
  • 网络reference star
  1. 另一方面,如果你选择了使用USNO-B1.0星表,由于其没有在媒体上发布,所以软件可以自动连接互联网并下载参考星数据。

    The USNO-B1.0 , on the other hand , is not distributed on some media , so Astrometrica will automatically connect trough the Internet to download the reference star data if you select this catalogue .

  2. 该方法不使用参考星数据,从几幅含噪光斑帧里对扩展目标进行重建。

    This method can reconstruct extended objects from several noised speckle frames without reference star data .

  3. 当NPM星过少时,可在局部天区内把PPM星表的自行改正到NPM系统,然后用PPM星补充作为参考星,同样可以得到很好的结果。

    Furthermore , the excellent measurement can also be obtained based on a reference frame supplemented with some PPM stars which proper motions have been trans-formed to NPM system in the local region of sky .

  4. 最亮星等极限:参考星的最亮的星等。

    Upper Limit : The upper limit for the magnitude of reference stars .

  5. 人造参考星系统设计

    Design of artificial reference star system

  6. 本标签栏用来设置有关目标检测,参考星匹配以及天文数据归算的有关参数。

    This tab sets the parameters for the object detection , reference star matching , and data reduction .

  7. 本选项将用来指定用以进行天文数据归算的参考星对应星表。

    This section is used to select the source of the reference stars used during the data reduction process .

  8. 天文测量误差极限:参考星位置对应的最大误差,用角秒表示。

    Astrometric Limit : The maximum residual in the place of a reference star , specified in arc seconds .

  9. 在这里,你可以设置一个有关参考星的天文测量和光度测量的误差值。

    In this section , you can set a limit to the astrometric and photometric residuals of the reference stars .

  10. 任何一个参考星的赤经或赤纬偏差超过这个值将被拒绝进行天文测量处理。

    Any reference star that if found to show larger residual in either Right Ascension or Declination will be rejected from the astrometric solution .

  11. 参考星:已知位置和/或星等的恒星,用于确定图片的底片常数和光度校准。

    Reference Stars : Star with known position and / or magnitude , that are used to find the plate constants and photometric calibration of an image .

  12. 而且,值得注意的是,要使用高次拟合,你必须有足够多的参考星可以获得才有意义。

    Furthermore , note that a reliable determination of higher orders in the plate constants is only possible if there are many dozens of reference stars available for the solution .

  13. 如果你将这个值设为0,软件将不对参考星自动检测,操作者需要手动对其进行匹配。

    If you can set the number of stars to0 , the software will not attempt to match the reference stars automatically , but rather asks the operator to match the stars manually .

  14. 在天文上,本术语指的是观测的参考星的位置(或星等)与星表上的该星的位置(或星等)的差值。

    In Astrometry , the term is applied to the difference between the observed position ( or magnitude ) of a reference star and the position ( or magnitude ) listed in the star catalog .

  15. 这样除了位于光轴中心所跟踪的星能成点像外,处于视场中的其他参考星所成的像就是绕光轴中心的弧线。

    And the image of the other reference stars in the field of view is an arc around the optical axis center besides the tracked star being located at the optical axis center becomes a point-like image .

  16. 地平式望远镜在跟踪观测对象的过程中,会引起物像空间的旋转,即处在同一个视场中和所跟踪的星相距一定角距离的其他参考星会围绕视轴中心旋转。

    There is object-image field rotation phenomena during an Alt-azimuth telescope tracking an object , namely , in the same field , other reference stars which deviates the tracked star with a certain angle rotate around the field center .

  17. 本文介绍一种确定光学系统参数的新方法,包括通过参考比较已有星敏感器及其光学系统特性来选取新光学系统焦距、相对孔径和视场;

    This paper describes a new method to select these parameters , including to determine the focus length , relative aperture and Field of View of new optical system in design by means of making reference to previous star sensors and their optical systems ;

  18. 该榜单也参考了《潮流星报》、美国唱片工业协会以及尼尔森唱片市场调查公司的数据。

    It also looked at data from the Pollstar , the Recording Industry Association of America and tracking firm Nielsen SoundScan .