部协方差特征的图像插值方法明显提高了C扫描图像分辨率,并且减小了边缘模糊效应,因此降低了采样间隔对图像分辨率的影响,提高了图像中缺陷分布评价结果的准确性。

    The experimental results show that the interpolation method enables to improve the C-scan image resolution obviously and reduce the edge blur effect , which facilitates alleviating the effect of sampling step on the image resolution and improving the evaluation accuracy of the defect in the image .

  12. 影响共焦荧光扫描显微镜分辨率的因素

    Factors Influencing the Resolution of Laser Scanning Confocal Fluorescent Microscope

  13. 地图扫描采样分辨率的研究

    On The Sampling Interval in Map Digitizing by Scanner

  14. 新型扫描电镜分辨率的蒙特卡罗模拟

    Resolution of a New Type of Scanning Electron Microscope , Simulated by Monte Carlo Method

  15. 孤立性肺结节螺旋CT扫描与高分辨率CT对照分析

    Comparative Analysis of Spiral CT with High resolution CT on Solitary Pulmonary Nodules

  16. X射线皮秒变象管扫描相机时空分辨率测量

    Measurements of temporal and spatial resolution of X-ray streak camera

  17. 紫外-可见光谱、微区能谱扫描、高分辨率透射电镜分析、元素分析、热重-差示扫描量热等分析证实了C(60)对金属纳米团簇表面的修饰;

    UV-Vis , Energy dispersive spectroscopy , Element analysis , TG-DSC or TG-DTA indentify that surface of metal nanoclusters was decorated by C_ ( 60 );

  18. 扫描SQUID显微镜分辨率的改进及其在漏电电流无损检测中的应用研究

    Study on Spatial Resolution of Scanning SQUID Microscope and Its Application on Non-destructive Test of Creepage Current

  19. 其次对扫描算法的分辨率进行了理论上的模拟,用5点试验证明了SSA的很强的分辩能力;

    Secondly we theoretically simulate the resolution power of SSA by means of 5-point experiment .

  20. 结论:与医用CT相比,ICT扫描方法空间分辨率高,精确度高,可以作为一种获取牙列缺损石膏模型三维数据的可靠方法。

    CONCLUSIONS : The method presented is practical for 3-dimensional data capture , and it helps build reliable 3-dimensional geometric models with better spatial resolution and higher precision than conventional technique with medical CT .

  21. 线阵CCD(电荷耦合型器件)由于其较广的成像视场、快速的扫描速率、分辨率高等优点越来越多的被用在军事领域和工业现场检测等高端应用场合。

    The linear CCD is more and more used in military field 、 industrial field detection and other high level applications because of its advantages in wide field of view 、 fast scanning speed and higher resolution .

  22. 利用CCD器件本身所具有的自扫描、高分辨率、高灵敏度、结构紧凑、像素位置准确等特性进行测量时,具有测量精度高、价格低廉、易于维护、操作容易等优点。

    The advantages of CCD in measurement are high accuracy , low cost , easy maintenance and simple manipulation etc. as it has such features as self-scanning , high aspect ratio , high sensitivity , compact structure and accurate pitch position .

  23. 自洽场方法研究近场扫描显微镜的分辨率

    Study on the Near-field Scanning Optical Microscopy Based on Self-consistent Theory

  24. 激光共焦扫描显微镜的分辨率及像差补偿

    The resolution and aberration compensation of laser confocal scanning microscope

  25. 基于激光扫描和高分辨率影像的文物三维重建

    Three-dimensional reconstruction of antiques based on LIDAR and high-resolution images

  26. 提高激光反馈扫描显微镜轴向分辨率的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Improving Axial Resolution of Scan Microscope Feedback

  27. 您用于扫描图片的分辨率太高。

    The resolution you have selected to scan this picture is too high .

  28. 微扫描对空间分辨率的影响

    Effect of micro - scanning on spatial resolution

  29. 扫描电镜的分辨率及其发展前景

    The resolution of SEM and its prospect

  30. 双通道侧向扫描声纳高分辨率声呐部面仪

    Dual channel side scan sonar