
  • 网络parametric amplifier;Opa
  1. 利用7045型光参量放大器,测量了非临界相位匹配波长随组分x的变化关系。

    Using a 704-5 type optical parametric amplifier , we measured the non-critical phase-matching wavelengths in several Gd xY 1-x COB crystals with different compositional parameter x.

  2. SIS结参量放大器的研究

    A study on SIS reflection parametric amplifier

  3. 简并参量放大器的Berry相:新的精确解

    Berry Phase of Degenerate Parametric Amplifier : A New Precies Solution

  4. 压缩态光场的实验研究以及相位敏感光学参量放大器中类EIT现象的实现

    Investigation on Squeezing Light and Observation of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency-like Effect in Phase-sensitive Optical Parametric Amplifier

  5. 介绍和论述了一种非常有实用前景的基于光纤非线性效应的光参量放大器(OPA)及其最新技术进展。

    A very promising optical amplifier , fiber optical parametric amplifier ( OPA ), is introduced and dissertated in this paper .

  6. 近年来,由于光参量放大器(OPA)能实现高增益,低噪声及大带宽的信号放大而备受关注。

    For the past decades , the Optical Parametric Amplifier ( OPA ) has attracted worldwide attention because of the potential for achieving high gain , low noise and large bandwidth .

  7. 阐述了基于光子晶体光纤(PCF)的光纤参量放大器(FOPA)的工作原理,对FOPA所需的PCF特性进行了讨论和设计。

    The operating principle is analysed for optical parametric amplifiers based on photonic crystal fiber ( PCF ) . The properties of photonic crystal fiber needed for optical parametric amplifier are discussed and designed .

  8. 连续变量纠缠可以利用单模压缩态在分束器上耦合实现,也可由一个Ⅱ类匹配非线性晶体组成的非简并光学参量放大器(NOPA)直接产生。

    CV entanglement can be accomplished by coupling squeezed states on a beam splitter , also can be directly generated from an non-degenerate optical parametric amplifier ( NOPA ) .

  9. 依据非线性增益介质的不同,我们可以将OPA分为两类,即光纤参量放大器(FOPA)和硅基参量放大器(SOPA)。

    According to the different nonlinear medium , the OPA can be divided into two categories , namely , Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifier ( FOPA ) and Silicon Optical Parametric Amplifier ( SOPA ), which are all based on the nonlinear effects in the medium .

  10. 三波混频光参量放大器中带宽的研究

    Study on the Bandwidth of Three-wave Mixing Optical Parametric Amplifiers

  11. 最佳噪声非简并式参量放大器的综合

    Synthesis of Nondegenerative Parametric Amplifiers Based on Optimum Noise Performance

  12. 高性能光纤参量放大器的设计与应用

    Design and Application of High Performance Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifier

  13. 相位调制对双泵浦光参量放大器增益的影响

    Effect of Phase Modulation on the Gain of Dual-Pump Fiber-Optic Parametric Amplifiers

  14. 光纤参量放大器带宽特性的理论研究

    Theoretically Study on the Bandwidth of Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifier

  15. 周期色散补偿光纤参量放大器平坦性的研究

    Research on the gain flatness of fiber-optic parametric amplifier with periodic dispersion compensation

  16. 从场结构看参量放大器设计

    Design of a Parametric Amplifier from the Field Structure

  17. 集成参量放大器的新型结构设计

    A new configurational design of IC parameter amplifier

  18. 输出13.5fs激光脉冲的非共线式光参量放大器

    Generation of the visible 13.5 fs laser pulses by noncollinearly phase-matched optical parametric amplification

  19. 负电阻器件可以用作参量放大器、振荡器、低功耗的存贮器等。

    NDR devices can be used for amplifiers , oscillators and low power memories .

  20. 带有周期色散补偿的双泵浦光纤参量放大器

    Dual-Pump Fiber-optic Parametric Amplifier with Periodic Dispersion Compensation

  21. 光纤光参量放大器及其应用

    Fiber-based Optical Parametric Amplifiers and Their Applications

  22. 推导出耗散系统下的简并参量放大器中的主方程。

    We obtain the master equation of degenerate optical parametric amplifier in the dissipative systems .

  23. 以增益表达式为基础,详细分析了在典型参数下光纤光学参量放大器的性能。

    Based on the formulae of gain , performances of FOPAs are analyzed in detail .

  24. 光纤参量放大器技术及其最新进展

    Recent Advances of Optical Fiber Amplifier Technology

  25. 参量放大器相位特性研究

    Study on Phase Characteristic of Parametric Amplifiers

  26. 而快空间电荷波则可用于低噪声参量放大器的设计。

    And the fast space charge wave can be used for low-noise parametric amplifier design .

  27. 本文提出根据电磁场结构来设计参量放大器(以下简称参放)的想法。

    This paper gives the idea of designing the parametric amplifier from electro-magnetic field structure .

  28. 文中给出了变容二极管行波式参量放大器的分析;

    A detailed analysis on the travelling wave type semiconductor diode parametric amplifier is also given .

  29. 重点介绍基于光纤参量放大器实现全光波长变换的进展和工作原理。

    The development and principle of all optical wavelength conversion are summarized based on optical parametric amplifier .

  30. 非简并电子束参量放大器

    Nondegenerate electron beam parametric amplifier