
tú xínɡ shū rù bǎn
  • tablet;graphics tablet
  1. 联机手写汉字识别(OLCCR),是指用笔在图形输入板上写字,人一边写,机器一边认,是一种方便的汉字识别手段。

    On-line handwritten Chinese character recognition ( OLCCR ) refers to that the computer can recognize Chinese characters while people are writing on a data tablet .

  2. 例如鼠标器、图形输入板。

    Example : A mouse , a tablet .

  3. 数字化图形输入板,数字化仪关于数字地质图空间数据库建库的几点建议

    Several Suggestions for Construction of Spatial Data of Digital Geological Diagram

  4. 个人电脑图形输入板是个人电脑图形输入板的微软的版本。

    The Tablet PC is Microsoft 's version of a tablet PC.

  5. 提供位置座标的一种输入设备。例如鼠标器、图形输入板。

    An input device that provides coordinates of a position . Example : A mouse , a tablet .

  6. 图形输入板:分度数的图板,操作员依照设计所需,在它上面用光笔把各设计单元作电子排放。

    Graphics tablet : Calibrated tablet on which , using light pen , an operator brings together components of a design and fixes them electronically in their correct positions according to the required layout .