
  • 网络heterogeneous deformation;inhomogeneous deformation
  1. Nd基大块金属玻璃样品在室温下是脆性断裂,大约在500K时变形模式从非均匀变形转变为均匀变形,在523K以上表现出显著的塑性变形。

    The alloy is extremely brittle at room temperature and no plastic deformation . The deformation mode changes from inhomogeneous deformation to homogeneous deformation around 500 K.

  2. 冰川非均匀变形研究&人工冰洞研究之三

    Study of the Inhomogeneous Deformation in a Glacier & Investigation on the Artificial Tunnel , Part ⅲ

  3. 采用宏观HILL模型和晶体塑性模型对面心立方单晶(FCC)材料的非均匀变形进行了数值模拟,意在比较两种不同尺度的模型对塑性各向异性的描述能力的差异。

    An inhomogenous deformation process is analyzed by application of a macroscopic Hill model and crystal plasticity . The purpose of present work is to give a comparative study of the different description ability of these two different scale models on plastic anisotropy .

  4. 先进塑性加工技术发展中的非均匀变形效应

    Effect of unequal deformation in development of advanced plastic processing technologies

  5. 拼焊板方盒件拉深非均匀变形的计算机模拟研究

    Computer simulation on the non-uniform deformation of deep drawn tailor-welded square boxes

  6. 路基边坡的非均匀变形分析

    Analysis on the Irregular Deformation of Some Subgrade Slope

  7. 通过调节不同位置的变形范围和变形幅值可以实现非均匀变形。

    Meanwhile , a non-uniform deformation technique is introduced by controlling the extension and the magnitude of deformation .

  8. 本文力求从实际变形出发,认为辊缝内带钢沿厚度方向为非均匀变形,并且用变分方法导出了位移函数,同时给出了临界压下力,递送力的计算方法。

    This paper presents the displacement functions by means of variational principle and the calculating method of the critical pressure on the basis of non-uniform deformation along thickness .

  9. 微小悬壁梁屈服强度的升高来源于小尺度材料在非均匀变形下引起的应变梯度贡献的增加;

    The increase in the yield strength of the thinner microbeam is attributed to the increase in the strain gradient contribution due to inhomogeneous deformation of the small dimensional material .

  10. 结果表明,伽师强震群的成因很可能是塔里木盆地北缘横向非均匀变形造成的局部张性剪切应变能的释放。

    From our results we propose that the Jiashi earthquake sequence is caused probably due to the release of the localized tensile strain-energy by lateral inhomogeneous deformation at the north edge of the Tarim basin .

  11. 非均匀锈蚀变形钢筋粘结性能试验研究

    Experimental study on bond properties of non-uniformly Corroded Deformed Bar in concrete

  12. 当指向矢发生旋转时,液晶高弹体内会形成不对称的微结构,通过非均匀的变形来降低宏观变形过程中的能量。

    When the director rotation happens , the liquid crystal elastomers will form internal unsymmetrical micro-structures in order to reduce the overall energy in the macroscopic deformation .

  13. 通过对基于非均匀压缩变形的板带面内弯曲过程基础研究,探索了非均匀塑性变形在先进塑性加工技术发展中的效应。

    An effect of unequal deformation in development of advanced plastic processing technologies is searched by studying an in-plane bending process of strip metal under unequal compressing .

  14. 对于复杂的大型平板类冲压件,由于非均匀局部变形,会出现严重的翘曲回弹现象,影响到产品的外观和质量。

    For large complex flat stamped parts , due to non-uniform local deformation , distortional springback phenomenon is a big problem , affecting the quality and appearance of the product .

  15. 单轴拉伸条件下细观非均匀性岩石变形局部化分析及其应力-应变全过程研究

    Analyses on strain localization and complete stress-strain relation of mesoscopic heterogenous rock under uniaxial tension

  16. 双向压缩条件下非均匀断层标本变形过程中的声发射活动特征

    Spatial and temporal characteristics of acoustic emission activity during deformation of rock samples with inhomogeneous fault under biaxial compression

  17. 越来越多的实验证实当非均匀塑性变形的特征长度在微米量级时材料呈现出很强的尺寸效应。

    There is mounting experimental evidence that materials display strong size effects when the characteristic length scale associated with non-uniform plastic deformation is on the order of microns .

  18. 非均匀塑性变形问题,是塑性加工过程中客观存在的普遍现象,己成为精确塑性成形加工技术乃至整个先进塑性加工技术发展中迫切需要解决的共性关键基础性问题。

    Unequal plastic deformation , a universal and objective reality in plastic forming processes , has become one of the key problems urgently to be solved in the research and development of precision and even the whole of advanced plastic processing technologies .

  19. 自转微椭、非均匀地球的潮汐变形

    Tidal deformation of a self-rotating , elliptical , heterogeneous earth

  20. 非均匀地应力下套管变形和整形复位分析

    Mechanics Analysis of Casing Deformation Under Non-uniform In-situ Stress and Its Repair

  21. 加环肋及纵肋非均匀圆柱壳轴对称变形的迁移矩阵法

    Transfer matrix method for axisymmetrical of Ring-and stringer - stiffened nonuniform cylindrical shell

  22. 非均匀流场在喷气变形加工中的作用

    Function of Non-Uniform Flow in Air Jet Texturing Process

  23. 研究了中低围压条件下细观非均匀性岩石的变形局部化问题和全过程应力应变关系。

    Study on the complete stress-strain relation for mesoscopic heterogenous rock under triaxial compression with moderate or low lateral compressive stress ;

  24. 本文介绍了同步卫星天线反射器在真空非均匀温度场的变形试验技术及其测量结果。

    This paper describes the test technology about distortions and the measurement results of antenna reflector of synchronous satellite under nonuniform temperature field in vacuum .

  25. 煤岩体的电磁辐射是由于非均质煤岩体在应力作用下非均匀变速变形及裂纹形成与扩展过程中,内部电荷的迁移而产生。

    EME occurred when inhomogeneous coal or rock is loaded at uneven speed with the moving of internal electrical charges during the development of cracks .

  26. 在轧制变形区内观察到了大量剪切带,表明非晶合金在轧制过程中发生了非均匀塑性变形。

    A large number of shear bands are observed in the rolling deformation zones , indicating that the inhomogeneous plastic deformation occurs in the BMG during rolling .