
  • 网络Planning Management Information System;upmis;MRPMIS
  1. 基于GIS的县级土地开发整理规划管理信息系统的建设

    Design of land arrangement and reclaim planning management information system at county level based on GIS

  2. GIS在铜山经济技术开发区规划管理信息系统中的应用

    The Application of GIS to Planning and Managing Information System of Tongshan Economic and Technological Development Zone

  3. 基于GIS的乡级土地利用规划管理信息系统的设计与研究

    The Design and Research of the Township Land Use Planning and Management Information System Base on GIS

  4. 基于Oracle的南京市规划管理信息系统的开发

    The Development of Nanjing Urban Planning Management System Based on Oracle

  5. 正是基于这种现状,我们研究开发了这套基于GIS的土地规划管理信息系统。

    According to the above situation , we research and develop the management information system of overall planning for land utility based on GIS .

  6. 根据城市规划管理信息系统的特征及其数据库特点,设计实现了图文一体化流转,以及制图、空间分析和地理编码等高级GIS功能。

    Java ADF , it designed and achieved the documents and maps transferring together and advanced GIS functions such as mapping , spatial analysis , geocoding etc.

  7. 本文以广东省增城市规划管理信息系统为案例,系统阐述GIS技术在城乡规划数据管理中的应用。

    The essay aims to raise planning management information system in Zengcheng , Gnangdong as a case to systematically illustrate GIS technology application in urban anti rural planning data management .

  8. 而基于GIS技术的土地利用总体规划管理信息系统在数据更新、方案调整、用地量统计、动态决策等方面有着卓越的功能,从而为土地利用管理提供了更科学合理的定量依据。

    The management information system of overall planning for land utility based on GIS technology possesses superior functions in terms of updating data , adjusting scheme , land utility statistics and dynamic decision , which provides a more scientific quantitative data for land utility .

  9. 传统的矿产资源管理手段落后,已无法满足国土信息化的要求,针对矿政部门的工作特点,提出了基于GIS技术的矿产规划管理信息系统。

    The backward traditional means of mineral resource management can 't meet requirement of the land and resource information construction , and considering the office work of mineral management , we present a GIS-based information system on the planning and management of the mineral resources .

  10. 乡镇土地利用规划管理信息系统设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Township Land-use Planning and Management Information System

  11. 北京市城市规划管理信息系统的建立与设想

    The Construction and imagination of Beijing Urban planning and Managing System

  12. 中小城市规划管理信息系统研究

    Research on plan management information system for small and middle city

  13. 城市规划管理信息系统评估的指标体系与测评方法

    Evaluation Signs and Methods of Urban Planning and Management Infor-mation System

  14. 城市规划管理信息系统动态构建方法研究

    A Study of Dynamic Structure of Urban Planning & Management System

  15. 开封市城市规划管理信息系统及其应用

    City Planning and Management Information System in Kaifeng and Its Application

  16. 烟台市规划管理信息系统的开发建设与组织实施

    Developing Construction and Organizing Implementation of Yantai Planning and Management Information System

  17. 北京市矿产资源规划管理信息系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Management Information System of Beijing Mineral Resourses Planning

  18. 浅谈土地利用规划管理信息系统的生命力提升

    Study on How to Promote The Vitality of Land-use Planning Management Information System

  19. 城市规划管理信息系统建设方案探讨

    Urban Planning Management Information System Construction Plan Discussion

  20. 标准农田规划管理信息系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of a High Quality Prime Farmland Planning and Management Information System

  21. 城市规划管理信息系统中的数据工程

    Data Project of Urban Planning Management Information System

  22. 中国城市规划管理信息系统研究综述及展望

    China 's Urban Planning Management Information Systems Research

  23. 基于多软件技术的城市规划管理信息系统总体设计

    An Overall Design of the Urban Planning Management Information System Based on Multi-software Technology

  24. 重庆市城镇体系规划管理信息系统建设研究

    Study on the Construction of Urban System Planning Management Information System for Chongqing City

  25. 该引擎已在武汉市国土规划管理信息系统和新疆石河子规划系统中得到应用。

    This engine has been applied in two management information systems in Wuhan and Xinjiang .

  26. 中小地域城市规划管理信息系统的构建&以烟台市为例

    An Construction Instance for Unban Planning Management System to Small City & Based on Yantai city

  27. 广东省小城市规划管理信息系统的研究

    A study on the urban planning and management information system of small cities in Guangdong Province

  28. 县级矿产资源规划管理信息系统的数据准备及数据库设计

    Data arranged of County - level Mineral Resources Program and Management System and its Design of Database

  29. 说明了兰州市地下管线规划管理信息系统的总体结构;

    The disign of the database and the overall structure of underground lines and their program management system are briefly introduced .

  30. 在理论部分,作为对论题研究不可缺少的基础性内容,首先对城市规划管理信息系统中所涉及的数据信息理论进行了比较深入的分析;

    From the theory part , the theory of data and information related to the urban planning information system is introduced first .