
  1. 当α为复数(非实数)时,无穷多值分布在对数螺线上。

    If α is a complex number ( non-real number ), the values are distributed on a logarithmic spiral .

  2. 给出了一种新的H∞控制器设计方法,通过引入设计时可选的非奇异实数阵,取消了控制器设计时对D矩阵的秩限制。

    A new method for designing H-infinity controllers is given .

  3. 非负实数矩阵元素的一条运算性质与一类不等式的证明

    On a Operation Property of Non-negative Real Matrixes and the Proof of A Class of Inequalities

  4. 元素全是非正实数的矩阵A称为负矩阵。

    A negative matrix refers to the matrix in which all the elements are either negative or zero .

  5. 尽管猜想这些指数“似乎”都是非正实数,但对指数范围的实情并不明确。

    But the range of exponential values is still not clear although it seems that all exponents are nonpositive real numbers .

  6. 区间中的每一对点之间的距离都有一个非负实数与之对应且满足三角不等式。

    A set of points such that for every pair of points there is a nonnegative real number called their distance that is symmetric and satisfies the triangle inequality .

  7. 同时,采用非负实数集作为时间域还使我们可以利用标准的存在量词来表示变量隐藏,并可用逻辑蕴涵来表示反应系统间的求精关系。

    In addition , the use of non-negative real numbers as time domain enables us to express hiding of variables as standard existential quantification and express the relation of refinement between reactive systems as implications between logic formulas .

  8. 该新型ART-2/2A算法的输入域由原来的非负实数域扩大到整个实数域,并且能够正确区分标准ART-2/2A算法不可区分的同相位数据。

    Thereby a new non linear transfer function and competitive learning algorithm are presented to expand the input domain of the ART 2 / 2 A algorithm from nonnegative real number field to the whole real number field .

  9. 说明了对于带约束的桁架结构优化采用非一致变异策略实数编码方法更加有效、方便。

    It also shows that the float coding is effective and convenient for truss structural design .