
  • 网络Image search;Google Image Search;attackers
  1. 谷歌在中国的300多名工程师打造了该公司在全球各类特色服务的中国版本,包括整合搜索(UniversalSearch)、谷歌地图(GoogleMaps)、图片搜索以及语言工具等。

    Google 's more than 300 engineers in China built local versions of global features such as universal search , Google Maps , image search and language tools .

  2. 当你在图片搜索栏中输入“复活节兔子”(EasterBunny)并点击看起来最像复活节兔子的那张图片时,你都是在告诉人工智能,复活节兔子是长成什么样的。

    When you type " Easter Bunny " into the image search bar and then click on the most Easter Bunny-looking image , you are teaching the AI what an Easter bunny looks like .

  3. Goggles眼镜会告诉你天气状况,并支持图片搜索,通过语音控制技术实现视频聊天功能。

    The Goggles will tell you the weather and allow photo-based Web searching and video chats through voice-activated technology .

  4. GIPHY是一个在线动态GIF图片搜索引擎。最近,平台正在做一个GIPHY电影节,让电影制作人挑战一个18秒或更短的电影。

    GIPHY , the major GIF search engine , is throwing the very first GIPHY Film Fest for filmmakers up to the challenge of creating 18 seconds or less short films .

  5. Ginipic将图片搜索带到了一个新的高度。

    Ginipic takes image search to a whole new level .

  6. GazoPa是正在测试中的下一代相似图片搜索引擎。

    GazoPa is a next generation similar image search engine in private beta .

  7. 基于手机图片搜索引擎的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation for Image Search Engine Based on Mobile Phone

  8. 非常快,像是谷歌图片搜索

    Just really quickly , like Google for pictures .

  9. 免费的图片搜索引擎,其资源多来自于免费的照片和一些有特殊许可的照片。

    A search engine for free photos come from many sources and are license-specific .

  10. 用谷歌或者火狐浏览器的拓展程序,会使图片搜索更快。

    And to search by image even faster , use the Chrome or Firefox extension .

  11. 现在你可以搜索图片搜索引擎,照片共享网站或你自己的本地图片收藏。

    Now you can search image search engines , photo sharing websites or your own local picture collections simultaneously .

  12. 使用“相似图片搜索”功能搜索网络盗版漫画比搜索盗版动画困难。

    Use " similar image search " feature to search for online piracy , pirated cartoon animation than the search difficult .

  13. 在这种情况下,我们决定退休,在相关的图像,在网络上的多个文件引用的图片搜索信号。

    In this case , we decided to retire a signal in Image Search related to images that had references from multiple documents on the web .

  14. 使用图片搜索,就如同网络搜索,谷歌的目标是提供最佳和最相关的搜索结果给我们的用户。

    With image search , just as with web search , Googles goal is to provide the best and most relevant search results to our users .

  15. 本周二,谷歌发布了一系列搜索新功能,其中包括图片搜索和在台式机上使用语音搜索。

    On Tuesday , the company unveiled a slew of new search features , including the ability to search by images and input queries by voice on desktop computers .

  16. 退役的图片搜索的信号:随着网络的发展,我们经常重新审视,不再出现有显著的影响,我们在过去推出的信号。

    Retiring a signal in Image search : As the web evolves , we often revisit signals that we launched in the past that no longer appear to have a significant impact .

  17. 如果一篇1000字的文章有张插图,那用文章插图来搜索会很方便。现在,你可以通过图片搜索了。

    If a picture is worth 1000 words , when it be agreed , if you could use an image to start your search on Google , now you can with search by image .

  18. 该公司最近在其电视菜单上推出了JustForKids儿童专区,孩子们可以通过所喜爱人物的图片来搜索节目。

    The company recently sliced out a Just For Kids section on its menu that lets kids search by pictures of their favorite characters .

  19. 在阅读文章、加工拼音、理解图片、搜索目标上,与学优生、正常生相比差异显著。

    The reading comprehension and efficiency of the learning difficulty is poor and coherence also found in reading the text , letter processing , picture apprehension and target searching .

  20. 它允许用户通过图片进行搜索,利用深度学习(一种旨在模拟人类大脑运作方式的技术)找到相同或类似的商品。

    It allows users to search by image using deep learning , a technique designed to emulate the way a human brain works , to find a matching or similar item .

  21. 而E-mail营销、文字链广告、搜索引擎结果文字链、网络图片广告、搜索引擎结果登录、搜索引擎竞价排名等这些因特网资源作为最常用的方法也被企业所运用。

    However , such Internet resources as E - mail marketing , letter-chain ad. , letter-chain of search engine result , cyber-photo ad. , logging of search engine result and competing list of search engine are used by enterprises as the most common methods .

  22. 美国联邦调查局发言人肯•霍夫曼在接受西班牙《世界报》的采访时承认,该机构使用的是一张从“谷歌图片”上搜索到的利亚马萨雷斯的照片。

    FBI spokesman Ken Hoffman acknowledged to the Spanish newspaper El Mundo that the agency used a picture of Llamazares taken from Google Images .

  23. 搜索被标记的图片区域并在搜索结果中只显示图片的被选中部分。

    Search for tagged image regions and potentially display just the selected portion of the image in the search results .

  24. 而眼下对谷歌“地图”和谷歌“图片”这样的搜索界面,还未启用加密功能索,https://www.google.com搜索引擎上也没有这些未加密服务的链接。

    Searches on Google Maps and Image Search are not encrypted at this time and links to these unencrypted services won 't appear on the secure Google Search site .

  25. 还有诸如“性感皮卡丘”、“给我发些楚巴卡的图片”这样的搜索结果,某俄罗斯用户甚至关心野生和驯养的浣熊吃什么。

    Other results were ' sexy Pikachu ' , ' text me pictures of Chewbacca ' and someone in Russia who is worried about what 's eating wild and domestic raccoons .

  26. 首先,针对之前研究都以字符为刺激材料,而网页中的信息主要由字符和图片组成,因而需要研究对图片的搜索是否存在预览效应。

    Firstly , the existing researches do experiment with characters as stimuli , but web information is composed of characters and images , so we need to study whether the preview effect exist in searching information of image .

  27. Getty表示,公司已在三年前向谷歌提出其担忧,然而谷歌回复称Getty应该接受其新的图片展示方式,否则可以选择不参与图片搜索——这实质上等于在互联网上隐身。

    Getty said it had raised its concerns with Google three years ago but Google replied that Getty should accept its new presentation or opt out of image search , in effect becoming invisible on the web .