
  • 【物】weight function
  1. 另一方面,权函数的选择一直是H∞控制器的设计难点。

    On the other hand , Choice of weight function is a difficult problem of H ∞ controller design .

  2. 研究了时延估计算法在被动声测定位中的应用,提出了一种改进的基于最大似然(ML)权函数的广义互相关时延估计算法。

    The application of time delay estimation in passive acoustic detection and location was studied .

  3. 权函数为1的Gauss型求积公式的渐近展开

    The Asymptotic Expansion of Gauss-Legendre Integration with Weight Function Equal to One

  4. 并结合扰动抑制问题,指出应该是一种有约束的H∞设计,给出了鲁棒扰动抑制问题中离散化H∞设计的权函数计算方法。

    The determination of weighting functions of the discretization H_ ∞ design for the robust disturbance attenuation problem is discussed in detail .

  5. 讨论了精馏塔非脆弱鲁棒控制不确定性权函数和性能权函数的选择,求解了H∞非脆弱鲁棒PI控制器。

    The selections of the weighting functions are discussed and the H ∞ non-fragile robust PI controllers are solved .

  6. PA样本回归权函数估计的一致渐近正态性

    THE BOND WAVE FUNCTION Uniformly Asymptotic Normality of the Regression Weighted Estimator for Positively Associated Samples

  7. 文中讨论了权函数的选择,求解了μ综合鲁棒PI控制器。

    The selections of weighting functions are discussed , and the PI controller of μ synthesis is solved .

  8. 本文给出了基于线性矩阵不等式法的H∞控制器的具体推导过程以及设计方法,同时给出了一般权函数的选取原则。

    This article give the detailed derivation and design method of LMI-based H_ ∞ control , and also give the principle of select weight function .

  9. 在PA样本下,讨论非参数回归模型中权函数估计的强相合性及强一致相合性。

    The strong consistency of the nonparametric regression weighted function estimator for positive associated samples is discussed .

  10. 无网格Galerkin方法中权函数的研究

    A study of weight function in element-free Galerkin method

  11. 通过指定权函数的形式,两个模型对应的最优化问题能够映射成带权的集合覆盖问题,采用贪婪策略能够得到近似比不超过lnn+1的近似算法,其中n是被监测节点的数目。

    A greedy algorithm could be used to solve these problems with an approximation ratio ln n + 1 , where n is the number of monitored nodes .

  12. 基于MARC的复合型裂纹热权函数法与程序系统研究

    Research on Thermal Weight Function Method and Program for Mixed-Mode Crack Based on MARC

  13. 为此提出了一种基于归一化LMS的约束权函数算法,该算法兼有变步长LMS和约束权函数的优点。

    This new arithmetic has both the advantages of changeable step LMS and constraint weight function .

  14. Marc软件的联合建模.Marc软件的计算环境和用户子程序接口,本文对热权函数法在MSC。

    Marc was studied , combining with the computation environment and user subroutines in MSC .

  15. 基于Sigmoid权函数的分段色彩匹配模型

    A stepwise color matching model based on sigmoid function

  16. 当放大系数增大时,不管是哪一种权函数,无单元伽辽金方法CPU时间均有大幅度增加。

    When the scaling parameter increases , no matter what kind of weight function , the CPU time has increased substantially . 3 .

  17. 用拟Shannon尺度函数作为权函数构造了两点边值问题的小波配置法,空间导数采用拟小波数值格式离散。

    A quasi Shannon wavelet collocation method for two point boundary value problems was constructed .

  18. 本文介绍了传统PID控制、带非均匀隶属函数的模糊控制、带智能权函数的模糊控制三种控制方法。

    The traditional PID control method , the fuzzy control method with unequable Membership Function and fuzzy control with intelligent weight function are introduced in the paper .

  19. 其次通过将回归系数和方差权函数随机化方法分别讨论了非线性随机系数模型、随机权函数模型的异方差检验,得到了score检验统计量;

    Secondly , we respectively detect the tests for heteroscedasticity in nonlinear models through randomized regression coefficients and variance weight functions , and two score test statistics are obtained .

  20. 通过估算权函数,建立一个含参量的具有最佳常数因子的Hilbert型积分不等式。

    By estimating the weight function , a Hilbert-type integral inequality with a parameter and a best constant factor is built .

  21. 求解三维裂纹前缘SIF分布时间历程的通用权函数法和有限变分法

    General Weight Function and Finite Variation for Determination SIF Distribution History Along 3-D Crack Fronts

  22. 详细阐述了μ设计权函数的选取方法,建立了AMD系统的综合设计模型;

    Method of selecting weighting functions for μ synthesis is described and system model of the AMD is formed .

  23. Sobolev类带权函数的基于给定信息的最佳求积公式

    Best quadrature formulas based on the given information with a weight function for Sobolev class

  24. 给出了r阶Sobolev类KWr[a,b]带权函数的基于给定信息的最佳求积公式和它的误差估计式。

    The best quadrature formula and its errors based on the given information with a weight function for Sobolev class KW ~ r are given .

  25. 半权函数与裂纹体的几何尺寸无关,对边界条件没有要求。由功的互等定理得到应力强度因子KⅠ和KⅡ的积分形式表达式。

    Integral expression of fracture parameters , K I and K II , are obtained from reciprocal work theorem with semi-weight functions and approximate displacement and stress values on any integral path around crack tip .

  26. 可以发现,在弱收敛意义下,给权函数μ(x)以好的而非平凡的乘积因子,1级相关函数R1n2(x)的极限行为不受干扰。

    The authors find that in weak sense , the limit behavior of R ~ 1_ ( n2 )( x ) is not disturbed by appending a good nontrivial multiplicative factor to μ( x ) .

  27. 第二部分考虑的是具有加权局部化源的非线性抛物型方程,得到了与权函数a(x)有关的blow-up速率下界估计。

    Secondly , we concern a nonlinear parabolic equation with a weighted localized source , where the blow-up rate estimates obtained do depend on the weight function .

  28. 结构控制二次型目标权函数及Riccati方程解法

    The Solution of Weight Function of the Objective Function with Quadratic Form and Reduction of Orders of Riccati Equation in Structural Control

  29. 在拟合与光顺船体型线的研究中,论文主要完成了以下几个方面的工作:(1)研究了BP神经网络和样条权函数神经网络的基本理论,分析了两种算法及其优缺点。

    In the research of fitting and fairing hull lines , we have done the following works : ( 1 ) Study the basic theories of BP neural network and neural network of the SWF .

  30. 用H∞控制理论,对具有这种复合控制的自动驾驶仪进行了设计,通过权函数的合理选择,可以控制空气舵和反作用射流发动机的混合工作方式,同时具有满意的鲁棒稳定性能。

    The use of H ∞ control theory was demonstrated to design the longitudinal autopilot for a missile under such blended control . A suitable blended mode and satisfactory robust performances can be gained by appreciate weights .