
cān bǐ róng yè
  • reference solution
参比溶液[cān bǐ róng yè]
  1. 如果溶液的颜色不比水或溶剂或参比溶液B9深,那么溶液是无色的。

    A solution is colourless if it has the appearance of water R or the solvent or is not more intensely coloured than reference solution B9 .

  2. 由于SiC中的总硅量高达70%左右,所以用500μg/100ml的标准SiO2溶液作为参比溶液,以硅钼蓝示差分光光度法测定SiC超细粉末中的总硅量。

    Because the total silicon content in SiC amounts is about to 70 % , We have taken a standard solution containing SiO2500 μ / 100ml as a reference solution to determine the total Si content in SiC by differential spectrophotometry of silicon - molybdenum blue .

  3. 方法II,使用标准溶液制备参比溶液,临配临用。

    For Method II , prepare the reference solutions immediately before use from the standard solutions .

  4. 讨论了荧光参比溶液的最佳选择原则。

    The optimum selective rules of fluorimetric reference solutions are also discussed .

  5. 络合滴定中使用参比溶液的有关向题

    Use of reference solution in Complexometric Titration

  6. 镍作参比电极在氢氧化钾溶液中的电极电势稳定。

    Pure nickel silk with steady potential in KOH solution could be used as reference electrode .

  7. 结果表明:该分析系统具有灵敏度高、免标记等优点,且阵列芯片中所设置的参比单元可以消除溶液本体折射率和温度变化的影响,提高了测量精度和准确性;

    The results show that with the reference cell in the micro-arrays , noises induced by the bulk refractive index and fluctuation of ambient temperature can be eliminated , which can improve the sensitivity of the instrument .