
  • 网络parameter space
  1. 提出了参量空间法,在给定工艺材料参量和多模波导宽度情况下,通过匹配各结构参量,制出均匀性好、附加损耗低的弱导波导多模干涉耦合器件。

    For given material parameters and width of inference section , a parameter space method is proposed to achieve a MMI splitter with good uniformity and low loss .

  2. 通过检测在变换后参量空间的积累程度,可以识别处于匀速运动的目标。

    Constant velocity targets are detected by accumulating data in the Hough parameter space .

  3. 尺度分布的Getis统计对遥感图像特征参量空间自相关性的研究

    Spatial Auto-correlation of Characteristic Parameters in Remotely Sensing Image Using Optimal Multi-Scale Getis Statistic

  4. 导弹阵地目标威胁等级的量化,通过定义目标类型空间、参量空间及其矩阵,建立未确知测度模型。

    Quantizing method for grade of target threat for missile position , target type space , quantizing parameters space and its matrix were defined , and the unascertained measurement model was constructed .

  5. 采用MonteCarlo方法,研究了生物组织的二阶和三阶光学参量对空间分辨漫反射率R(ρ)的影响。

    Influences of the second-order and third-order parameters of biological tissue on the spatially resolved diffuse reflectance are studied with Monte Carlo simulation .

  6. 生物组织中高阶光学参量对空间分辨漫反射的影响

    Influence of the High-order Parameters on Tissue Spatially Resolved Reflectance

  7. 通过极化率张量的定义用数值方法模拟得到了相分离体系的小角光散射图样,结果表明,散射强度分布具有方位角依赖性,它是由浓度、取向序参量的空间变化共同决定的。

    The small angle light scattering patterns are numerically reproduced by means of the optical Fourier transformation of spatial variation of the polarizability tensor a ij , and the azimuthal dependence of the scattering intensity distribution is interpreted .

  8. 流体力学模型可以求解出各个粒子宏观参量的空间分布,包括密度、温度等,并且根据不同的应用需求,可以建立一维、二维和三维的流体力学模型。

    The fluid dynamic model can give us the macro-parameters of plasmas include density , temperature and so on . Depending on the application needs , one can create a one-dimensional , two-dimensional or three-dimensional fluid dynamic model .

  9. 在三维电极内部,存在着两维电极所没有的、耦联的超电势和浓度等动力学参量的空间分布,反应表面电荷转移过程与空隙中传质过程的耦联,是三维电极的主要特征。

    There is space distribution of kinetics parameters or couple overpotential and concentration in three-dimensions electrode , whereas there is no in two-dimensions electrode . The main characteristic of three-dimensions electrode is that surface charge transfer and mass transport in interspace are coupled .

  10. 对飞秒光参量振荡器的空间啁啾和角色散进行了理论计算和分析。

    In this paper the spatial chirp and the angular dispersion for femtosecond optical parametric oscillation ( OPO ) are calculated theoretically and analysed .

  11. 序参量守恒系统中空间相关的界面生长

    Growth of interface with a law and spatial correlations in a conservational system

  12. 利用得到的斯托克斯参量组成的子空间来引入布卡尔球。

    The Poincare sphere is introduced by using the Stokes son space that consists of Stokes parameter .

  13. 用重整化群方法分析了序参量守恒系统在空间关联下的界面生长行为。

    The growth behavious of interfaces in order parametes-conservation system with spatial correlation are analysed by using renormalization-group method .

  14. 研究结果表明,光阑衍射部分偏振高斯-谢尔模型光束的远场特性与光阑截断参量、光的空间相干性和衍射角有关。

    It is shown that the far-field behavior of diffracted partially polarized Gaussian Schell-model beams depends on the truncation parameter , spatial coherence parameters and diffraction angle .

  15. 以在相对固定空间任意旋转、缩放三维模型为例,讨论了如何将其二维参量转换为三维空间的数据,并将这些数据应用到三维模型之上,使之产生期望中的变化。

    With the example of 3D model that rotates and zooms freely in a relatively fixed space , the paper discusses how to transform 2D parameters to 3D space data and how to use these data to 3D model to generate the expected change .

  16. 分割所用参量多为平均值或单一值,对该参量在其色彩空间的分布情况讨论较少,分析参量在色彩空间的分布规律将对皮肤病变的分析产生更深刻的影响。

    The parameter used for segmentation is mostly average or single , and little is discussed about the distribution of this parameter in color space .

  17. 为了减少各种干扰对电参量测量结果的影响,有必要运用数理统计知识对电参量测量样本空间进行滤波处理。

    To reduce the influence of various kinds of interference on the measuring results of electrical parameters , it is essential to make filtering for the measuring data of electrical parameters using statistics knowledge .