
  1. 加强高校图书馆员的计算机教育势在必行

    Strengthening the Education of Computer for Librarian in College is Imperative

  2. 试论21世纪医学图书馆员的继续教育

    On the continuing education of medical librarians in the 21st Century

  3. 学习型组织与图书馆员的继续教育

    The study organization in library and librarian 's continuing education

  4. 新世纪图书馆员的继续教育浅析

    Tbe Continuing Education of Library Personel in the New Century

  5. 新《规程》下北京市中小学图书馆员的继续教育

    Continuing Education of Librarians in Junior High School of Beijing

  6. 论信息时代高校图书馆员的继续教育问题

    Discussion on the Continuous Education of University Librarians in the Information Age

  7. 网络化趋势及图书馆员的继续教育

    Network Tendency and Professional Training For the librarians

  8. 法国图书馆员的培养教育

    Education for librarian in France

  9. 论图书馆员的继续教育

    On Continuing Education for Librarians

  10. 试论图书馆员的继续教育

    Continuous Education for Librarians

  11. 21世纪高校图书馆员的继续教育和素质培养是高校图书馆亟需解决的问题,对高校图书馆的建设和发展意义重大。

    The imperative questions of university library in the 21st century are continuing educations and raising quality of university librarian , and it 's significant to construct and develop university library .

  12. 加强地方社科院图书馆员的继续教育,是与时俱进,为发展地方社会科学研究服务的需要,因此,必须对地方社科图书馆员进行多形式、多层次的继续教育。

    Strengthening the librarian 's further education in local academy of social sciences is the demand to develop local social science studies advancing with the time . So the local librarian must further the multiform and multilevel education .

  13. 论网络时代中图书馆员的现代技术教育

    Modern technology education of Librarian in Network Era

  14. 论在知识服务体系中图书馆馆员的终身教育

    On Librarian Lifelong Education in Knowledge Service System

  15. 试论21世纪我国体育院校图书馆馆员的继续教育

    Continuing Education about Library Clerks of Physical Education Institute in China in the 21st Century

  16. 论学习型图书馆馆员的信息素质教育

    Education of Information Quality of Librarian in the Study - typed Library

  17. 试谈新环境下高校图书馆女馆员的继续教育

    Talking about the Continuous Education of University Women Librarians in New Situation

  18. 浅论图书馆馆员的素质再教育

    On Re-education of Quality for Librarians

  19. 论面向21世纪的期刊馆员当代高校图书馆期刊馆员的培训教育

    The On-Site Periodical Librarian in the 21st Century Training and education of librarians in department of periodicals in academic libraries

  20. 为了适应图书馆现代化发展的需求,应重视图书馆员的素质教育。

    In order to meet needs of modern development of library , the quality education of librarians should be paid attention to .

  21. 高校图书馆员在新时期接受继续教育具有现实的必要性,图书馆员在网络环境下存在的现状及信息技术的发展,必须加强图书馆员的继续教育,促进图书馆员素质的提高。

    Because of the actualities of the librarians and the development of information technology , it is necessary for them to receive further education and improve their own quality .