
  • 网络The Reference Librarian;subject librarian
  1. 现代信息技术条件下参考馆员的角色分析

    The Role of the Reference Librarian on the Condition of Modern Infromation Technology

  2. 参考馆员制度的建立与实施

    The Establishment and Performance of Reference Librarian System

  3. 图书馆应设立“前台参考馆员”

    The library should set up " the stage consult librarians "

  4. 论参考馆员制度与图书馆组织结构变革

    On reference assistance system and reform on the structure of traditional libraries

  5. 新世纪公共图书馆参考馆员结构刍议

    Discussion on Structure of Reference Liberians of Public Library in New Century

  6. 参考馆员、学科馆员与核心馆员刍议

    My tentative proposal to reference librarians , subject librarians and core librarians

  7. 学科馆员与参考馆员、信息经纪人比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Subject Librarians , Reference Librarians and Information Brokers

  8. 图书馆参考馆员制度的推广方式

    Extend Manner of Library " Reference Librarian " System

  9. 网络信息资源日益丰富,为事实型数据库的建立创造了良好条件.不到一年时间,通过参考馆员的搜集、整理工作,我馆信息参考数据库已快速完成基本框架的构建。

    Network information resources provide good conditions for creating the Fact Type Database .

  10. 对这个问题,您可以向参考馆员咨询。

    For this question , would you please consult the reference librarian over there .

  11. 二是要配备新型参考馆员,提高其业务技能和信息素质;

    New librarians should be employed to improve their business skill and information quality ;

  12. 论高校图书馆参考馆员的素质及其培养

    Comment on the Reference Assistants Quality and How to Foster Them in College Library

  13. 网络环境下参考馆员的素质

    Qualities of Reference Librarians under Network Environment

  14. 参考馆员的终身学习

    The Lifelong Study of Reference Librarian

  15. 从参考馆员到学科馆员&试论高等师范院校资料室图书馆馆员的角色转变

    From Reference Librarian to Subject Librarian & On Role-Change of Librarian in the Reference-room in Normal University

  16. 医学图书馆参考馆员的信息服务能力需求与素质培训初探

    A Preliminary Probe for the Requirement of Information Service Ability and the Quality Training of the Reference Librarians

  17. 参考馆员制与学科馆员制协调发展&论高校图书馆参考咨询服务体系的构建

    Harmonious Development of Reference Librarian System and Subject Librarian System & The Construction of Reference Service System in University Libraries

  18. 参考馆员需具备极强的学习能力,包括个人灵感知识及时管理、个人学习针对性管理等。

    Reference librarians must possess strong learning ability , that is timely individual inspiration knowledge management and particular individual learning management .

  19. 参考馆员制度是提高图书馆咨询服务能力,培养图书馆员成为知识导航员和咨询专家的重要措施。

    Reference librarian system is improve ability of library reference service and important measure that train Librarian become knowledge navigation and consultation expert .

  20. 信息时代参考馆员与学科馆员之比较从馆员到教师&试论高校图书馆员的角色转换

    Comparison between Reference Librarian and Subject Librarian in the Internet Age From Librarian to Teacher & The Change for the Role of Librarian in University Library

  21. 高校图书馆信息馆员随时代的发展经历了由传统的信息馆员向参考馆员、学科馆员的变迁。

    The information librarian of university library has been transformed from the traditional information librarian into the reference librarian and subject librarian along with the era development .

  22. 通过对咨询馆员、参考馆员和学科馆员的比较研究,明确这种角色转变是参考咨询工作发展的必然。

    With comparative study on consultation librarian , reference librarian and subject librarian , the paper defines that role changes of librarian is the development trends of reference services .

  23. 本文从馆藏建设、用户需求、服务模式以及参考馆员素质等方面,对复合图书馆的参考咨询服务问题进行了探讨。

    This paper preliminarily discusses hybrid reference service from several aspects including library collection construction , readers ' requirements features , reference service mode , as well as librarians ' required qualities .

  24. 文章对参考馆员、学科馆员与核心馆员的概念进行了辨析,进而论述了三者的关系及其对图书馆工作的作用。

    The author makes an analysis of the concepts of reference librarians , subject librarians and core librarians which are apt to be confusing , and expounds the functions and relationships among the three .

  25. 本文着重从三方面分析了现代图书馆参考馆员的美好前景:一、参考馆员将从配角转为主角;

    This article mainly analysis the good prospects of reference librarian in modern library in three aspects . The first is the reference librarians will transform from the minor role into the main role .

  26. 文章在分析传统图书馆的组织结构及参考馆员制度对传统图书馆冲击的基础上,对变革传统图书馆组织结构提出了新的思路。

    This paper analyzes the organizational structures of traditional library and the impact of reference assistance system on it . The author puts forward new thought on how to reform the structure of traditional library .

  27. 参考馆员应参与高职院校信息检索课教学参考馆员制与学科馆员制协调发展&论高校图书馆参考咨询服务体系的构建

    The Reference Librarians should Take Part in the Teaching of Information Retrieval Course in Higher Vocational College Harmonious Development of Reference Librarian System and Subject Librarian System & The Construction of Reference Service System in University Libraries

  28. 在图书馆职业资格证书制度已成为国内图书馆界热门话题之际,宜理清专业人员、参考馆员和学科馆员的联系与区别,讨论设置学科馆员的可能性与运作方式。

    When professional library qualification system remains a topical subject , the paper tells the connection and distinction of subject librarians with and from professional librarians and reference librarians and discusses the possibility of setting up the position of subject librarians in academic libraries .

  29. 试论复合图书馆参考咨询馆员知识结构&基于Brookes方程的探讨

    Preliminary Discussion on Knowledge Structure of Reference Librarians in Hybrid Libraries

  30. 浅谈数字环境下参考咨询馆员的素质培养

    Talking about the Quality Training of Advisory Liberians in Digital Environment